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Author Topic: Sneak problem  (Read 27115 times)

Re: Sneak problem
« Reply #45 on: April 26, 2010, 11:45:06 am »

Lol or allow to pick granade and throw it back or to move away before it explode? Similar to throwing the rocks.


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Re: Sneak problem
« Reply #46 on: April 26, 2010, 11:46:49 am »

seen it more than once done to dear old bob, the guy at the NCR base with info pamphlets  :-\
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Re: Sneak problem
« Reply #47 on: April 26, 2010, 01:42:17 pm »

Agree with the weight penalties.

Concerning grenades, well, I bet PvP whinners will disagree, but I think it should cost 1 more Action Point, cause when you throw a grenade (I mean in real life), it doesn't explode immediatly, if you want to lower the delay, you have to wait before throwing it. Furthermore a gunshot is faster than a grenade throwing (except aiming shot, of course).

Let's start the complaints...  :P

so you want make grenades unusable for PVP, usable just for PKing in mines.
This is game not real life so dont think about how it works in RL, in real life you cant get shot to eye and then heal that eye with doctor skill too...
Now throwing is usable, you dont deal big dmg to enemies but you can stun them , so its good for team pvp, and sneak with that can be good and i think that grenader with sneak ,(if will be sneak reworked) will not be overpowered. it will be just next usable character for pvp .
Grenader without sneak will be shit,(he cant fight agaist bigguners because of diference between dmgs, and he cant fight agaist snipers because of diferences in shooting range.
And grenader without sneak and with throwing for 3AP (or4) will be double shit.

but this is topic about sneak , and problem isnt just in grenaders , problem is that they use miniguns and CAs in sneak.
Can someone just tell if it is possible or impossible to add penalties (weight,armor,weapon).And if is , is time for do it, because pvp is now unplayable.


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Re: Sneak problem
« Reply #48 on: April 26, 2010, 01:54:31 pm »

realistic or not. I still dislike possiblity to throw 5 granades in a row per turn, while sniper will make 1 aimed shot, and bigguner will shot 2 bursts from their miniguns... 5 granades... ugh i mean COME ON. alsoafter first 5 nades you are imidiently able to throw another one and another one, because regeneration of 2 ap takes a second when you have 10ap max.

Id rather see granades do more damage, than see granade bursters.
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Re: Sneak problem
« Reply #49 on: April 26, 2010, 01:59:38 pm »

also, if the guy has the 2x action boy that goes all the way up to 6 grenades in a row, or is it 8 plus the regen time there is?
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Re: Sneak problem
« Reply #50 on: April 26, 2010, 02:04:54 pm »

realistic or not. I still dislike possiblity to throw 5 granades in a row per turn, while sniper will make 1 aimed shot, and bigguner will shot 2 bursts from their miniguns... 5 granades... ugh i mean COME ON. alsoafter first 5 nades you are imidiently able to throw another one and another one, because regeneration of 2 ap takes a second when you have 10ap max.

Id rather see granades do more damage, than see granade bursters.

Ok its not possible to throw 5 grenades in turn but it makes them usable,and there are more things which arent possible in this game,i dont want to make this game more realistic i just wanna see balanced game.

yes this is inteligent idea.It will makes them usable but stop grenade spamming which is now only advantage for grenaders.
Maybe dmg little less then normal rockets to armored guys.

And gordulan, if you want good pvp grenader , you cant have 2 action boys...


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Re: Sneak problem
« Reply #51 on: April 26, 2010, 02:06:39 pm »

i know, but i'm throwing theory in the mix
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Heckler Spray

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Re: Sneak problem
« Reply #52 on: April 26, 2010, 02:16:34 pm »

so you want make grenades unusable for PVP, usable just for PKing in mines.
This is game not real life so dont think about how it works in RL, in real life you cant get shot to eye and then heal that eye with doctor skill too...
Now throwing is usable, you dont deal big dmg to enemies but you can stun them , so its good for team pvp, and sneak with that can be good and i think that grenader with sneak ,(if will be sneak reworked) will not be overpowered. it will be just next usable character for pvp .
Grenader without sneak will be shit,(he cant fight agaist bigguners because of diference between dmgs, and he cant fight agaist snipers because of diferences in shooting range.
And grenader without sneak and with throwing for 3AP (or4) will be double shit.

Man, I don't want to make sneaky grenaders useless, one of my friends already uses this kind of build, but I think it should be more balanced, and more logical.
And you seem to be agree with this, no ?
More damages per grenade, but less grenades thrown in a row, it sounds good, yeah. 
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Re: Sneak problem
« Reply #53 on: April 26, 2010, 08:12:15 pm »

Anti-pk, protector of the law in wasteland.
Re: Sneak problem
« Reply #54 on: April 26, 2010, 08:46:12 pm »


Restart has been noticed, lets see what it brings
Rockwell weapons user


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Re: Sneak problem
« Reply #55 on: April 26, 2010, 09:16:43 pm »

After half of a year testing, we are back (minigunner sneakers bursting from 3 hexes).

 Why not reduce the visibility by weight? (if you travel with something heavy like minugun, it makes a noise, reflex of light, your agility is reduced....).
 Why not use sneak only at night? (try to dispapear from my view in the midday sunshine on the flat road with minigun in your hand).
Sneak should be great opportunity for small guns class weapons like assault riffles, smgs, not another overpowered ability for overpowered biggunners.
So long and THANKS for all the fish!
Re: Sneak problem
« Reply #56 on: April 26, 2010, 09:29:05 pm »

bla bla bla

it's simple, if FOV doesn't work, disable sneak

when/if you fix FOV and lag, enable sneak
Re: Sneak problem
« Reply #57 on: April 26, 2010, 09:38:24 pm »

bla bla bla

it's simple, if FOV doesn't work, disable sneak

when/if you fix FOV and lag, enable sneak

Why disable it, when it cant be hard to add some penalties,(which was there before) and little reduce it how people said here before.
when you disable it , you will broke some normal sneak characters which just wanted to use sneak as was before disabling FOV.


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Re: Sneak problem
« Reply #58 on: April 26, 2010, 09:48:28 pm »

Remove sneal until you fix it       ppppppplllllllllleeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaasssssssseeeeeeeee
Re: Sneak problem
« Reply #59 on: April 26, 2010, 09:56:04 pm »

lol, now we are doomed again :P
Rockwell weapons user
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