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Author Topic: Changelog 14/02/13  (Read 79660 times)


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Re: Changelog 14/02/13
« Reply #150 on: February 15, 2013, 04:06:14 pm »

Will be a real pleasure for me to kick ur 18 years old *godwin* ass, but we are totaly off topic so please come back to the debate who was interesting before u start opening your mounth.

Keep dreamin', fella.


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Re: Changelog 14/02/13
« Reply #151 on: February 15, 2013, 04:24:35 pm »

i would like to ask if multiloging is banable for PVE purpose, or its still acceptable.

EDIT: i would like answer from development team.
« Last Edit: February 15, 2013, 04:35:15 pm by greenthumb »


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Re: Changelog 14/02/13
« Reply #152 on: February 15, 2013, 04:31:08 pm »

it is allowed until u are only one in encounter ;D


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Re: Changelog 14/02/13
« Reply #153 on: February 15, 2013, 04:59:52 pm »

There's plenty of item damage from Town Control box, nobody gives a fuck.
It it would be up to me, TC box would be gone 2 years ago. Thing is, that i'm a minority in this case, so as long other rotators want it in current form - it will be, no matter if i like it or not :)

I won't argue about the technical necessity, I can't argue and your automatically right about that.
That's why we (try to) not do this, for that simple reason that players don't know about them; and even if we try to explain something, things may change in a matter of hours, and they'll base on deprecated data.

Imagine a player that has everything he needs.
Imagine a player who have nothing. Anyway my point is, that this game - sooner, later, "soon" - is going to be long-running no matter how many time it took since server wipe. Both engine, and 2238 codebase, evolved enough to bring more and more changes without need to start from scratch every time.

For me, it's a partial success, as it shows that we can acively work on game, without players suffering becouse of technical reasons - after all, why should they care about such stuff. It's our problem to provide new things smoothly.

For you, not really, as you simply don't and sadly can't look at the game like i do. If we reach moment when players wouldn't even know what server wipe actually is, it may be success for you. It will be a sign that game gives you something fun to do despite of how long you play it - and i'm talking about both, player and character(s) experience.

Before you or anyone else will say it - yes, we sux in providing such content currently :S As you hit the right buttons, i will even risk saying that at this moment (it may change any time, keep in mind), we have enough manpower to script even very complicated changes (see first post :P), but when it comes to content, as seen by players (graphic, dialogs, maps) - yea, that's where shit hit the fan. From what i can see in leaks from other servers, it's totally opposite. We can do nothing more than say "oh, irony" and go back to our stuff. Anyway, we have overload of cool things we want/could add, so it's not "devs ignore suggestions". We just know perfectly who is and who is not active in team, and many things found in there require someone who actually know what's he/she is doing (In that place, i'd like to say "sorry!" to all english native speakers, which are forced to read campfire dialog). That's how it looks for me, and only me; other people among dev team may have totally different opinion.
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Re: Changelog 14/02/13
« Reply #154 on: February 15, 2013, 05:10:01 pm »

Nice words for the end of the topic :D
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Re: Changelog 14/02/13
« Reply #155 on: February 15, 2013, 06:25:53 pm »

Yes. Now  t-joke go and type another butthurt wall of text.


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Re: Changelog 14/02/13
« Reply #156 on: February 15, 2013, 06:34:38 pm »

Yes. Now  t-joke go and type another butthurt wall of text.
Judging by 'latest post' button, it's more productive to answer T-888 single post than answering few pages of yours. Again, me-only opinion, sue me.
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Re: Changelog 14/02/13
« Reply #157 on: February 15, 2013, 06:42:55 pm »

Sure sure...but 99% of us dont even read what t-888 typed. It is to Long and no one care. Anyway i would like to hear more about your new features
Re: Changelog 14/02/13
« Reply #158 on: February 15, 2013, 06:45:26 pm »

Thank you for updates which make our lifes more comfortable and easier after time when 60% of the comunity left.
« Last Edit: February 15, 2013, 07:23:27 pm by -Fojtik- »
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Re: Changelog 14/02/13
« Reply #159 on: February 15, 2013, 06:46:04 pm »

Sure sure...but 99% of us dont even read what t-888 typed. It is to Long and no one care. Anyway i would like to hear more about your new features

It is not the other peoples problem if you have the attention span of a fruitfly.


