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Author Topic: Sneak problem  (Read 27120 times)

Re: Sneak problem
« Reply #60 on: April 26, 2010, 10:31:49 pm »

Why disable it, when it cant be hard to add some penalties,(which was there before) and little reduce it how people said here before.
when you disable it , you will broke some normal sneak characters which just wanted to use sneak as was before disabling FOV.

and? where is the problem?

when they fix fov, lag, sneak.....
this characters will be ok again

now 95% of players cannot do s*it, cos of 1% char that *may* use sneak right way
Re: Sneak problem
« Reply #61 on: April 26, 2010, 10:52:09 pm »

and? where is the problem?

when they fix fov, lag, sneak.....
this characters will be ok again

now 95% of players cannot do s*it, cos of 1% char that *may* use sneak right way

OK but when will be FOV turned on again? maybe never or after next wipe? maybe tomorow but nobody knows.
I just think that it is fucking easy to REWORK sneak now for time before they turn on FOV again(just by adding some penalties which was wroten here).and its senseless to turn it off and broke some normal builds.

If its hard or impossible to change this , just write it here.
And it can be good if admins will write what they want to do with it and how is it with FOV after they tried it before moment.
Re: Sneak problem
« Reply #62 on: April 26, 2010, 11:11:51 pm »

You all make mi lough.
Now days making char from 1lvl to 21 take - one max two days. So whats the problem - make new char and play sneaker. Dont whant - so play your char.
and stop crying about something - DEVs now thats this and this is overpowered.


And this guy _Youkai_ - belive me PVP is not DEAD - mayby you are dead - heheh.

See you on the STREETS.
Re: Sneak problem
« Reply #63 on: April 26, 2010, 11:35:03 pm »

You all make mi lough.
Now days making char from 1lvl to 21 take - one max two days. So whats the problem - make new char and play sneaker. Dont whant - so play your char.
and stop crying about something - DEVs now thats this and this is overpowered.


And this guy _Youkai_ - belive me PVP is not DEAD - mayby you are dead - heheh.

See you on the STREETS.

Lol yes it will be so funny if everybody will have sneaker for PVP , it will be rly cool finding game. I will rather play finding mines.
you are another guy calling normal discusion by "crying" , i know it is cool to tell someone that he is crying but with this stance is this forum for nothing....

and yes PVP isnt DEAD , pvp is just fucking BORING and STUPID now.
Re: Sneak problem
« Reply #64 on: April 26, 2010, 11:52:47 pm »

You all make mi lough.
Now days making char from 1lvl to 21 take - one max two days. So whats the problem - make new char and play sneaker. Dont whant - so play your char.
and stop crying about something - DEVs now thats this and this is overpowered.


And this guy _Youkai_ - belive me PVP is not DEAD - mayby you are dead - heheh.

See you on the STREETS.

Really smart reply like "Learn how to play" ? Another "Rambo" here ?
« Last Edit: April 27, 2010, 10:52:53 pm by Hololasima »
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Re: Sneak problem
« Reply #65 on: April 26, 2010, 11:56:36 pm »

so sneak is becoming some kind of invisible ability ?  ::)

Heckler Spray

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Re: Sneak problem
« Reply #66 on: April 27, 2010, 12:58:48 am »

Yeah, now Wasteland is full of chinese Maoist ninjas...
Too bad they don't throw shurrikens instead of plasma grenades.
Blood is thicker than water.

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Re: Sneak problem
« Reply #67 on: April 27, 2010, 01:08:47 am »

Look, if we keep this sneaky situation, there gonna be really crazy and unplayable fights where u just meet other players on 3 hexes, miss them and never find them again. Nobody wants such an invisible war...
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Re: Sneak problem
« Reply #68 on: April 27, 2010, 01:18:03 am »

It's just a temporarily solution and will be changed in the future.
I can understand that its a bit nasty at the moment, but no one will be helped with thousands of posts with the same content, like "omg nerf it, it's unplayable!!!" etc. 
Re: Sneak problem
« Reply #69 on: April 27, 2010, 02:07:11 am »

