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Author Topic: Crafting, solution for digging and gathering alts and new PvP posibilities  (Read 6930 times)


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waht about trophies, everyone wants awards and trophy collectibles, that's practically why I buy games in the first place.
Logged Over, Boyo II&b=Shoot 150 people as they are running away from you... In the arse&c=56&d=150&e=1703&f=1


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There's already a topic about trophies. Please don't get this one out of the tracks.
My Youtube channel.

"Another problem is that we listen to the vocal players, who in many cases are wrong-headed."
- J.E. Sawyer


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sorry, my bad...
Logged Over, Boyo II&b=Shoot 150 people as they are running away from you... In the arse&c=56&d=150&e=1703&f=1


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cheers! lets remove Gathering and crafting cooldowns!!! Lets step into scripts and autoclickers era!
Think! Where is the sense of using autoclicker when you have carry limit, and you have to dig in non guarded places?

For the posts starting "I didn't read all" - please don't post then, I asked for that in third line.

For other people writing that high tech equipment will be available only for gangs:
First - gangs have to fight each other if they want the best equipment.
Second - you wont need much members to fight for small factories, it will be balanced so you have same chance to win as a big gang
Third - if you are a really peaceful gang and don't want to fight there's an option to have a private manufacture crafting high tech equipment.

I have a sad feeling that it's too much text for english forum and almost noone reads all.

For Solar:
Timeouts should be natural, it's almost like that with crafting buffout now - timeout for meat is almost not needed, because all things you need to do to craft buffout take almost 20 minutes, if you have low carry level.
« Last Edit: June 21, 2010, 06:22:13 pm by NTR »

Why should Joe Schmoe on the street be able to get enough resources together to craft a sniper rifle and combat armor, just because he wants them? This is the wasteland, pardner.  The Brotherhood of Steel makes a LIVING off keeping high tech equipment away from people.

And you don't need lots of members in your gang to fight for resources.  You just need a few quick people to get what you can and get out quickly.  You might die, but that's the risk you take.  Nobody said living in a post apocalyptic world was easy, did they?

PS. VongJin was being sarcstic.  Your dislike of English and contempt for those who speak it kind of shows in your comment at the bottom of your posting and I'm trying hard not to be offended.
Steve_Zissou: izual is very old school
Steve_Zissou: he likes the sound it makes when we whine at him
[TSAR]Jeoshua: It brings him pleasure... also chubbies
Izual: I live for that sound


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Why should Joe Schmoe on the street be able to get enough resources together to craft a sniper rifle and combat armor, just because he wants them? This is the wasteland, pardner. 
Because it's wasteland, not a communist country, where you can get limited amount of resources. If I want to dig all day, I should be able to do this.
Other thing, that now you can craft BA in your workbench, which is quite funny, and thats the problem, not resources you can get.

PS. VongJin was being sarcstic.  Your dislike of English and contempt for those who speak it kind of shows in your comment at the bottom of your posting and I'm trying hard not to be offended.
I am sarcastic too.


Actually... it is a Post Apocalyptic Wasteland.  I don't know how well that translates, but I'd say that that does, indeed, strongly imply in at least 2 ways that resources are scarce.  And no, it's not communist... which means people ain't giving up what they have to you for free, for the greater good... or maybe at all... or maybe they just want your stuff so they shoot you before you have a chance to craft anything good.
Steve_Zissou: izual is very old school
Steve_Zissou: he likes the sound it makes when we whine at him
[TSAR]Jeoshua: It brings him pleasure... also chubbies
Izual: I live for that sound


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It seems someone already interested Solar in the unguarded factories.
Thanks a lot.

At least, make those facilities produce more stuff with slightly less mats, than the amounts by crafting by the same cooldown.
For example: your faction secures the facility, you bring in the brahmin loaded with gunpowder and metal parts.

You feed the mats in the machine to produce 500x5mm JHP rounds. Normally, you would need 30 gunpowders and 10 metal part to produce this amount, but the machine uses the mats more efficient, so it needs only 75% of the mats, so rounded down 22 gunpowders and 7 metal parts. That would also be saved 20minutes mining.

Also, since the work is done by the machine, ammo production doesn't affect your crafting, but perhaps repairing cooldown.
To craft efficiently, you need a operator at the facility and a repairman at the generator, excluding guards.
So it will require a team.
Also: it's an unguarded location, like Sierra or Mariposa, so expect visit, who can either leave or take loot.

So the assaulter will have either your mats or your mass-produced ammo, so there would be even more PvP action than in unguarded mines.
« Last Edit: June 21, 2010, 07:17:09 pm by Alvarez »

Uhm factory are good to mass production, not for high quality

If you want a very good sniper rifle, the better is one custom made for you (more expensive but better), this is true for clothing, rifle, musical instruments ...
And number don't give you better equipement, to contrary, better equipement go to elite force, few but chosen...

Factory is good for mass production, ammo, crafting 1000 hunting rifle at the cost of 600 hand made in much less time.

Only my two cent
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Uhm factory are good to mass production, not for high quality

If you want a very good sniper rifle, the better is one custom made for you (more expensive but better), this is true for clothing, rifle, musical instruments ...
And number don't give you better equipement, to contrary, better equipement go to elite force, few but chosen...

Factory is good for mass production, ammo, crafting 1000 hunting rifle at the cost of 600 hand made in much less time.

Only my two cent
I rather meant "places where those high tech guns are crafted", it doesnt mean that they are huge factories producing zilions of stuff. 


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I like the idea, except for the timeouts and your idea of disappearance of digging alts. If a faction would have a factory that requires high amount of resources alts will still be there... :o timeouts are good as they are
Chars: Perforator, Penetrator Leaderator


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I like the idea, except for the timeouts and your idea of disappearance of digging alts. If a faction would have a factory that requires high amount of resources alts will still be there... :o timeouts are good as they are
Removing timeouts is a must, what alts will be needed for when when they won't speed up process of digging?
For example - for an hour you will be able to dig 1000 minerals if you dig constantly - all of those minerals and more will be needed to support the factory.
What are alts for now?


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to get a fuckload of materials and heave other alts convert them into hard goods, although paying noobs to fetch the materials is far less time consuming.
And besides, from my experience a guy who is accomplished at the game has way too many alts, Prepare for the list of those i can think of:
That's all I can think of now. Shit, this forum needs to get a spoiler option, kinda not want to have these massive long posts because of a list...
« Last Edit: June 21, 2010, 10:58:04 pm by gordulan »
Logged Over, Boyo II&b=Shoot 150 people as they are running away from you... In the arse&c=56&d=150&e=1703&f=1

Dylan, I raccomand you to first: get knowledge of game mechanics before you complain second: read before you say its shit

it is exactly 3 minutes, which (with using 5 chars) removes cooldown from game, without breaking any rules!

It seems for some people the times differ.  I know many people who have to wait ten minutes, including myself.
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you just dunno how to do it :P

to those, who will just come in here to say "too long, did not read"

topic is completly different, ideas are new, so shut up and go fuck yourself somewhere else, ya'r unwanted in here
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