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Author Topic: TLA base  (Read 11150 times)


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Re: TLA base
« Reply #60 on: August 27, 2010, 12:18:16 pm »

I need to agree with Surf Solar... those bases would be another pvp areas, which we dont need...ok if someone would guard it properly, well yeah it could turn up to something good

You dont have anything more in such base than you have in a town.

 It is absurt. On this server, this community PvP idea evolved in vulgar word. Because how else you can translate sentence: we dont need another pvp arenas.

 Of course we need new PvP arenas, even if you disable TC, we already know every city and we have that combat experience => something new is always welcomed.

 Because of this, every PvP gang is alreasy on TLA now and 2238 is server for weird players (no offense, but the expiration date of 2238 entertaiment have already passed).

 Also i wrote a huge list of ideas, why the visible bases could be a reason why to more often visit cities, not only NCR and PvP north cities.

 The idea that you will all day attack other bases is wrong: if you will have gate field on (or some very same but no hi-tech system), nobody can attack you. there should exist reasons why from time to time open main gate and sneaker agents will have their opportunity.

 well, or you forget this idea, every month you can add new base names, and hope that people will stay more often in other cities than NCR and do something there. what kind of behaviour except pk and buy stuff? we will see. maybe gay mariage, or ground painting


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Re: TLA base
« Reply #61 on: August 27, 2010, 12:35:55 pm »

 Of course we need new PvP arenas

Sure we need new zones for new fights for new fun


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Re: TLA base
« Reply #62 on: August 27, 2010, 12:46:11 pm »

those bases would be another pvp areas, which we dont need...

Another PvP grounds are exactly what we need.


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Re: TLA base
« Reply #63 on: August 27, 2010, 12:49:20 pm »

Guard unguarded cities for what time ? 1 hour 10 minutes ? or maybe 10 seconds till psycho bgs come and kick all asses in twon :J.
Thats delicous.


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Re: TLA base
« Reply #64 on: August 27, 2010, 01:10:14 pm »

 Solar, i know about NPC driven factions. So why not implement idea, that if you will need some upgrade or mainainance component, you will have to deal with those NPC factions.

 I dont want to be pesimistic, but i think that NPC factions will slowly die (the number of active players), because we play fonline to feel free, not to follow orders of some no-lifer nerd who will be n.1 in the plaeyer driven factions (Enclave, Brotherhood) in the faction rank system.

 But maybe i am wrong and creation of connection between already grouped playres = current gangs,  and we just dont need/how to group players is way how to dont kill your implementing idea at the start. (remember Izuals NCR army => the real reason why they did not succeed is because they did not create relationship with regular or even gang players).

 As i wrote before, forget to create something new in current economy system and focus on gang, even NPCs you want to introduce, economy. And existence of similar base is very neccesary for this.
Re: TLA base
« Reply #65 on: August 27, 2010, 01:33:06 pm »

So Surf. PvP must be forbidden and your "RP" must be everywhere. Sorry, but right now, there is no space for RP. Only few players trying it.
I told you before, i want some RP posibilities too, but right now, game is almost for PvP so i play PvP.
So why you must for every price destroying this idea ?
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Re: TLA base
« Reply #66 on: August 27, 2010, 01:45:29 pm »

So Surf. PvP must be forbidden and your "RP" must be everywhere. Sorry, but right now, there is no space for RP. Only few players trying it.
I told you before, i want some RP posibilities too, but right now, game is almost for PvP so i play PvP.
So why you must for every price destroying this idea ?

 I think that developers will realize that this new base concept wont hurt their NPC driven factions, it could be another element, that could boost every existing gameplay possibilities: PvP, PvE, roleplaying, connection among player driver factions and gangs, populating cities, newbies bases, play longer than now, base database problem. Also it could add very new elements into the game:

 Imagine, that you put your base somewhere and near will be another one, with active playres. There could exist rivality => PvP, sneaking,.. or there could exist kind of partnership: lets kick to the ass everyone who is not real Necropolis near gang base citizen :)
 I just hope they can see as far as me and other visionary do. :))


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Re: TLA base
« Reply #67 on: August 27, 2010, 02:24:32 pm »

So Surf. PvP must be forbidden and your "RP" must be everywhere. Sorry, but right now, there is no space for RP. Only few players trying it.
I told you before, i want some RP posibilities too, but right now, game is almost for PvP so i play PvP.
So why you must for every price destroying this idea ?

Surf just tend to RP gameplay, that's all. That the original base isn't fallout'y enough, that shouldn't be a problem for our lead designers.

As for this suggestion, i support it, because it's a excellent example of how RP should work - not as separate activity, but a part of game flow, which is currently heavily PvP-based.


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Re: TLA base
« Reply #68 on: August 27, 2010, 02:46:00 pm »

Whah? What are you trying to achieve Holo?
I never said I dont like this idea, I like it. It just has a few flaws in my opinion, nothing more.
I dont know why you give so much weight on my opinion, I am just putting out my thoughts to that.


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Re: TLA base
« Reply #69 on: August 27, 2010, 02:51:40 pm »

Surf just tend to RP gameplay, that's all. That the original base isn't fallout'y enough, that shouldn't be a problem for our lead designers.

As for this suggestion, i support it, because it's a excellent example of how RP should work - not as separate activity, but a part of game flow, which is currently heavily PvP-based.

 If devs will say, we like this concept, but it have to meet exact requirements, they will described, we can work on that concept, coplete it with another ideas and balance it. I know that this is their game, but we, gang members, have special requirements we need in bases that could improve gameplay, and i think that developers without same experience dont have it, just because they did not every day share gang duties :)

 I will show you few examples on TLA map:
 1) Fast leaving from this map  X long way to go from Vault (2238) base.. It is annoying, TLA map have solve this problem excelent.
 2) look at the the screen i posted in my first post, the last one: there is small locker just near the exit ladder => briliant idea (same like in real supermarkets): did not you forget to anything (nuka, super stim, few caps for traders, drugs..)?

 In respect, i dont think you  can implement this if you dont play in gang (base).


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Re: TLA base
« Reply #70 on: August 27, 2010, 03:12:53 pm »

Well, what's about our devs?

What do they think, what requirements should be met for such type of base on 2238? Would be really interesting to know.
Re: TLA base
« Reply #71 on: January 24, 2011, 01:34:06 pm »

cool ideia :D
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