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Author Topic: Changelog 2/04/2013  (Read 71463 times)


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Changelog 2/04/2013
« on: April 02, 2013, 10:48:40 pm »

- Disabled probable cause of some occasional huge lags on the public server.
- Solution for "character already in game" problem (if you provide correct password and have the same IP, the server will drop connection of the character in game).
- Fixed some encounter NPCs not reacting on player being too close in certain cases.
- Fixed some encounter NPCs protecting players against predators.
- Followers set to flee in combat are no longer unprotected in guarded towns.
- Gunrunners delivery case is no longer stackable (it was a source of certain glitches).
- Ammunition in the BB gun in the Tent in the Wasteland quest isn't lost when the gun is unloaded with full magazine.
- Removed Vertibird from Navarro map.

- Smart Cursor - for the most common tasks, the default cursor will detect automatically if item hold in active hand slot can be used on object pointed by the cursor and use the item once the object is clicked. For example clicking a brahmin dung with the arrow cursor will clean it if you hold a shovel in hand (selecting "use on" mode is not necessary). Smart Cursor works with following tasks: collecting fibres, shoveling brahmin dung, chopping wood, mining, digging graves (to cover graves you still have to use "use on" mode in shovel).
- Players can sell gold nuggets in Redding bank.
- Added a new special encounter.

- Mining system, has been reworked (see New Mining System below).
- Along with changed mining system, Redding, Broken Hills and Gecko mines have been reworked. All the mines are bigger and have a "monster lair" area with a stronger enemy. Generally, the farther from the mine entrance, the stronger and faster respawning mobs. Broken Hills mine has a new alternative entrance - a ladder in the mine leads to a corridor connected with Broken Hills dungeon. Gecko mine has 2 entrances with preview available from World Map.
- Unguarded mines in Redding, Broken Hills and near Gecko are no-logout (your character won't disappear if you logoff there).
- Slightly decreased weight of minable resources. Volume of all minable resources is set to 2.
- Good Metal Parts and Advanced Gunpowder can be crafted with Workbench. High Quality Alloys still require Advanced Workbench.
- All caravan wagons have 10x larger volume capacity.
- Chemical components now use similar system as the new mining. Piles with Chemical Components appear on random barrels in the second map of Toxic Caves and in Waterworks. A new pile is generated 15 seconds after a pile has been collected (there is more than one pile in both locations).
- All respawning mobs (for example ants in Broken Hills) after death forget characters who attacked them.
- Some encounter NPCs can push players away when they get too close.
- A few adjustments in inventories of Enclave and Brotherhood of Steel encounters.
- Crafting Healing Powders doesn't require workbench.
- Stimpak and Super Stimpak recipes were made slightly cheaper.
- Stimpak, Super Stimpak, Radaway and Rad-X are now craftable in batches of 5.
- Small changes in Hinkley (more spawns in the Pit arena and some boxes blocking field of view in team rooms for sneakers).
- Player characters can no longer fly with Vertibirds or TARDIS.

- Run the updater to obtain the new files.
- Output of +requesthelp command is now visible for Game Masters on IRC, even if they are not logged into game.
- Server messages are passed to Librarian (IRC bot by Cpt.Rookie) and visible on #2238 channel.

- Clear cache before updating and running the game. To clear the cache, delete everything in data\cache folder and run Updater. Remember that it will also clear the last used login/password.

New Mining System


Instead of rocks, mines contain resource veins. Each vein holds a number of resources of specific type. When a vein is depleted, another vein in the mine is generated. The type of a new vein is in most cases random, although the chance for each type vary, depending on mine. The only exception is if it was the last vein of a type, in such case another vein with the same type is generated.

Available Mines

Redding mine has 10 veins of following types: Iron Ore, Minerals, High Quality Iron Ore, High Quality Minerals, Gold. A new vein is generated immediately after another vein has depleted.

Broken Hills mine has 10 veins of following types: Iron Ore, Minerals, High Quality Iron Ore, High Quality Minerals, Uranium. A new vein is generated immediately after another vein has depleted.

Gecko mine has 10 veins of following types: Iron Ore, Minerals, High Quality Iron Ore, High Quality Minerals. A new vein is generated immediately after another vein has depleted.

Guarded mines (near Shady Sands, Junktown, Klamath, San Francisco) have 4 veins of following types: Iron Ore, Minerals. A new vein is generated 2 minutes after a vein has depleted.

Ghost Farm mine has 2 veins of following types: Iron Ore, Minerals. A new vein is generated 2 minutes after a vein has depleted.

Bunker Base has 2 veins of following types: Iron Ore, Minerals. A new vein is generated 10 minutes after a vein has depleted.

