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Author Topic: Your event ideas!  (Read 162453 times)

BOS Armorer

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Re: Your event ideas!
« Reply #450 on: August 11, 2012, 11:23:01 pm »

how about another just a generic invasion of the ncr by mutants/enclave/khans/something/anything. remember anything is better than nothing.
I'm gonna be sad forever because I got rid of my skin in order to change it at a skin event but I got locked out right after I got my haircut so now I am stuck as a normal hair length blue suit till the next event thats never going to happen.

the worst part is that the super mutants I have talked too are all out of FEV to dip me in. I AM A PURE HUMAN WHO WOULD GLADLY TELL WHERE MY VAULT IS AND GLADLY SERVE THE MASTER TO BRING PEACE TO THE WORLD. I apologize for the caps but I just had to make sure everyone who passes by reads that until someone willing to dip me in FEV so I can serve the master again, sees it and then I can bring peace to the world. if you want to know where vault 32 is just say the words "I take you to lou now" and we will be off.
That's some nice f1 rp there. And yes, I saw your skinbegging in NCR ;) tough luck bout the skin though. Way I understand it, there was one skin giveaway(the one I talked about) and one the next day. Jovanka started them, but as she is dev now, I doubt there will be more, as I said. But anyway, speaking of events, that pvp yesterday was great. Would have been nice to keep those power armors though(fat chance haha) or pvpve(come on, it was navarro, was there a birthday at the local bar or something? Wai so empty?)
EDIT: My mistake, I just saw by a lucky coincidence that Jovanka will be hosting a last one tomorrow.,24309.0.html Steve, you are in luck, as supermutant is still an available skin ;)
« Last Edit: August 11, 2012, 11:33:45 pm by BOS Armorer »
In-game: BOS Armorer, YourMom, EatDatPlazma, Dismantler, Utility Man, Pwned You, Explorer Man, -NCR Ranger-, The Heavy, Doc Fuckyou, The Sniper, Da Chozen 1, Mr. Sir, Hit me, The Spy, Traveller., The Tank, Generic Name, n00bsack, and still going!
Re: Your event ideas!
« Reply #451 on: August 11, 2012, 11:38:12 pm »

I'm pretty excited for tomorrow's skin giveaway event.

You know, it's actually possible to get a custom skin, it's just modify some seldom-used, but user-available graphic (like Mr.Baldie) and replace it with your own, like Surf did back then with sand robes.

But only you will see it, though.

BOS Armorer

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Re: Your event ideas!
« Reply #452 on: August 12, 2012, 02:17:10 am »

But wouldn't that cause a problem with game-server timing? Like, say you changed yourself to a mutie...if you walked somewhere, then in game, you would see yourself walking. But in the server, you would already have arrived at the destination. Things like that could really screw with you. Plus, skins are about showing off ;)
In-game: BOS Armorer, YourMom, EatDatPlazma, Dismantler, Utility Man, Pwned You, Explorer Man, -NCR Ranger-, The Heavy, Doc Fuckyou, The Sniper, Da Chozen 1, Mr. Sir, Hit me, The Spy, Traveller., The Tank, Generic Name, n00bsack, and still going!
Re: Your event ideas!
« Reply #453 on: August 12, 2012, 11:01:25 am »

In certain cases, if the animation isn't timed properly. The devs solved it with adding few frames more to the NCR policeman, his running looks now like quick walking. But quick walking supermut would look outwards silly.

As about showing off, i don't know, a personal skin was always my private pleasure - since our dear GM "ascended" to a developer and no skin change events was in sight, i started to alter my own skins so they could please my eye in my base, tent, mine, etc., even if everyone outside would wear the same.

BOS Armorer

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Re: Your event ideas!
« Reply #454 on: August 12, 2012, 05:47:30 pm »

Well, the skin giveaway ends in 13, you could do that instead. Next one in 4 hrs, most likely last until wipe
In-game: BOS Armorer, YourMom, EatDatPlazma, Dismantler, Utility Man, Pwned You, Explorer Man, -NCR Ranger-, The Heavy, Doc Fuckyou, The Sniper, Da Chozen 1, Mr. Sir, Hit me, The Spy, Traveller., The Tank, Generic Name, n00bsack, and still going!
Re: Your event ideas!
« Reply #455 on: August 22, 2012, 05:49:23 pm »

I have idea for event.
Event for lockpikers, trapers, crafters and other no fighting characters.
Event with easy rules.

