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Author Topic: [Work In Progress]Random low-tier equipment spawning in containers  (Read 53677 times)


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Re: Random low-tier equipment spawning in containers
« Reply #45 on: September 07, 2011, 07:20:26 pm »

-The longer no one "cleans" the container, the better stuff => encourages travelling to places, where no one would go, because of distance (but where one might find better stuff)

I always like when certain features 'autobalance' themselves. Not that easy to achieve manual balance, even harder to implement a feature that is able to react to the world changes.

The idea itself is not hard to implement, with the changes to gathering we want to pull out, the similar features should be gradually introduced anyway.

Re: [Work In Progress]Random low-tier equipment spawning in containers
« Reply #46 on: September 29, 2011, 03:39:31 pm »

i really want this to be implemented:
and other ideas (ones already motioned here) that i like:
-some containers should be locked, having better stuff.
-tramped ones would be good also. with a decent reward if you survived or disabled the trap.
-containers in habited places (houses, stores) should require a steal or sneak check to be accessible. If you get caught you get warning message, if happen again in x amount of time you will be attacked. (again more chances to find better stuff here)

offcourse, make that stuff not too good to encourage people to make alts to farm it.
This attempt to encourage more role playing, traveling and chance to use skills like lockpicks, sneak, steal and traps at low skill levels.
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Re: [Work In Progress]Random low-tier equipment spawning in containers
« Reply #47 on: September 29, 2011, 04:23:16 pm »

I love to see that [Work In Progress] in front of the thread!
Can't wait for this to be implemented!
Re: [Work In Progress]Random low-tier equipment spawning in containers
« Reply #48 on: October 06, 2011, 03:05:04 pm »

I agree with this idea 100%... half my time in fallout is spent scavving in containers for crap to craft/sell... a big part of the game is scavving. And a lot of newer players scav for junk and random crap anyway, why not find guns thewy can use or sell for ammo or other things they need? Just put everything in weird places in unlocked containers and have it respawn at random times if possible... this would draw a lot of new players to the game and keep the less-skilled players on-board until they get the hang of it.

Also, this is probably not possible, but if containers could be locked with a high lockpick skill for players over a certain level, say 5, but able to be opened by players under that level, that would be pretty cool and help new players get started... the main thing i ran into when starting alone was not having a gun or anything, it's tough to start solo and a lot of people have to. By having lootable containers with crap equipment for noobs we balance the game and more new people stay around rather than quitting in a day or two (which is common)... I know the wastes are a rough place but only till you get it... and it would be nice if more people could get it...

Sorry for ranting but I've been disappointed when I was new opening containers and finding nothing... if done correctly this would be a really good thing



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Re: [Work In Progress]Random low-tier equipment spawning in containers
« Reply #49 on: October 08, 2011, 08:39:04 pm »

I might have missed replies about it, but why not adding also some "flavoured" items?

I would be pleased to find things like books, iguanas, food, oil can, rubber boots, gold watch and all those kind of useless junk. Maybe also chance to get more rare "flavoured" items like Geiger counter, Sensor movement, stealth boy. Items for collectors or so on. Would also be a very nice way, for roleplayers, to fullfill the role of scavenger.


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Re: [Work In Progress]Random low-tier equipment spawning in containers
« Reply #50 on: October 21, 2011, 08:30:24 pm »

 Why only "low" stuff?

 Do you, devs. or GMs know, how gauss pistols are farming? Everybody knows, where is "gauss minivault" located, so it is only about systematical moving across that squares, and after you find that special encounter (from one hour to 10..) by stupid moving on the worldmap and fast exiting basic encounters, you get one.

 So my question is, do not experienced players deserve more entertaining farming of PvP needed stuff? Why only hunting rifle for newbies, why not gauss pistol? Or sniper rifle? Or avenger? Vindicator?

 Because finding of better stuff will ruin game experience of newbies? And mindless cursor moving around worldmap is not totaly boring for experienced players? Or experienced players should be punished? I dont want to troll, but this usefull change of collecting stuff is aimed only to newbies! Why?

 My ideas (or not exactly my, it was implemented in Fallout 2 mod, called Fallout of Nevada). Percent of doors were locked, same as lockers. But there was different way how to opend doors (by science to use on electric opening system). Also a lot of places was filled with critters, and a lot of places (or city parts only) were radiated, so you needed to invest few anti rad drugs.

 Also the chance to find better stuff should be very small. But if i need to invest many hours to find one gauss pistol, why should not i invest those hours in more entertaining way with similar chance.
So long and THANKS for all the fish!
Re: [Work In Progress]Random low-tier equipment spawning in containers
« Reply #51 on: October 30, 2011, 12:22:05 pm »

Quote from: Izual
Rare weapons aren't either (I consider the Pipe Rifle to be quite rare, for example).

Did you play fonline often ? Pipe rifle is far from being rare...


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Re: [Work In Progress]Random low-tier equipment spawning in containers
« Reply #52 on: October 30, 2011, 03:57:14 pm »

Did you play fonline often ? Pipe rifle is far from being rare...
Pipe rifle is rather rare (as far as I know only 1 type of mob have Piper's). It can't be crafted too. But it's way too stupid weapon to be actually useful.
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Re: [Work In Progress]Random low-tier equipment spawning in containers
« Reply #53 on: October 30, 2011, 04:05:58 pm »

Pipe rifle is rather rare (as far as I know only 1 type of mob have Piper's). It can't be crafted too. But it's way too stupid weapon to be actually useful.

If a weapon is rare when only 1 type of mob have it and you can't craft it, then LSW is rare ;p
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Re: [Work In Progress]Random low-tier equipment spawning in containers
« Reply #54 on: October 30, 2011, 05:01:10 pm »

If only I could buy a mercenary wielding pipe rifle...
Re: [Work In Progress]Random low-tier equipment spawning in containers
« Reply #55 on: October 30, 2011, 05:32:32 pm »

Pipe rifle is regularly found in human north encounters, and in traders inventory... (players sell it, as they don't use it)


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Re: [Work In Progress]Random low-tier equipment spawning in containers
« Reply #56 on: October 30, 2011, 09:15:57 pm »

Nice troll, but don't forget I posted that long ago and also that this session is running for a long time already. Nothing's rare now, but if there's a wipe tomorrow, then some things will be.
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Re: [Work In Progress]Random low-tier equipment spawning in containers
« Reply #57 on: October 30, 2011, 10:45:56 pm »

Didn't check the posting day. Shame on me. :-X
Re: [Work In Progress]Random low-tier equipment spawning in containers
« Reply #58 on: November 15, 2011, 06:57:55 pm »

Redirect all these radios to those containers, if traders have too much radios, more then 10 and refuse to buy them anymore. And if there's too much radios in crates, convert them to junk.
Wasteland is a tricky business.
Re: [Work In Progress]Random low-tier equipment spawning in containers
« Reply #59 on: November 23, 2011, 01:10:01 pm »

Better equipment / lower detor. with rising level or higher skill.
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