if i have to craft sec or mfc to keep the energy field on, i will keep all my stuff in tents, if people can track my tents i will use 10-20 alts and keep stuff inside them, to be honest who is gonna waste time dig some minerals craft ammo with cooldowns just to keep some energy field on ? sneak supposed to be removed, Solar asked very important question about magic, so do i.
Most importat is entertaining element.
1) you can be very easily tent robbed, tents are not so safe. one of our member bring tent thief from NCR to our base near Redding, he had 2 encounters!!! (he watched tv, and played only with one eye)
2) Of course you will place your best stuff into the amory. If you follow security rules (immediately close members-only doors),.. you can sleep safely. But this will be great chalenge for thief role play. Not stupid "use steal skill in mine", or "tag leving player in NCR". Real challenge.
3) If you will need to craft in the are outside the main building, you will not always bring the whole stuff inside, again and again.
4) Look at your base, it is full of stuff. Dont tell me, that you will find that someone stole 10 BA from you.. There is not unlimited place in the armory (lvl 3 security area), and in the main city (lvl 2 security area). So you can use lvl 1 security are, use i.e. lock on crates to more protect it.
5) The amount of needed MFC and SEC (or other res. needed to maintain) is only need to balance. If you are enough big gang, you will not have problem with maintaning. If you are only small gang, you dont need to go to the lvl1 security area too often.
Considering how many gang names and bases possible to have I would say that the entire FOnlinemap would have to be stretch out big time to make up or space... But other than that I think this is great idea but the first base e.g. Cave is a "Hideout" its supposed to be undetectable so I say let cave be invisible on worldmap and let the rest visible.
Great idea, But these bases should cost 1.000.000 caps atleast. This way and with a hopefully balanced economy there shouldnt be many of them on the worldmap.
1M of caps is too many.
1) if you will able to upgrade your base, you will not have reason to abandon it
2) if abandoned bases will disaper after some time (you need to use computer in TLA base to open doors, so 14 days withtout using computer = erase)
3) there could be button for turning on or off on world map
4) if you will be able to place base on approximately place you want, you will eliminate a big number of non wanted bases