Hi, I would like to introduce my crafting ideas to you.
First of all, its a lot of changes, but almost all mechanics I used are already done.
Please read the whole post before answering.
Crafting and gathering timeouts are unnecessary. We can't just forbid people to
dig, craft or whatever more than few times at once. It generates alts made for digging,
alts made for crafting, and end with 35000 chars registered on server.
PvP now is only about town control. Lets add some more possibilities.
My ideas are:
1. Removing crafting and gathering timeouts
2. Removing the easy possibility of crafting 3rd lvl equipment.
3. Adding additional requirments for crafting 2nd lvl equimpent
- same as it is with crafting 7,62mm ammo, or buffout now.
4. For crafting 3rd lvl equipment, there would be something like factories,
located in many locations in the desert. Some would be controlled by main NPC factions,
some would be free. Many locations are already done.
5. In those factories, you could buy the stuff they are making, and use the tools required
for crafting 2nd lvl equipment for a small fee (or not, it depends).
Some factories would be guarded, some not, it could
change - look next point.
6. There would be a possibility of taking control over the factory, by killing all the guards,
and talking to main npc, like it's with TC now. Taking over would be possible once in 5 normal
days, for 4 hours like 20-24. If attacking faction manages to take control - possibility
of taking it by another faction is blocked for 5 days. Its all to let normal players enter
the factory without 80% possibility of being killed, like it is in north towns now,
and to let factions really take control over something, preventing band of bluesuits going from
town to town at 3AM and taking control over whole wasteland.
7. Why factions would fight for that factories? Here it starts:
- there would be 4 kinds of factories - for guns, armors, ammo and explosives, and drugs,
and you could choose what exactly they have to craft.
- factories would be producing some amount of 3rd lvl equipment daily,
for example 2 Avengers per hour.
- all equipment and cash would go to controlling faction
- factions could choose if they keep the equipment for themselves, or they send it to NPC
in factory which would be selling it to normal players. This should be balanced
to the level when factions dont need all the equipment they produce, otherwise players
couldn't buy anything from NPC's there.
- faction would have to provide huge amounts of basic sources for the factory,
and it should be a really big numbers, so using caravans would be only option.
- they would have to pay to all npcs working in the factory (once, after they take control)
- they would have to pay for guards, otherwise npcs would run away in fear of PK's

- guards should be really strong, like safe town guards, and not too expensive.
8. To prevent gangs from making 40 people alliances and overswarming everything,
maps of factories should be of different sizes - small/medium/big
and balanced in a way that doesnt give advantage to more numberous factions.
It could be done by making maps where only strict number of attackers could hide
behind walls etc. others would be just slashed down because there wouldn't be a place left
to hide from fire. It's the point which needs most work and balancing, and currently I dont have
any simple idea how to solve it.
Another thing is that people may prefer to keep all equipment for them instead of sharing it
with another 4 gangs, so they wouldn't make alliances. It also needs testing on closed server.
9. Now about big NPC factions controlling the factories.
There would also be a possibility to take control over them by players faction,
but they should be ready for NPC's counter attack. Even real players could do that,
it's a nice thing to do for Izual's NCR army, which is quite dead for now, cause they dont have anything to do.
Counter attack could happen anytime, without this 5 days counter, but controlling
would get the info for example half an hour before attack.
Some radio message like "...3 humvees heading towards NCR factory..."
Chances of NPC faction winning should be balanced to something like 70:30 for them.
10. That point is for born crafters who don't want to fight, and still want to make best equipment:
There would be a possibility of making a small manufacture, which would be similiar to a base,
or could even be a base extension.
Manufactures would produce equipment few times slower that factories,
and to prevent players from making hundreds of these
it would be necessary to make a lot of time consuming quests (searching for
tools, machines, npc's which would work there, location) and a lot of money,
for example 500k spend on location, machines, tools and npcs.
It's all about balancing controlled factories, and manufactures,
so players interested in PvP would prefer to fight for factories, instead of making manufactures.
We put almost all control over crafting of high tech equipment in hands of gangs.
- Digging alts are removed from game
- I think same will happen with PvPers having 4-5 crafting alts - crafting would not be so
necessary for them
- Caravans are finally useful for something
- You can still craft every high tech equipment, but it would need much time to start doing it
- There will be much more player-player barter
- New possibilities of PvP, but without making these locations used only by PvPers
- We encourage players to interact with others, now it is not needed
when one player can craft everything (you need few hours to make crafting alts for everything)
-A lot of work, but mechanics are already in game, its all about making some new maps, adding npcs, quests, dialagoues and scripting
- are there any more?