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Author Topic: Big Guns nearfing (again ? yeah again)  (Read 19288 times)


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Re: Big Guns nearfing (again ? yeah again)
« Reply #45 on: January 14, 2010, 02:50:38 pm »

The solution here is not crripling the bigguns.

The way the devs went seems to be the right one: limit the ways how to get them. If you are ready to fight with the combat armor and minigun, you must be ready to loose them. Yes, the minigunner is quite a strong build and average minugunner is probably gonna kill average small gunner. But smal gunner had to invest much less into his equip and dont forget that exping bigguner is much more expensive then exping smallgunner. And top tier PvP builds, the diffrences are preety small. But most people simply dont know how to play as a sniper(which is the purpose of smallgunner).

All those reality argument here are invalid, since in reality you wouldnt probably survive five shots from hunting rifle to the head. So u cant run for unlimited time like u can in fonline. So u have to eat and drink...

So, in the end it all comes down to dirty little faction politics instead of real concern for gameplay mechanics


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Re: Big Guns nearfing (again ? yeah again)
« Reply #46 on: January 14, 2010, 02:54:03 pm »

bottom line is this isnt a "the game is going to work this way" thread, its a suggestion thread. I can already tell what kind of confrontational person you are just be your line "your opinion is wrong" its an opinion and its mine, also this games creators seem to be striving to add a sense of realism to their game via cooldowns and other things because its unrealistic to do certain things, so why dont you take the high road for once in your life and just admit this is your opinion and its your right, i never said hahahah big guns are to powerfull, i think people would have to have more power to wield them, leave them the way they are whatever but your going to lack in other areas if you decide to go that route, thats just the way i view it. so instead of flaming me cause you think im whining grow up and start respecting other peoples ideas.
plasma nade your face off!


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Re: Big Guns nearfing (again ? yeah again)
« Reply #47 on: January 14, 2010, 03:07:45 pm »

bottom line is this isnt a "the game is going to work this way" thread, its a suggestion thread. I can already tell what kind of confrontational person you are just be your line "your opinion is wrong" its an opinion and its mine, also this games creators seem to be striving to add a sense of realism to their game via cooldowns and other things because its unrealistic to do certain things, so why dont you take the high road for once in your life and just admit this is your opinion and its your right, i never said hahahah big guns are to powerfull, i think people would have to have more power to wield them, leave them the way they are whatever but your going to lack in other areas if you decide to go that route, thats just the way i view it. so instead of flaming me cause you think im whining grow up and start respecting other peoples ideas.

Well, I'm just sharing my opinion on your opinion... it's my right after all, as an American you should at least understand that, lol. But then again perhaps I should stop feeding you, a person telling me to "take the high road for once in my life" and then accusing me of being a confrontational person is probably not worth my time.

i never said hahahah big guns are to powerfull, i think people would have to have more power to wield them, leave them the way they are whatever but your going to lack in other areas if you decide to go that route, thats just the way i view it

You're contradicting yourself in a single sentence. Should they be left they way they are, or should people have to have more power to wield them? Moreover, you're contradicting what you've said before - you did state that BGs don't require any player skill in a previous post, therefore implying that they are too powerful. Not only that, but you're also spreading false information - BG builds require more Str points than SG or EW builds, so they're already "lacking in other areas if they decide to go that route".
« Last Edit: January 14, 2010, 03:11:09 pm by Nice_Boat »


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Re: Big Guns nearfing (again ? yeah again)
« Reply #48 on: January 14, 2010, 03:21:45 pm »

hmm youd make a good republican, your very adept at taking what people say and using it out of context and twisting it to use against them, when i said it doseent take skill to use a big gun its easy to interpret that how you did but I mean in the sense that its all point click shoot, theres no tactical thinking that goes into using big guns, actual skill in playing the game, not having skills on your character. any goober can use a rocket launcher or a mini and be hot shit, its just a fact of the game. when i said people should have to be more powerfull to use miniguns i meant as in strength wise, not skill wise. I understand being from wherever your from you dont get the subtleties of the langauge and have to have someone interpret for you what they mean, but whatever, think or say what you want but the bottom line is the only people that agree with you are the people that play like you. so in summation say whatever you want, i dont have any more time to spare for this shit, im gonna go make a chesse sandwhich and enjoy my day. PEACE OUT.
plasma nade your face off!


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Re: Big Guns nearfing (again ? yeah again)
« Reply #49 on: January 14, 2010, 03:30:18 pm »

hmm youd make a good republican, your very adept at taking what people say and using it out of context and twisting it to use against them, when i said it doseent take skill to use a big gun its easy to interpret that how you did but I mean in the sense that its all point click shoot, theres no tactical thinking that goes into using big guns, actual skill in playing the game, not having skills on your character. any goober can use a rocket launcher or a mini and be hot shit, its just a fact of the game.

