MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH, I think victory is finally mine.
Yes this is me, runboy93. You really think you can get away from me like this...? Don't even think about it, this AIN'T OVER YET FOR YOU!
And yes everyone, I played this final season with these accounts. Everyone can think was I evil or not...
- Doc Stem, Doc Vein, Stem Gun, Stampede, DeathRay, DeathBG, LiveHtH, Mr. Bruiser...
And almost every character that had on their name "Stem" or "Death" ^^
This is my final spam and final contact with everyone at 2238, don't think I will go that trashplace TLA MKII.
I would prefer doing nothing on PC than playing that shitpile, which took all players from 2238.
Anyway, it was honor to play real "Fallout online" for many years since 2010 january
(Yeah it was on my birthday when I started play and chat at forums)
Now I can finally be free from chains! NO MORE THIS FUCKING LIARS GAME!
I bet someone knows what I am talking about? Well it doesn't matter anymore. It happened few years ago, it's already forgotten by players who I met on that time. But still, I hope you won't be such asshole anymore.
My final image spam <3