2. It allows a new class of people to be created. (Well, its not new, its just rare/non existant in PvP).Bursters/Single Shotters/Snipers
I mean in TB you can use 14mm pistol as 14mm SMG with fast shot and BRoF, shooting 2 AP per shot, making it single-shot-like burst so every bullet hits target not fly in cone, so its the same if you burst in point blank from 14mm SMG.
What the hell man?
New class of people to be created? Burster? It exist, and with removing fast shot they will dissapear at all. Single Shotters? What's good in it? Nothing if shots aren't aimed and you want them no aimed. Snipers? They exist and prospere very well atm. and removing fast shot wont help in increasing their count.
Fast Shot won't work for any burst mode, doesn't matter if it's SG or BG. Bursts will cost 1 AP more from now :< And I made a clean BG sneaker who does 2 bursts in a row, now it will be not possible(well, if i took 2 action boys... but waste of perks) :<And these SG bursters who did 3 bursts in a row with 9 AP now could make only 2, they would have to get 12 AP to make 3.
If you want to make enemies, try to change something.
You mean point blank burst will be impossible? Are you serious? Burst weapon created for low range, and you want weapon which created for low range be useless at low range?
Lol exactly. So what OP is saying that if a minigun were to be pressed against your stomach, the chance of you dying after the trigger is pulled would be 0%... WORST IDEA EVER.
Actually I think he's implying you could rush the gunner and start stabbing him in the face without kindly standing a meter away from his body infront of those mean smoking barrels he has attached to a chainfed electric engine.In fact I liked the idea so much I drew a picture of what it could mean for the game.
Also - it's a heavy electric motor with bullets and barrels and Bob took advantage of the fact that it's designed to be mounted on a damned vehicle
to push it ASIDE easily because joe is already off balance just holding something that should be mounted on an assault vehicle and would be practically impossible for Joe to actually fire AT ALL under any sort of control without seriously injuring or more likely just killing himself and Bob at the same time.
What the fuck? The nuclear war started in 2077, are you trying to say people were unable to invent ANY hand-held miniguns? Anyway I saw a minigun shot full-auto for few seconds in Predator movie, that's enough because we are playing the game about future and it's sci-fi so anything could happen.Don't compare miniguns we know to those that may appear 60 years later. Also what are you saying is already in-game. If Joe would have 1 str and he would carry a minigun, without any knowledge about them whatsoever (40% BG skill), then yes - he wouldn't hit Bob even at point blank. But in this case Joe is a bulky motherfucker with 7 str and he has wide knowledge about baby cannons (200% BG skill?) so YES he will kill Bob without any problem.