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Author Topic: Idea to nerf drugs, anti-powerbuilding  (Read 16580 times)


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Idea to nerf drugs, anti-powerbuilding
« on: July 20, 2010, 12:35:25 pm »

I think drugs could give the lower stat boost the higher your stat is, for example buffout would give +3 ST when you have 1-2 ST, +2 when you have 3-5 ST and +1 if you have 6-9 ST and +0 if you had 10. So taking 2 buffouts for someone with 1 ST would give 1+3 = 4, 4+2 = 6 ST (+5 bonus) and for someone with 6 ST it would give 6+1 = 7, 7+1 = 8 ST (+2 bonus).

Another example, taking 2 JETs could give +3 AP for people with really horrible 5-6 AP, +2 AP for people with 7-9 AP and +1 for people with 10 or more AP. So someone with very low 5 AP  after taking 2 JETs, could have 5 + 3 = 8, 8 + 2 = 10 AP (high, but still "normal") someone with 10 AP would get only a bonus +2 after taking 2 JETs.

This way drugs would be used as DRUGS - temporarily improving abilities where stats are below norm, it wouldn't make you a godlike creature if you have some stats like APs maximized already.
« Last Edit: July 20, 2010, 02:18:04 pm by JovankaB »


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Re: Idea to nerf drugs, anti-powerbuilding
« Reply #1 on: July 20, 2010, 12:38:06 pm »

And what about the bad effects ? They stay the same as now ?


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Re: Idea to nerf drugs, anti-powerbuilding
« Reply #2 on: July 20, 2010, 01:11:46 pm »

I'd say a big yes, indeed, and the bad effects really should stay as they are, or be amped up a bit the lower the "good" effect is.
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Re: Idea to nerf drugs, anti-powerbuilding
« Reply #3 on: July 20, 2010, 01:24:26 pm »

i say big NO , its my opinion i dont want change system :-*
Re: Idea to nerf drugs, anti-powerbuilding
« Reply #4 on: July 20, 2010, 01:27:52 pm »

I think drug usage is highly overrated phenomenon. Yes it will make drug powerbuilds extremely powerfull but drugs and drug powerbuilds are used only on big engagements during town control. I don't think they have too big impact on people not involved in town controll.
Especially buffourt is used mainly in 1st drug powerbuilds so there is practicaly no change. This suggestion would nerf only jets. But I must agree that some changes of drugs is nescessary. They are making you to make PvP chars which are superpowered with drugs and useless without them thus encouraging alting.
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Re: Idea to nerf drugs, anti-powerbuilding
« Reply #5 on: July 20, 2010, 01:34:58 pm »

Rotfl. A purely hypothetical problem with a purely hypothetical solution.

1. Drugs on powerbuilds are mostly used for saving SPECIAL by making certain stats low.
2. Even if you play with the settings a bit, changing item stats etc. is not going to eliminate powerbuilds, it's just going to shift the direction people are going when making them. And drugs are going to be used as long as they increase stats.
3. As someone else already pointed out, this is really a non-issue because drug powerbuilds are exclusively TC related... unless you're a psycho and you take 50 minutes of crafting into your bloodstream just to kill some random dudes in an unguarded mine. But if you do that, it should be your right - you invest, you profit (or not, there's risk involved anyway).

As usual, I suggest that people who don't PvP should be prohibited from making any suggestions related to PvP.
Re: Idea to nerf drugs, anti-powerbuilding
« Reply #6 on: July 20, 2010, 01:39:28 pm »

[Troll]Drugs don't have to be related to PvP  ::)[/Troll]


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Re: Idea to nerf drugs, anti-powerbuilding
« Reply #7 on: July 20, 2010, 01:48:34 pm »

I'm for a changes about drugs, atm drugs are overpowered

And Nice_boat, you're wrong, drugged powerbuild are not only for TC. Full drugs psycho/jet are immune to big gun and alone one is able to withstand 4 people easily. If snipers don't get bypass he can do rampage. Before trying to establish your "good words", think...Why people can't makes suggestion about drugs, you know, fighting drugged pkers or players is PvP, it's not TC I agree, but it's Pvp anyway. So please stop with craps like someone should be prohibited

I find this suggestion quite interesting and should be good to don't see 3 avenger's burst in a row, making any non-psycho build or powerbuild fall.
Drugs are here to boost stats for a little period, not make you an imba-machine for a little period. Of course if drugs are rebalanced, negatives effects should be balanced as well


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Re: Idea to nerf drugs, anti-powerbuilding
« Reply #8 on: July 20, 2010, 01:50:41 pm »

It's not anti-PvP, it's anti-powerbuilding. I think drugs should increase your stats but they shouldn't make you a killing machine indestructible by anyone except other drug users. It would make drugs useful for low stats by making the stats NORMAL for a short time. But it would be a lot less useful for overboosting stats which are maxed or very high from the beginning.

It's not only about JET, for example weak drugs like cigarettes could help only people with low perception, etc.

