I know what you mean, my guy is unarmed and i can say he's poisioned almost 75% of my play time. Its been a week for me and im only lvl 11.
Bullshit, you can buy it for 1000-1500 caps. And you can earn it, for example Im buying broc and xander roots. Unfortunatly, hard to find good workes. If you can speak polish, you can find friendly people.
no, a 10mm pistol works fine too, it's just that the mauser is the weakest gun and he was trying to show off...
if you dont can speak polish you have automaticly one thousand enemys.
So start lerning pilish, its simple to leaarn language. Easest then english.
Your logic, sux ;} Think, and read what you wrote.
You don't even speak English properly and you're talking about easiness of Polish language? what a bullshit.
Perhaps You should then? On this message board we require you to write "almost" properly, seriously...
Anyway, I agree with unplayable game, you enter most cities and even die in protected ones. You go to wasteland and Crazy Barbarians swarm you when wearing a leather jacket. You can even die by some gay giant rats. Mostly before you craft any weapon you'll die 15 times.
Fallout was "THE GAME"
I saw your post, I had to LOL really hard. Hilarious. Too bad they removed it, don't know why, it was not offensive to anyone.