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Do you like this idea?

- 199 (86.5%)
Yes but there should be some changes that I pointed in post.
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- 14 (6.1%)

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Author Topic: [Work In Progress]Random low-tier equipment spawning in containers  (Read 53670 times)


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Lots of new players check all available containers (and of course I am not talking about TC container) in towns looking for some random stuff (just like in Fallout games). This idea is about making game spawn low-tier equipment (weapons, small ammounts of ammunition and some low-tier medicines) in containers inside unguarded towns or locations. Stuff would respawn once per hour (or slower/faster - it's up to devs) and would have certain propability to spawn so for example: there is much higher propability that some spear or knife will spawn in container instead of flamer. All weapons could have random detoriation on them but it shouldn't be higher than 60% so weapons would be still usefull even for player with low repair skill.

My list of equipment that could be spawned:

- Leather Jacket
- Leather Armor (very low propability)

Small Guns:
- Red Ryder BB Gun
- Pipe Rifle
- 9mm Mauser
- 10mm Pistol
- Shotgun
- Sawed-Off shotgun

Big Guns:
- Flamer

Energy Weapons:
- Wattz 1000 Laser Pistol    

Throwable (in random number)
- Rock
- Flare
- Throwing Knife (1-2)
- Molotov Cocktail (max 5)
- Frag Grenade (very low propability, max 5)

Melee weapons and tools:
- Switchblade
- Primitive Tool
- Hatchet
- Shovel
- Sledgehammer
- Knife
- Combat knife
- Sharpened Pole
- Spear
- Sharpened Spear
- Club
- Crowbar
- Brass Knuckles
- Spiked Knuckles

- BB's (max 100)
- 9mm ball (max 15)
- 10mm JHP (max 25)
- 12 ga. Shotgun Shells (max 15)
- Flamethrower Fuel (max 5)
- Small Energy Cells (max 25)

- Weak healing powder
- Antidote
- Healing powder
- Stimpak (low propability)

Small ammounts of food and resources (except of Uranium Ore, Meat Jerky, HQ minerals and HQ iron ore).

As I said at begining this will be usefull for low level players that would look for this stuff and use it/trade it for anything else. All of unguarded towns could have this system implemented. As for other locations I can only think of: Waterworks, Toxic Caves and Necropolis (which is in fact unguarded town :)).

Please. Make sure you voted in a poll above. Also if you don't like this idea, please, write why.
« Last Edit: September 10, 2011, 12:44:19 pm by scypior »
"Sanity... is for the weak!"
Re: Random low-tier equipment spawning in containers
« Reply #1 on: May 31, 2010, 10:13:46 am »

I like this. Gives back the exploration vibe from the fallout games. And those scavenger encounters would make sense now  ;D

This is also a good method for low level players to explore the world with rewards, something which this game really needs.

Also, perhaps better equipement would spawn in locations like the Glow. Or Mariposa. Afcoarse gaurded by npc or radiation.

I think exploration should play a large part of this game, it should even be interresting for people lvl 21.
Re: Random low-tier equipment spawning in containers
« Reply #2 on: May 31, 2010, 10:31:09 am »

Yeah, let's introduce "Containers farming" for noobs.

Seriously, why don't you place the stuff that you mentioned by yourself? There are already fuckloads of stuff everywhere, especially low-tier, so why would we need game mechanics to spawn more of that crap?


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Re: Random low-tier equipment spawning in containers
« Reply #3 on: May 31, 2010, 11:38:59 am »

Well because it actually fits Fallout theme (junk/crap items around and people picking them up for some reasons - either to sell them for some caps or keep for themselves).
Also it promotes exploring world by (as you called them) noobs instead of standing in safe cities. If it would be feature then players would actually search around for stuff as in at least few of those containers there would be some equipment.
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Re: Random low-tier equipment spawning in containers
« Reply #4 on: May 31, 2010, 12:40:06 pm »

1. Overloads the server with useless junk

2. noobs going to unguarded towns? Sounds good for them :D they wouldnt go anyway... It sounds like youre camping grid player wanting to attract more noobs to kill with your 10mm smg
Chars: Perforator, Penetrator Leaderator


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Re: Random low-tier equipment spawning in containers
« Reply #5 on: May 31, 2010, 12:45:52 pm »

