Benkain please u will never take redding. Maby at late night
Thats ok. If you were cooperating enough to gather 5 people. Teamwork shoud be rewarded.
On a side note, I am surprised this hasn't appeared here yet been spammed all over the goddamn thread.A positive change...
Dont know but guardinas or another shit gang most of time have normal stimpaks or explosive rockets so good update for some people like always
1st of april is 2 days away already. Beside that, the only reason why our guys could have normal Stims and/or Expl.Rockets within their inventory is, that they probably looted them from your soldiers, dude! And i'm not even joking on that point. So please, i never said something like "shit gang" to Hawks in the past, nor did one of our members did. So why are you that inpolite?
Unfortunately, docAn has received a warning for telling people to go on tlamk2, but hey, thanks!
I have feeling that 2238 is going to die soon.
I have crafted 120 SS (still waiting for some, due the timer) and it took just 1,5 hour to gather 120 necessary Xander Roots and Broc Flowers BTW xander roots do spawn significantly less than brocs!!!, then i went to buy 360 Biomed Gels (9000caps) and i have had enough empty Empty Hypodermics. The last step was to collect 120 Chemical Components in toxic caves. THIS took me over 2 hours, non-stop running around collectin chems 2 by 2, shooting golden geckos...Crafting itself is just fraction of whole process, in sum it took around 4 hours + 10k+ in caps.This is much more time consuming than it ever was, i like all new carfting mechanics becouse those seem srly reasonable, but extend all sources (make spawn 2 barrels in toxic caves and waterworks, make biomed gels cost 10 or 15caps, empty hypodermics costs 5 caps each, also make spawn Xander Roots and Broc Flowers in same amounts becouse xander roots seems to be 3 times more rare. NOTE: regular stim should be craftable ALSO with medical terminal
docAn has received a warning