Big area (maybe town) and lot of traps (mines, bear traps, rooms with wild animals, shooting towers (like from Sierra Army Depot)- good for sneakers).
Behind traps will be awars. Who will be first then take awards.

Other idea of event is serching something in town.
For example, in New Reno everybody try find one flower or other thing.
The thing will be hidden somewhere.

What you think ?

BOS Armorer

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Re: Your event ideas!
« Reply #456 on: August 22, 2012, 10:44:07 pm »

The thing will be hidden somewhere.

What you think ?
I think everyone will kill each other until one person remains and eventually finds it.
In-game: BOS Armorer, YourMom, EatDatPlazma, Dismantler, Utility Man, Pwned You, Explorer Man, -NCR Ranger-, The Heavy, Doc Fuckyou, The Sniper, Da Chozen 1, Mr. Sir, Hit me, The Spy, Traveller., The Tank, Generic Name, n00bsack, and still going!


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Re: Your event ideas!
« Reply #457 on: October 10, 2012, 04:25:57 pm »

Hm.. No more events ideas... Nothing..
Hmm ..
What about Event Master?
It can be usefull function for making event for us all :)

It is just idea. ;)
Im proud for my Country but shame on Salamander. If there will be NooB award he will have it.

Mike Crosser

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Re: Your event ideas!
« Reply #458 on: October 10, 2012, 06:43:42 pm »

How about a rare weapons and armor hunt?
Simply take these:
Gauss rifle
Pulse pistol/rifle
HK g11e
And hide them in random towns.


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Re: Your event ideas!
« Reply #459 on: October 10, 2012, 08:58:27 pm »

How about a rare weapons and armor hunt?
Simply take these:
Gauss rifle
Pulse pistol/rifle
HK g11e
And hide them in random towns.

It is suck. Hiding items in towns.. This stuff can be event reward..
Im proud for my Country but shame on Salamander. If there will be NooB award he will have it.
Re: Your event ideas!
« Reply #460 on: October 11, 2012, 12:39:47 pm »

King of the PA event?

You have to hunt down and kill a Brotherhood deserteur, which has a PA. Then, you can loot and equip his armor. If noone kills you in next 15 minutes, grids appears in which you can exit the location with your prize.


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Re: Your event ideas!
« Reply #461 on: October 11, 2012, 12:44:46 pm »

nice idea, but there must me limit of characters that players can use - one per player ? :)
didin't now about that multi logs are forbidden in pvp events, sry ;/
« Last Edit: October 11, 2012, 03:26:34 pm by Pucha »
Re: Your event ideas!
« Reply #462 on: October 11, 2012, 02:01:04 pm »

Multilog in a PvP event? Something new for me...

café saké

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Re: Your event ideas!
« Reply #463 on: October 13, 2012, 01:19:36 am »

nuclear storm

All character take radiations slowly but surely and deadly if they do nothing for survive.
Some monsters are hungry, Deathclaws attack the hub and junktow
Crazys attack vault city and modoc
Pigrats and radscorpions attack Klamath and the den etc etc
City are in alert.

GM transform some players in ghouls.
Those ghoul don't suffer of radiations.
An vault base is open, players can go into for be safe of radiations .. but ... safe of others players? hehe

I think we can found a lot of idea around Nuclear Storm, and that can be an event of one week
Holy Rotgut bless you.


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Re: Your event ideas!
« Reply #464 on: October 13, 2012, 06:11:30 am »

nuclear storm

All character take radiations slowly but surely and deadly if they do nothing for survive.
Some monsters are hungry, Deathclaws attack the hub and junktow
Crazys attack vault city and modoc
Pigrats and radscorpions attack Klamath and the den etc etc
City are in alert.

GM transform some players in ghouls.
Those ghoul don't suffer of radiations.
An vault base is open, players can go into for be safe of radiations .. but ... safe of others players? hehe

I think we can found a lot of idea around Nuclear Storm, and that can be an event of one week
Your event idea fails, just like these 2 guys, and some characters already have ghoul skins and some players won't want to get radiated

« Last Edit: October 13, 2012, 06:33:16 am by S.T.A.L.K.E.R »
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