So I guess I'll be hearing about your Minigun exploits soon, eh? If everyone can be "hot shit", how come the most respected and famous big gunners fill a more or less closed list?

when i said people should have to be more powerfull to use miniguns i meant as in strength wise, not skill wise.

And pray, what might the difference be? More powerful character = more points spent in Str (which is a dumpstat for a PvP char) = harder game = requires more "powerful" player.

I understand being from wherever your from you dont get the subtleties of the langauge and have to have someone interpret for you what they mean, but whatever, think or say what you want but the bottom line is the only people that agree with you are the people that play like you. so in summation say whatever you want, i dont have any more time to spare for this shit, im gonna go make a chesse sandwhich and enjoy my day. PEACE OUT.

If I were looking for an interpreter, I'd certainly keep away from people who don't really get the subtleties of their mother tongue (as proven above), ie. you. Have a good day, kind sir.
« Last Edit: January 14, 2010, 03:32:47 pm by Nice_Boat »


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Re: Big Guns nearfing (again ? yeah again)
« Reply #50 on: January 14, 2010, 03:35:39 pm »

Your messin up my cheese sandwich time for this, your scathing remarks burnt a hole in my soul boo hoo, is that what you want? your a sad sad man, I think its funny you think people respect you, as far as I could tell the only people that "respect" you are your cronies, everyone else hates you boat.
plasma nade your face off!
Re: Big Guns nearfing (again ? yeah again)
« Reply #51 on: January 14, 2010, 03:37:12 pm »

also distance dosent matter much when you get spawned on a map thas small as hell, no matter what your still dead.

Dude you must give up PvP or practice more. Every single northern map (Klamath, Den, Redding, Gecko, BH, Modoc) has many areas where sniper character can be viable, you just seem to spread old shit about invincible exit grid campers everywhere or to be one of those players that "snipe" from 10 hexes then are surprised because someone with minigun has turned them into a pile of meat.
Re: Big Guns nearfing (again ? yeah again)
« Reply #52 on: January 14, 2010, 03:43:22 pm »

And soldier can run with minigun , if you click to run he holding minigun ...Omfg...
If you say '' SG is havent power than BG '' play BG and stop cry.


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Re: Big Guns nearfing (again ? yeah again)
« Reply #53 on: January 14, 2010, 03:45:24 pm »

Dude you must give up PvP or practice more. Every single northern map (Klamath, Den, Redding, Gecko, BH, Modoc) has many areas where sniper character can be viable, you just seem to spread old shit about invincible exit grid campers everywhere or to be one of those players that "snipe" from 10 hexes then are surprised because someone with minigun has turned them into a pile of meat.

im not talkin about pvp, im talking about spawning on a small desert map surrounded by vault city patrols and the like all of whom carry miniguns and open fire right away on me not leaving me a chance to actually do anything except for get blown to pieces because its impossible to outrange them in time no matter your ap or whatever.
plasma nade your face off!


  • Dictatorial Tyrant
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Re: Big Guns nearfing (again ? yeah again)
« Reply #54 on: January 14, 2010, 03:47:16 pm »

I didnt read all, too boring. But I'm sure game will be funny soon, with everyone using BG. Be sure about that.
Re: Big Guns nearfing (again ? yeah again)
« Reply #55 on: January 14, 2010, 03:52:46 pm »

im not talkin about pvp, im talking about spawning on a small desert map surrounded by vault city patrols and the like all of whom carry miniguns and open fire right away on me not leaving me a chance to actually do anything except for get blown to pieces because its impossible to outrange them in time no matter your ap or whatever.

But in other way - if you spawn on large distance - sniper small gunner will be overpowered compared to big gunner who will be shoot to death before he reach his weapon effective distance (in turn based mode - and here comes idea about removing turn based mode from game- but then it will be run and gun like "Quake").


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Re: Big Guns nearfing (again ? yeah again)
« Reply #56 on: January 14, 2010, 03:55:09 pm »

except a buttload of perks are made worthless by realtime play, if someone tailor builds a character with say an added movement perk and blah blah its only usefull in turnbased so you would be punishing any player that didnt wanna play laggy broken real time.
plasma nade your face off!
Re: Big Guns nearfing (again ? yeah again)
« Reply #57 on: January 14, 2010, 04:00:02 pm »

I didnt read all, too boring. But I'm sure game will be funny soon, with everyone using BG. Be sure about that.

I bet it will be a lot more interesting if everyone uses hunting rifles.


  • Dictatorial Tyrant
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Re: Big Guns nearfing (again ? yeah again)
« Reply #58 on: January 14, 2010, 04:04:44 pm »

I'd prefer some diversity, but you retard just cant understand that.


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Re: Big Guns nearfing (again ? yeah again)
« Reply #59 on: January 14, 2010, 04:08:16 pm »

I'd prefer some diversity, but you retard just cant understand that.

... so, in the name of diversity you want to remove big guns the same way sneak was removed? Way to go, bro!
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