Player Mine has 2 veins of following types: High Quality Iron Ore. In the first 14 real days a new vein is generated 12 hours after a vein has depleted (roughly 220 High Quality Iron Ores can be mined in Player Mine if done regularly). After 14 days new veins won't generate and player can buy a new mine - the old mine will be deleted when a new one is bought. Player Mines usually come with a few mobs of random type inside. The mobs will respawn, although very slowly.

Mining Tools

With Primitive Tool you can mine Iron Ore and Minerals only. With Sledgehammer you can mine Iron Ore, Minerals and High Quality Iron Ore. With Super Sledge you can mine all types of veins.


  • -Guardian-
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Re: Changelog 2/04/2013
« Reply #1 on: April 02, 2013, 10:49:29 pm »

Looks promising, allthough i still think private mines need more buff.
« Last Edit: April 02, 2013, 10:56:25 pm by Mrockatansky »
 I didn't mention Guardians just because they represent no real force in my opinion.


  • I heard he came from the North.
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Re: Changelog 2/04/2013
« Reply #2 on: April 02, 2013, 10:55:16 pm »

Nice one.


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Re: Changelog 2/04/2013
« Reply #3 on: April 02, 2013, 10:56:47 pm »

like alweys u guys need to screw somethink

this time thiefs

make posibyly to craft 5mm ap at wb
« Last Edit: April 02, 2013, 11:02:10 pm by Swiatowid »


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Re: Changelog 2/04/2013
« Reply #4 on: April 02, 2013, 11:02:50 pm »

An update for my birthday... awww you didn't have to

@ontopic why nerf stealing now when hoarders have shitloads of ss and ammo ?

But I guess other updates are good, I really like the mining part
« Last Edit: April 02, 2013, 11:06:33 pm by Mr.NiceGuy »


  • ǝdopʎʇndǝp
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Re: Changelog 2/04/2013
« Reply #5 on: April 02, 2013, 11:13:15 pm »

lol you need adv workbench to craft 5mm AP? and stealing nerfed?



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Re: Changelog 2/04/2013
« Reply #6 on: April 02, 2013, 11:15:30 pm »

yes dope adv wb is needed to 5mm ap
Re: Changelog 2/04/2013
« Reply #7 on: April 02, 2013, 11:19:37 pm »

Very nice update thx a lot!

Mike Crosser

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Re: Changelog 2/04/2013
« Reply #8 on: April 02, 2013, 11:21:41 pm »

lol you need adv workbench to craft 5mm AP?

Wasn't it like that the whole session?
Re: Changelog 2/04/2013
« Reply #9 on: April 02, 2013, 11:24:56 pm »

I cannot update, updater console says invalid configuration even after clearing cache.

Also, what is the point of being able to craft Good Metal Parts and Advanced Gunpowder on regular wb if everything you craft with them requires adv. wb?


  • ǝdopʎʇndǝp
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Re: Changelog 2/04/2013
« Reply #10 on: April 02, 2013, 11:30:30 pm »

Wasn't it like that the whole session?

but now you can't steal 5mm.
Re: Changelog 2/04/2013
« Reply #11 on: April 02, 2013, 11:35:49 pm »

- Fixed some encounter NPCs protecting players against predators.
Wouldn't be more logical if ALL NPCs would also fight those predators. There is no logic if those npc only attack you and go away, without harming anyone else.

What is a TARDIS ?

Thanks for the update.
The yesterday changelog was also nice by the way.
Glad that the comeback of NameColorizing wasn't considered as a joke...
Re: Changelog 2/04/2013
« Reply #12 on: April 02, 2013, 11:38:37 pm »

Nice, i like the new update, uhm any ideas why i cant connect to the server? its stuck on autentication. Also i never been able to run updater, it stucks on initializing.


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Re: Changelog 2/04/2013
« Reply #13 on: April 02, 2013, 11:40:09 pm »

I cannot update, updater console says invalid configuration even after clearing cache.

Also, what is the point of being able to craft Good Metal Parts and Advanced Gunpowder on regular wb if everything you craft with them requires adv. wb?

the point is you can bring more materials to the WB on a single character, especially for ammo crafting
« Last Edit: April 02, 2013, 11:43:43 pm by JovankaB »

Mike Crosser

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Re: Changelog 2/04/2013
« Reply #14 on: April 02, 2013, 11:41:31 pm »

Quote from: naossano
What is a TARDIS ?

The TARDIS is a vehicle used by "the doctor",in the tv series "doctor who",to travel through space and time(its the blue box from fallout 1).
but now you can't steal 5mm.
Big whoop,so much of it has been stolen over the past year you can now buy it for shovels.
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