It's just a temporarily solution and will be changed in the future.
I can understand that its a bit nasty at the moment, but no one will be helped with thousands of posts with the same content, like "omg nerf it, it's unplayable!!!" etc. 

can u tell us what means aproximately "in future"? is it more or less than "soon"? :)
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Re: Sneak problem
« Reply #70 on: April 27, 2010, 02:09:23 am »

I'd love to tell you when we'll see this, but I'm not involved in the development. ;)  
I take the standard phrase and say "when it's done".  :P
Re: Sneak problem
« Reply #71 on: April 27, 2010, 02:20:05 am »

The only problem here is your inability to reroll to sneak char. Updates change PvP greatly and if you can't reroll, you should just give up.
Saying PvP is dead is bullshit, there are lots of fights between parties partially composed of sneaking characters - I haven't seen a team which had all characters using sneak. But yeah, I have to admit that sneak is overpowered right now - I just hope they won't make it a useless skill again..


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Re: Sneak problem
« Reply #72 on: April 27, 2010, 02:27:38 am »

Agreeing with Heckler, neither Fast Shot nor BRoF should work with grenades - and I think they both work. At the moment, grenaders win thanks to grenade-spam.

Grenades win? Lies. Let's elaborate on that:
- molotov - lol, unusable
- frag - knockdown, yeah, but the damage is laughable - unusable
- plasma - knockdown removed, inflicts 30-40 dmg on a BA wearing target; the range is 15 hexes, you need 5 or more to get a dude with 200+hp, which already puts you inside the realm of jet, which is a bit shitty to get; now, let's assume the opponent starts running when you throw the first 2 from 6 hex distance. What happens? He's out of range until he's dead and since you both run with the same exact speed you CAN'T KILL HIM, EVER. That's what happens with 2ap/throw. Imagine it's 3ap/throw or 4ap/throw. Oh, and if the target happens to be a BG user he can run up to you and cap your sorry ass with a burst while you light yourself up with splash damage.

tl, dr version; what you both suggest is to make an additional weapon skill completely useless.

Oh, and what Heckler said doesn't even make sense. Yeah, grenades have all these drawbacks irl. They also have 15-50m realistic kill radius and, unlike firearms, offer almost 100% instant incapacitation of the enemy. Basically, a well thrown grenade can wipe out an entire fireteam. I don't remember any 2238 grenades doing that.

As far as sneak goes - introducing a global -75% until FOV appears (everybody is "in front" of you all the time) would do the trick. But with the entire "I failed to adapt so let's axe this thing" crowd whining at the top of their lungs such a sensible solution probably isn't going to pass.
« Last Edit: April 27, 2010, 02:29:46 am by Nice_Boat »
Re: Sneak problem
« Reply #73 on: April 27, 2010, 02:33:08 am »

The only problem here is your inability to reroll to sneak char. Updates change PvP greatly and if you can't reroll, you should just give up.
Saying PvP is dead is bullshit, there are lots of fights between parties partially composed of sneaking characters - I haven't seen a team which had all characters using sneak. But yeah, I have to admit that sneak is overpowered right now - I just hope they won't make it a useless skill again..

I asure you kilgore, that I ve got sneaker thrower, so thats not a problem... I just dont find fun in battles as before and yes, I am going to give up if this is not going to change in few days.
« Last Edit: April 27, 2010, 02:37:56 am by Josefista »
Rockwell weapons user
Re: Sneak problem
« Reply #74 on: April 27, 2010, 02:37:08 am »

Oh, and if the target happens to be a BG user he can run up to you and cap your sorry ass with a burst while you light yourself up with splash damage.

Yeah. So now, let's nerf big guns again :D

Josefista, I know your chars and I know that you are using sneak :) Also I agree that fights with more than 50% chars involved using sneak aren't so interesting, but I don't like "NERF NERF NERF" whining even more.. things have to be balanced, not nerfed. Right now sneak is overpowered due to FOV disabled.. when they enable it, the only good sneakers will be those with 300 skill and even for them it will take a lot of skill to use it in a powerful way
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