There's plenty of item damage from Town Control box, nobody gives a fuck.
It it would be up to me, TC box would be gone 2 years ago. Thing is, that i'm a minority in this case, so as long other rotators want it in current form - it will be, no matter if i like it or not

I won't argue about the technical necessity, I can't argue and your automatically right about that.
That's why we (try to) not do this, for that simple reason that players don't know about them; and even if we try to explain something, things may change in a matter of hours, and they'll base on deprecated data.
Imagine a player that has everything he needs.
Imagine a player who have nothing. Anyway my point is, that this game - sooner, later, "soon" - is going to be long-running no matter how many time it took since server wipe. Both engine, and 2238 codebase, evolved enough to bring more and more changes without need to start from scratch every time.
For me, it's a partial success, as it shows that we
can acively work on game, without players suffering becouse of technical reasons - after all, why should they care about such stuff. It's our problem to provide new things smoothly.
For you, not really, as you simply don't and sadly can't look at the game like i do. If we reach moment when players wouldn't even know what server wipe actually is, it may be success for you. It will be a sign that game gives you something fun to do despite of how long you play it - and i'm talking about both, player and character(s) experience.
Before you or anyone else will say it - yes, we sux in providing such content currently :S As you hit the right buttons, i will even risk saying that at this moment (it may change any time, keep in mind), we have enough manpower to script even very complicated changes (see first post

), but when it comes to content, as seen by players (graphic, dialogs, maps) - yea, that's where shit hit the fan. From what i can see in leaks from other servers, it's totally opposite. We can do nothing more than say "oh, irony" and go back to our stuff. Anyway, we have overload of cool things we want/could add, so it's not "devs ignore suggestions". We just know perfectly who is and who is not active in team, and many things found in there require someone who actually know what's he/she is doing (In that place, i'd like to say "sorry!" to all english native speakers, which are forced to read campfire dialog). That's how it looks for me, and only me; other people among dev team may have totally different opinion.