The update was great, good job. Rolled a new character as well. :)
Re: Changelog 14/02/13
« Reply #160 on: February 15, 2013, 08:03:09 pm »

Wipe is just fun.

I agree. I've seen it over and over since 2009. Well 2010 really as I've been in one faction since then. Everyone in gang is present and accounted for after each wipe, regardless of whether anything new is promised. It's just more fun, anything new to try out is simply icing on the wipe-cake.

Then as gang develops all alt types to their satisfaction, builds many bases, accumulates wealth, earns millions in interest alone, and finally pvp itself just becomes repetitive and boring, one by one everyone quits or even sometimes whole gang has actually decided to follow one or more of our guys into some other cool game they discovered. But since last wipe i did notice a difference. This all happened much much faster than before. So from my point of view what should have been a shorter season ended up being a longer one.

The wipes seem to be getting further and further apart. Does this mean the game is nearing completion and one day there will be no more wipes? I don't think this game could survive for long without wipes. I would definitely put in my vote for a regularly scheduled wipe. Its just the way fonline is. It needs more frequent and regular wipes. Sure right after an important update is not the best time as more testing needs to be done with that first.

I guess the matter really comes down to what open-public-beta means.  Does it mean we are just playtesters for a game that is being actively developed and thus our enjoyment of it is only secondary? Or does it mean the game was deemed finished to the extent that it is now playable and thus anything added from here on out is simply an after thought added in by developers working at their leisure [time off from other more important things they have going on] based on input from a dedicated player/fan-base and not simply impassionate reports from volunteer beta-testers.

Anyway, I liked all of T-888's points regarding this issue. I for one would stay on alot longer after each wipe if I knew the next apocalypse was right around the corner. I'll put it to a vote on our private forum to see what the old gang thinks but I'm willing to bet they would agree.



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Re: Changelog 14/02/13
« Reply #161 on: February 15, 2013, 08:26:35 pm »

^ Truth.

The reason people want a wipe is because it's fun and it invigorates any members of the community and game who have previously left due to boredom and stagnation. I know at least 20 other people that I play with that would only come back to play for wipe because it's fun, not because we need some super mega huge update to validate having a wipe.

Doing a wipe now when you're adding big features such as the new tent system and the predators thing would bring a lot of players back. But really, as has been said, the features are just the icing on the cake, wipes are just what make this game fun.

Rebuilding from the very beginning, everyone with the spacerace attitude to try and become the most powerful gang, everyone on an equal level. This game needs wipes for the playerbase survive, when it's all finished and you plan to never wipe it ever again, it just won't go anywhere.
« Last Edit: February 15, 2013, 08:28:17 pm by Reconite »
Quote from: Zogra

ARWH. Scummers to the end.
Re: Changelog 14/02/13
« Reply #162 on: February 15, 2013, 08:54:48 pm »

I can say with absolute confidence that a wipe will bring in many more players. The majority of people who have enjoyed this game, have amassed stockpiles that make it feel much less exciting, and many factions have deteriorated because of a lack of endgame purpose.
Once you've got it all, it becomes much less entertaining.
You can say "Oh, why don't you just roll a new character then?"
It's not that simple, because everyone else who still plays still has a bunch of max leveled characters with great gear, and everyone who used to play and quit due to the same reason won't come back because they know they still have all of that stuff.
I honestly and truly believe that a wipe would be the healthiest thing for this game right now, and it would really bring a lot of people back, while attracting new people who were put off by how behind they would be/how inactive the community is.
But that's just like, my opinion, man.
Re: Changelog 14/02/13
« Reply #163 on: February 15, 2013, 08:58:15 pm »

This Valentin update will spread love into the wasteland.

We will keep the Fast Relog AND satisfy those who were agains't.

Plus the tent system is great. I can't wait to attract predators...

Server population will go 1000+
Re: Changelog 14/02/13
« Reply #164 on: February 15, 2013, 09:07:04 pm »

Server population will go 1000+

1000+ ? When this will be true . All have ping 900 and server will be offline every 5min ...
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