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Author Topic: [Work In Progress]Random low-tier equipment spawning in containers  (Read 53671 times)


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Re: Random low-tier equipment spawning in containers
« Reply #30 on: June 03, 2010, 07:48:38 pm »

I'm all in for this idea ;)

Might actually give some life to some towns and nice list Izual.
Gussiplurr - active


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Re: Random low-tier equipment spawning in containers
« Reply #31 on: June 03, 2010, 09:33:25 pm »

Here is how I see it. Every item has an equal chance to be spawned.

Well I hope you meant one per map :). I could agree, but these should vary, its not that you would find everything in one place. Also Id give lesser chance on weapons like 15% (weapons are quite useful wastelanders keep them good by themselves xD) whereas flint is just a useless thing
« Last Edit: September 01, 2011, 11:07:22 am by Graf »
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Re: Random low-tier equipment spawning in containers
« Reply #32 on: June 05, 2010, 03:15:39 am »

Is this accepted/declined?
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Re: Random low-tier equipment spawning in containers
« Reply #33 on: June 05, 2010, 05:11:44 am »

I like the idea of finding stuff in containers, but I believe in balance.
-Add a gathering (or scavenging) cooldown for getting items out of containers. A Long cooldown. If Picking 3 flowers=8 minutes, then getting the same shit out of a container in a town should have a cooldown of ~16 minutes. If you get ammo or weapons out of a container it should have a cooldown equivalant to TWICE (2X) the cooldown of gathering the materials to make that item.
-Alternately, instead of the having the game spawn new items to fill these containers; players could stock the containers in exchange for XP. If there was a newbie box in NCR where I could throw Mausers, spears, & knives to get a little XP and help people out, I would (and in fact I sometimes stock the containers in NCR with Misc stuff from time to time, just to give people a little suprise, and make the game more enjoyable for other players. Just because some people are assholes and griefers doesn't mean everyone is or that everyone should be)


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Re: Random low-tier equipment spawning in containers
« Reply #34 on: June 05, 2010, 05:33:56 am »

I like the idea of finding stuff in containers, but I believe in balance.
-Add a gathering (or scavenging) cooldown for getting items out of containers. A Long cooldown. If Picking 3 flowers=8 minutes, then getting the same shit out of a container in a town should have a cooldown of ~16 minutes. If you get ammo or weapons out of a container it should have a cooldown equivalant to TWICE (2X) the cooldown of gathering the materials to make that item.
-Alternately, instead of the having the game spawn new items to fill these containers; players could stock the containers in exchange for XP. If there was a newbie box in NCR where I could throw Mausers, spears, & knives to get a little XP and help people out, I would (and in fact I sometimes stock the containers in NCR with Misc stuff from time to time, just to give people a little suprise, and make the game more enjoyable for other players. Just because some people are assholes and griefers doesn't mean everyone is or that everyone should be)

1. timeout would be helpfull to guarantee that there is something.. maybe..  heh!

2. uh that is just... great... !! *shaking head in astonishment*
    but most players who realy help other players with stuff don´t need xp..
    we need some general karma ^^ *repeat old stupid phrases*
« Last Edit: June 05, 2010, 05:32:06 pm by John.Metzger »


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Re: Random low-tier equipment spawning in containers
« Reply #35 on: June 10, 2010, 12:06:38 pm »

A timeout when you take something from containers ? I don't like it, and I doubt it's even possible to implement. Plus, this feature doesn't have to be balanced, there are not so many items spawned, and they're not powerful anyway. For the XP when you put something in container... It's really abuseable, I think.
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Re: Random low-tier equipment spawning in containers
« Reply #36 on: June 10, 2010, 06:57:55 pm »

A timeout when you take something from containers ? I don't like it, and I doubt it's even possible to implement. Plus, this feature doesn't have to be balanced, there are not so many items spawned, and they're not powerful anyway. For the XP when you put something in container... It's really abuseable, I think.

yeah you could just sit with a friend and dump/pick up


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Re: Random low-tier equipment spawning in containers
« Reply #37 on: June 11, 2010, 01:27:59 am »

Alternately, instead of the having the game spawn new items to fill these containers; players could stock the containers in exchange for XP. If there was a newbie box in NCR where I could throw Mausers, spears, & knives to get a little XP and help people out, I would (and in fact I sometimes stock the containers in NCR with Misc stuff from time to time, just to give people a little suprise, and make the game more enjoyable for other players. Just because some people are assholes and griefers doesn't mean everyone is or that everyone should be)

