Another random thing I think would help, make militia better. It would make taking the town harder and encourage people to protect a town. I read a post about a captain that spawns lower level militia, I thought that was a great idea. And maybe when the controlling faction talks to the mayor they could give their mercs different commands like defend non hostile players. Any way to encourage trading in unguarded towns. I like the idea of seeing faction A is in control of town B, faction A is known for keeping the city safe so you can bet its safe to go there a trade. Give % of profits to the controlling faction. This way cities like redding could have a few main factions that vie for control. Like in New Reno the Bishops and the Mordinos fight for control, in Redding it could be well known that the VSB and the West Necros are the main contesting families/factions.
For those who don't understand I'm 5 gangmembers can stay on hill and take it (e.g. 5 bluesuits) while rest of gang camps and rapes the rest that come near it from the spawn points in towns. Or is this the point?
read whole post before commenting, there will be gear check, no blue suites :>
If you want to make enemies, try to change something.
*Another random thought, it might be possible to make militia charge mine tax (ie if a player doesn't put an ore or mineral in a container before they leave the mine the militia will kill them on the way out.) The ability to choose the laws in a town I think would make them feel a lot more alive.
if i understand right if people die who were in hill and faction doesnt have enough members on hill at that moment tc timer is cancelled, so i think its ok, cause way more then 5 needs to stay on hill for successful takeover.