I don't really think negative effects should change, because if someone has 10 AG losing 1 AP is not as a big deal as for someone with 4 AG, so actually now maxed stats have advantage also in negative effects of drugs.
« Last Edit: July 20, 2010, 03:36:02 pm by JovankaB »

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Re: Idea to nerf drugs, anti-powerbuilding
« Reply #9 on: July 20, 2010, 02:28:27 pm »

Maybe people should not be able to take 2 doses in a row, or not be able mix some kind of drugs, or it would cause an overdose (very bad effects on SPECIAL). It would be more realistic.
Concerning cigarettes and nuka, I don't think they have to be nerfed, cause their time effect is too short, and they don't cause any addiction (except nuka, but you know, it does nothing).

I bet my drug-addicted friends will kill me for this suggestion...  :P

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Re: Idea to nerf drugs, anti-powerbuilding
« Reply #10 on: July 20, 2010, 03:15:52 pm »

Unfortunately, almost all of you don't seem to know why the drugs are now a problem.

1. Drug builds are superior to any non-drug build in the mean of effectiveness/survivability
2. Making non-drug builds for pvp is kinda useless, because always drug powerbuilds can enter from worldmap when they have drug effect, kill you easily and leave safely before their withdrawal starts.
3. Playing drug builds is still a pain in the ass because of withdrawal and crafting/farming of drugs, but no one is going to give up drugs (see point 2.)
4. During the withdrawal you can't do shit as you are even weaker than non-drug build.

We have already talked about this problem but it seems there is no simple solution (except removing drugs or removing withdrawal, either of which is a bad choice, because people use drugs not only for pvp and we don't like removing anything from this game, too).

Change in drug effect won't change anything except making all current powerbuilds useless. But as drugs will be still working, new drug powerbuilds will appear and new chars will have to be created - so again, why to waste your time or someone's time. But it doesn't solve anything, really.

Powerbuilds were always present and will be. Our gang started using any drugs in February or March - before that, we were using normal powerbuilds which, considering the number of people using drugs in those times (low number), proved to be effective. So I don't really see why any change in drug mechanics would be "anti-powerbuilding", as the problem itself is somewhere else.

No one using drugs is indestructible by non-drug users. On numerous occasions, we had successful kills in drug vs non-drug alts fights. Only the chance of doing that is much lower - and it's good, because playing drug alt and supplying him with drugs isn't easier than playing non-drug alt.

What we need is a major change in drug mechanics, but I don't think anyone knows where to start.


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Re: Idea to nerf drugs, anti-powerbuilding
« Reply #11 on: July 20, 2010, 04:54:06 pm »

 I think that there must exist absolutely new aproach of drugs using during the PvP. Kilgore wrote it right, today PvP chars without drugs are useless. It is bad game concept.

 At first, i think that PvP must be balanced, not only drugs. Give us way how to eliminate biggunner on psycho and jets, and we dont need to nerf drugs.. but developers dont want change pvp because they dont play it.

 1) Make drug effect quicker.. 1 minute?
 2) Eliminate bad effects..
 3) sideeffect (excepet cig and nukas): 1 drug:fluctuation of hp +- from 1 to 9
                     2 drugs hp +- from 10-20
                     3 drugs: hp +-  21 -50
 4) add only one effect of drug (jet - AP, buff - st, mentat - char, nuka - ag, cig - pe)
 5) lower the effect of drug (only 1 AP instead of 2, only 1 char insted of 2,...)
 6) if you take different kind of drug (except nukas and cig), you will have 50 percent chance to eliminate previous good effect of drug

 implement social "boosters" instead of drugs:
So long and THANKS for all the fish!
Re: Idea to nerf drugs, anti-powerbuilding
« Reply #12 on: July 20, 2010, 05:07:59 pm »

I suggest only one drug can be in your system at a time. That includes stuff like Nuka and cigarettes.

People still get to use drugs, but they have to pick something appropriate to the situation/what is most important for their character. If you use one, you have to wait for it to wear off. Huffing jet then injecting psycho at the same time overdoses you.

Overdosing could knock you out, kill you, whatever.
Re: Idea to nerf drugs, anti-powerbuilding
« Reply #13 on: July 20, 2010, 05:15:09 pm »

Give us way how to eliminate biggunner on psycho and jets, and we dont need to nerf drugs.. but developers dont want change pvp because they dont play it
Use energy psycho or grenadier with plasma nades. If biggunner is wearing tesla, use long-range big gunner with a bazooka. Use range. PvP is now pretty well balanced, compared to what we had before.

We need a well-thought system. Probably, some kind of overdose (that will knock you out, as Badger said) would do the job partially. But I'm afraid that it's not all.. we need to remember that some changes will just make "omg now playing drug char is pain in the ass but I still need it to be effective" kind of feeling, and that's not what we want.


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Re: Idea to nerf drugs, anti-powerbuilding
« Reply #14 on: July 20, 2010, 05:19:29 pm »

Now its ok, dont swap it.

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I mean...he's cool & stuff, but he's just not Lemmy.
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