Wow... so much for my comeback.. Just when I could spare some time to play again – this.
I am sad.
I am angry.
Played it for about a year and I was enjoying it most the time and met some cool people. Thanking all devs for what they have accomplished.
Maybe some of the later changes and decisions made weren't the best and maybe TLAmk2 couldn't have chosen a worse time to be released (or better for TLA itself), but I may believe what killed this server weren't the devs, who are just human like we are, but
I hate every one of you for posting things like "game's dead" or links to TLA! With that behaviour you created an atmosphere that was bound to drive weak minded, influencable players away, or even force them to quit and demoralize the dev team more and more
YOU killed this game instead of giving some effort to make real improvements. F to the U.
I myself tried here and there and put a lot of thought into this game. But I also realized, that somehow this construct of a shut-in dev team that constantly has to fend off the hate and can't get its shit together would in the end lead to exacly this situation we have now.
My regrets are that I didn't do more for this awesome project. There will be nothing like it for me, TLA just doesn't feel right.

I really hope all those great people who had ideas and contributed in some way will somehow get together and form a new team. Release of the 2238 source would be a wonderful help to relaunch 2238 or even create a new wasteland.
I'm not sure yet how much information I should release, but I was thinking and planning on an own server for a while now.
Some work is already done, but a bigger shitload of work still needs to be done.
It really depends on how my life will turn in the next months whether I will keep working on it, also how much time noizecode, with whom I'm working together on this, has got, but the end of 2238 can be seen as a chance for a fresh start.
And the end of 2238 now really makes me
want to do the new server!
If we decide to make that project happen, we will definetly need help. And I hope to find that help here.
Goodbye 2238.