hmm youd make a good republican, your very adept at taking what people say and using it out of context and twisting it to use against them, when i said it doseent take skill to use a big gun its easy to interpret that how you did but I mean in the sense that its all point click shoot, theres no tactical thinking that goes into using big guns, actual skill in playing the game, not having skills on your character. any goober can use a rocket launcher or a mini and be hot shit, its just a fact of the game. when i said people should have to be more powerfull to use miniguns i meant as in strength wise, not skill wise. I understand being from wherever your from you dont get the subtleties of the langauge and have to have someone interpret for you what they mean, but whatever, think or say what you want but the bottom line is the only people that agree with you are the people that play like you. so in summation say whatever you want, i dont have any more time to spare for this shit, im gonna go make a chesse sandwhich and enjoy my day. PEACE OUT.