Highly abusable. So what everyone would suddendly run around town ;Y

I havent read throughout the topic but these items could spawn in urban areas like junk in some bookcase and count as gathering.
« Last Edit: June 11, 2010, 01:33:51 am by kraskish »
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Re: Random low-tier equipment spawning in containers
« Reply #38 on: May 19, 2011, 01:15:59 pm »

I was just thinking about something i read a while ago and used the search function to find this thread again.
The basic idea by the OP and Izuals tweak of the suggestion sounded pretty good also solar placed his interesst in this feature.

Almost one year passed since this thread was created.
I now just wanna know, how about it? Is there any chance something like this will be implemented? I always thought about walking trough ruins and search for crafting materials.


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Re: Random low-tier equipment spawning in containers
« Reply #39 on: May 24, 2011, 05:52:12 am »

and place rocks(and mayby flowers) in radom places of all citys some time each?


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Re: Random low-tier equipment spawning in containers
« Reply #40 on: May 24, 2011, 10:46:51 am »

Damn, when I saw this thread was started 31May (I didn't realize it's 24th now, so it's year old). Nevertheless doesn't seem like a bad idea, some exploration factor is what I really miss in this game.

I guess that's why I liked 1st era so much, when I spawned for the first time and went to Sierra, I found G11 lying on the ground, so I went to redding sold it put my money in bank, and returned to Sierra, there were about 20 bluesuits all eager to see what they find inside, but the turrets killed everyone. So we assembled a cunning plan to get inside, if we ran all at once they wouldn't be fast enough to kill us all, fortunately it sorta worked and I was one of the 3 guys who got inside and I managed to loot most of the containers on 1st level, there was 10mm smg and Assault rifle. It wasn't much, since I was a BG and sold it all for about 1.5k, but still this "first Sierra breach" was one of the best things I experienced in fonline.
Yeah, I know that with this suggestion it wouldn't be like that, but still: more exploration = the better game experience(at least for newcomers).


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Re: Random low-tier equipment spawning in containers
« Reply #41 on: May 24, 2011, 11:24:33 pm »

Seriously, why don't you place the stuff that you mentioned by yourself? There are already fuckloads of stuff everywhere, especially low-tier, so why would we need game mechanics to spawn more of that crap?

Loooooooooooooool I did the same exact thing in the other Fallout 2. I looked inside enclave base containers and only found PA. D:


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Re: Random low-tier equipment spawning in containers
« Reply #42 on: May 25, 2011, 02:33:57 am »

My few cents to resurrected thread:
-Some containers should be locked
-The longer no one "cleans" the container, the better stuff => encourages travelling to places, where no one would go, because of distance (but where one might find better stuff)
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Re: Random low-tier equipment spawning in containers
« Reply #43 on: September 01, 2011, 10:34:56 am »

I remember something similar, a suggestion about "special non-special encounters", without rare stuff, but adding more post-apo feeling, like bodies in the desert with some low-tier stuff, or destroyed shops in urban areas.

All this things can really spice up the gameplay, keeping FOnline a post nuclear multiplayer rpg. Container's loot can also help creating newcomers exploring group.

When there are ideas looking forward for teamplay, player interaction and atmosphere, I can't see why there are even people saying no.
Re: Random low-tier equipment spawning in containers
« Reply #44 on: September 03, 2011, 08:38:33 pm »

While i do think items should spawn in town containers,i think it should be 30% chance of an item in it,but when your in a city ruin map area like the boneyard ruins or san fran ruins and you come across a chest(which currently are always epmty)there should be a 80% chance of it having random loot in it.Wich would make looking the city ruin maps much more profitable for low level players,as well as adding a much needed unpredictable adventure aspect to the game(wich this game currently lacks).

Now on to the wasteland area of the maps,when entering a wasteland cell from the world map there should be a 15% chance of there being a small house(with a 50/50 chance of it being inhabited by a non-hostile wastelander or not,the shack would have a random amount of containers with a 65% chance of there being medium level gear in there along with food,water and a small amount of caps(50-100).It would NOT be an encounter that forces you to go in but actually something that appears when you enter the cell,by your own doing.


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