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Author Topic: Your event ideas!  (Read 162443 times)


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Re: Your event ideas!
« Reply #435 on: July 23, 2012, 07:34:38 pm »

no, we want random pvp event deathmatch with possibility to team up with other players. pleaseeee
pfft, those randoms ones are boring, I don't like them and didn't one cause the sevrer to crash?
« Last Edit: July 23, 2012, 08:26:10 pm by S.T.A.L.K.E.R »
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BOS Armorer

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Re: Your event ideas!
« Reply #436 on: July 23, 2012, 08:12:04 pm »

I think a zombie invasion is a good idea. Make giant houses with a lot of windows, all players inside house. Outfitters give weak tier weapons, then steadily stronger. And each time the outfitters give better gear, there are more ghouls spawning outside. Just break down the doors(or open i guess :P) and swarm in. Give them those Claws or something, and make them unlootable. Or Mega Powerfists. Being inside a house will eliminate the running away(a bit) and being hit a couple times by  the zombies will get you. Also, you could give them a lot of AP and HP. I don't know, just a suggestion. Haven't been to an event in a long time :c and the server is currently down either way.
In-game: BOS Armorer, YourMom, EatDatPlazma, Dismantler, Utility Man, Pwned You, Explorer Man, -NCR Ranger-, The Heavy, Doc Fuckyou, The Sniper, Da Chozen 1, Mr. Sir, Hit me, The Spy, Traveller., The Tank, Generic Name, n00bsack, and still going!


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Re: Your event ideas!
« Reply #437 on: July 25, 2012, 11:22:55 am »

I think a zombie invasion is a good idea. Make giant houses with a lot of windows, all players inside house. Outfitters give weak tier weapons, then steadily stronger. And each time the outfitters give better gear, there are more ghouls spawning outside. Just break down the doors(or open i guess :P) and swarm in. Give them those Claws or something, and make them unlootable. Or Mega Powerfists. Being inside a house will eliminate the running away(a bit) and being hit a couple times by  the zombies will get you. Also, you could give them a lot of AP and HP. I don't know, just a suggestion. Haven't been to an event in a long time :c and the server is currently down either way.

I like this idea!!!

BOS Armorer

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Re: Your event ideas!
« Reply #438 on: July 25, 2012, 07:55:12 pm »

yay a supporter
In-game: BOS Armorer, YourMom, EatDatPlazma, Dismantler, Utility Man, Pwned You, Explorer Man, -NCR Ranger-, The Heavy, Doc Fuckyou, The Sniper, Da Chozen 1, Mr. Sir, Hit me, The Spy, Traveller., The Tank, Generic Name, n00bsack, and still going!
Re: Your event ideas!
« Reply #439 on: July 26, 2012, 06:56:07 pm »

Zombie king of the hill sounds good.
Once I and my classmates were trying to come up with idea for zombie larp and we came up with this:
Three small groups of people with some crappy weapons and some medicaments, they start on three different places and all of them are heading to abandoned camp. In camp there are plans to repair broken car, components for repair are placed on various places of map. But car can carry only one group of survivors. Meanwhile there is group of soldiers (better equipment), their orders are to take every documents from abandoned camp including plans for car repair. And whole place is swarmed by zombies. Maybe it can be turned to some event as well.

BOS Armorer

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Re: Your event ideas!
« Reply #440 on: July 27, 2012, 11:24:02 pm »

Nice idea. But the group that's not as well armed or has less gear should either get a head start, or have less to travel. Should be that they enter enter a small clearing with the car and stuff, then have green grids to other places for those parts. Meanwhile a longer path with many more zombies leads from the armed soldier's group. Whichever group finishes first wins. This could be a great event :D maybe the winning team could get trunk filled with good stuff? Those schematics that need to be found are unobtainable otherwise? Maybe even schematics for a car...
In-game: BOS Armorer, YourMom, EatDatPlazma, Dismantler, Utility Man, Pwned You, Explorer Man, -NCR Ranger-, The Heavy, Doc Fuckyou, The Sniper, Da Chozen 1, Mr. Sir, Hit me, The Spy, Traveller., The Tank, Generic Name, n00bsack, and still going!
Re: Your event ideas!
« Reply #441 on: July 31, 2012, 05:02:47 am »

Howabout some good ol' fashion ROCKET BALL???
Re: Your event ideas!
« Reply #442 on: July 31, 2012, 05:15:19 pm »

Howabout some good ol' fashion ROCKET BALL???