Actually, it's a "explore and scavenge" feature that would be quite good, depending on the spawn rate of course. It has already been discussed, but I can't remember what had been said. I think it's hard to implement too.
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Re: Random low-tier equipment spawning in containers
« Reply #6 on: May 31, 2010, 12:56:46 pm »

1. Overloads the server with useless junk

2. noobs going to unguarded towns? Sounds good for them :D they wouldnt go anyway... It sounds like youre camping grid player wanting to attract more noobs to kill with your 10mm smg

1. Not for everyone it's useless.

2. Yes, I carve for spears and leather jackets. You sound like NCR citizen for me... am I right?

Actually, it's a "explore and scavenge" feature that would be quite good, depending on the spawn rate of course. It has already been discussed, but I can't remember what had been said. I think it's hard to implement too.

Well I actually thought I seen that somewhere earlier but couldn't find it and after asking few people decided to post (as they couldn't recall if it was suggested already or not).
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Re: Random low-tier equipment spawning in containers
« Reply #7 on: May 31, 2010, 01:00:37 pm »

Yes, I think it should definitely be implemented. Of course, this is only my opinion and I don't know if it's worth the efforts the implementing would require. Scavenging is, before crafting, the first source of gear in a post-apocalyptic world. You shouldn't get good gear there, but it'd be great to be rewarded for exploring whole locations. This wouldn't break economy at all since we have another "unlimited" source of stuff in the game, I mean random encounters.

It's another useful feature for loners that don't want to play this game just to wait on worldmap or perform suicide-bombing in NCR.
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"Another problem is that we listen to the vocal players, who in many cases are wrong-headed."
- J.E. Sawyer


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Re: Random low-tier equipment spawning in containers
« Reply #8 on: May 31, 2010, 01:23:33 pm »

Quote from: RJ
Question: Do you like this idea?

Yeh. :)

You already made a good list there, RJ. I'd totally go for just BB guns, detoriated leather jackets etc.
A shotgun or even a leather armor would be the biggest price of all. More "useless" items like TV dinner or I'd also like to see. Also, don't know what the afford is to implement this - make all the scripts attached to the towns containers totally random, also the respawn time totally random. To prevent a) farming and b) make the "scavenging" for new players really like "scavenging". ;)


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Re: Random low-tier equipment spawning in containers
« Reply #9 on: May 31, 2010, 01:27:23 pm »

1. Not for everyone it's useless.

2. Yes, I carve for spears and leather jackets. You sound like NCR citizen for me... am I right?

Well I actually thought I seen that somewhere earlier but couldn't find it and after asking few people decided to post (as they couldn't recall if it was suggested already or not).

Ok agree, but you can go to unguarded mines and wait there near NCR or w/e. This would only be good if it was not in the main towns - I cant think of better place, maybe like urban areas leather jacket chance 1/50 chance

Yep im mainly in NCR and Im not willing to go to Modoc for a leather jacket :> bearing in mind that its unguarded town. It would just introduce more grief :P
Chars: Perforator, Penetrator Leaderator


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Re: Random low-tier equipment spawning in containers
« Reply #10 on: May 31, 2010, 01:28:59 pm »

bearing in mind that its unguarded town. It would just introduce more grief :P

You may be surprised, but the northern towns are often enough quite peacefully and silent.
Actually, in the last few weeks my character was killed more often in the south then in north. ;)
Re: Random low-tier equipment spawning in containers
« Reply #11 on: May 31, 2010, 07:41:58 pm »

I like this, I always thought it was weird that all the containers were always empty.


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Re: Random low-tier equipment spawning in containers
« Reply #12 on: May 31, 2010, 08:29:36 pm »

I'm all for scavenger profesion or thief profesion who get their stuff from containers. However until excessive crap and alts are fixed adding new features just adds to the mess.
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Re: Random low-tier equipment spawning in containers
« Reply #13 on: May 31, 2010, 08:39:36 pm »

I don't really see anything fundamentally wrong with the idea really, I'm sure it could be made into something interesting in the end.
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If you want to make enemies, try to change something.
Re: Random low-tier equipment spawning in containers
« Reply #14 on: May 31, 2010, 10:51:47 pm »

its really just a simple point
should we reward exploration or not ?

im voting YES. finding ANYTHING is a just reward but we could also add maybe one time xp bonuses for finding easter eggs or humourous stuff anything that adds rewards for exploring is good enuff for me lol
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