I second that.

BOS Armorer

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Re: Your event ideas!
« Reply #443 on: July 31, 2012, 07:38:44 pm »

Just got a crazy bout a wasteland domination event? Players all start unarmed or with bad gear, try to take over low tier towns like gecko or sumthing(by take over I mean kill everything that moves), then with the loot from there, go to a harder town, etc. Each town that you conquer could give you unique NCR the ranger armor, Hub a unique caravan cart or would be a lot of work, but I'm sure many people would like such an event.
In-game: BOS Armorer, YourMom, EatDatPlazma, Dismantler, Utility Man, Pwned You, Explorer Man, -NCR Ranger-, The Heavy, Doc Fuckyou, The Sniper, Da Chozen 1, Mr. Sir, Hit me, The Spy, Traveller., The Tank, Generic Name, n00bsack, and still going!
Re: Your event ideas!
« Reply #444 on: August 03, 2012, 02:48:44 am »

Just got a crazy bout a wasteland domination event? Players all start unarmed or with bad gear, try to take over low tier towns like gecko or sumthing(by take over I mean kill everything that moves), then with the loot from there, go to a harder town, etc. Each town that you conquer could give you unique NCR the ranger armor, Hub a unique caravan cart or would be a lot of work, but I'm sure many people would like such an event.

sounds bad, Ill go with Rocketball.
We’ve died a million times but we are not the walking dead

BOS Armorer

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Re: Your event ideas!
« Reply #445 on: August 03, 2012, 03:32:52 am »

As I said, crazy idea...but something along those lines could be turned into a decent server event. Like, then all towns could become player controlled...maybe NPCs would try to claim them back?
In-game: BOS Armorer, YourMom, EatDatPlazma, Dismantler, Utility Man, Pwned You, Explorer Man, -NCR Ranger-, The Heavy, Doc Fuckyou, The Sniper, Da Chozen 1, Mr. Sir, Hit me, The Spy, Traveller., The Tank, Generic Name, n00bsack, and still going!


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Re: Your event ideas!
« Reply #446 on: August 05, 2012, 06:42:13 pm »

Last event i played was PvE in setember of 2011 i think...

BOS Armorer

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Re: Your event ideas!
« Reply #447 on: August 05, 2012, 07:40:17 pm »

Last event I went to was skin giveaway a month or two ago...doubt any more will come. Don't delete those skin chars, now ;)
In-game: BOS Armorer, YourMom, EatDatPlazma, Dismantler, Utility Man, Pwned You, Explorer Man, -NCR Ranger-, The Heavy, Doc Fuckyou, The Sniper, Da Chozen 1, Mr. Sir, Hit me, The Spy, Traveller., The Tank, Generic Name, n00bsack, and still going!
Re: Your event ideas!
« Reply #448 on: August 11, 2012, 06:38:02 am »

PVP rave.

Map full of lights coming from flares and random lights, players himself can take a flare to glow.

Typical pew pew event, but with more lights and colors.

steve s.

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Re: Your event ideas!
« Reply #449 on: August 11, 2012, 08:49:35 am »

how about another just a generic invasion of the ncr by mutants/enclave/khans/something/anything. remember anything is better than nothing.

Last event I went to was skin giveaway a month or two ago...doubt any more will come. Don't delete those skin chars, now ;)
I'm gonna be sad forever because I got rid of my skin in order to change it at a skin event but I got locked out right after I got my haircut so now I am stuck as a normal hair length blue suit till the next event thats never going to happen.

the worst part is that the super mutants I have talked too are all out of FEV to dip me in. I AM A PURE HUMAN WHO WOULD GLADLY TELL WHERE MY VAULT IS AND GLADLY SERVE THE MASTER TO BRING PEACE TO THE WORLD. I apologize for the caps but I just had to make sure everyone who passes by reads that until someone willing to dip me in FEV so I can serve the master again, sees it and then I can bring peace to the world. if you want to know where vault 32 is just say the words "I take you to lou now" and we will be off.
before you read anything I write, think the words "This cake tastes like sideburns, and"
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