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Author Topic: Changelog 14/02/13  (Read 78741 times)


  • Dictatorial Tyrant
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Re: Changelog 14/02/13
« Reply #135 on: February 15, 2013, 01:14:54 pm »

Anyways, Triptroll has certainly found another nice exploit for him and his mates, so that he will mock you all again when wipe will be done and when he'll be our new Vedaras. Look at his insistence, his arguments. He is so excited, a true virgin, he must have found a hen laying golden eggs. Never saw him arguing for anything else than his personal advantage. <3


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Re: Changelog 14/02/13
« Reply #136 on: February 15, 2013, 01:17:24 pm »

Of course, there wouldn't be nothing new, that is why I asked ...
Why didn't prepare these kind of changes with maybe something more and a wipe? It's been a long time now.

We don't have "something more" (ready for public) now.

If you argue that server should be wiped for gameplay reason not a technical reason,
then it would make no sense to postpone the last update to add "something more".

We could just add "something more" later and then wipe the server. The only difference
would be that we wouldn't have tested idling timer, tents etc. before the wipe.
« Last Edit: February 15, 2013, 01:20:40 pm by JovankaB »


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Re: Changelog 14/02/13
« Reply #137 on: February 15, 2013, 01:18:46 pm »

Point made, but from my knowledge Wipe doesn't contain only these changes and doesn't have to, Wipe itself does much more than simply introduce changes, but also positively alters the in-game environment for the players, especially after such a long time without one.
Time doesn't matter, if it will be needed to wipe after very short time - it will be done. If only part of world need to be removed (aka "item wipe") - it will be done too.

I still see no reason to not do a wipe, because you are avoiding certain type of changes is not an excuse.
Oh my lol... that there are 4 tickets with actions/features that need to wait for wipe. First is changing id of variable for first tent; instead being 100 it will be 150, so all ten tent vars will be in 150-159 range, instead 100 and 151-159. Second is about changing how long critter description will be generated. Third will create dogtags for newly registered character. And the last one will update one script in one map prototype.

That's it.

No changes in engine which would require to create locations/critters from scratch, no drastic changes in scripts which would require clean world, no limit of any kind is close to being hit, nothing. Even if 3D would be finished tomorrow, i think we could be able to push it in without server wipe; however, it's been said already that 3D will be connected with world cleanup, so that's a single exception currently. That's a two-liner changelog, as half of things isn't supposed to be put in there.

Only argument i see here is "it's been over the year!" - and so what?
Games are meant to be created, not played...
Re: Changelog 14/02/13
« Reply #138 on: February 15, 2013, 01:30:52 pm »

Meh wipes are good for many reasons, but they in no way make or break the game play.  It takes maybe 2 weeks of the hard core people playing before there are bases full of stuff and people with multiple capped characters.  So for a small window you have a grace period of people being equal than it's back to the same stuff.  The only reason why I would be for a wipe at this very moment would simply be to take away all the stuff people exploited out of the bugs at the beginning of this season, Billions of caps, combat armor BPs stacked to the hundreds, and so forth.  And even those things don't effect my game play as it is so it's not a big deal wipe or not.  This update was a lot of great things but personally I think it is better that we didn't wipe so that people have high enough characters to truly test the implemented changes.
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Re: Changelog 14/02/13
« Reply #139 on: February 15, 2013, 02:07:57 pm »

Wipe and what about forgotten ba/ea/ncr ca? I really want Them in to be lootable or craftable. Maby add Mr handy to rep stuff and add books. Dont change everything just change it a bit. Same add bozars to special encs and make Them 6str req and Long range perk. Or let us mutante to mutant with ca resist and +100 hp bonus and some anty crit bonus. U made Them walking more faster like 75% of human running and it would be good to Have some greens in pvp. And muties can wear 2armors - to be nightkin and lieuthenant


  • The Amboy Dukes
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Re: Changelog 14/02/13
« Reply #140 on: February 15, 2013, 02:09:06 pm »


Shangaylar, why u stupidly come here trolling by giving stupid nick, some guys are discussing here, go troll your phenix away...

Mike Crosser

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Re: Changelog 14/02/13
« Reply #141 on: February 15, 2013, 02:10:57 pm »

Wipe and what about forgotten ba/ea/ncr ca?
I also want craftable PA and pulse rifle.
Re: Changelog 14/02/13
« Reply #142 on: February 15, 2013, 02:11:31 pm »

Anyways, Triptroll has certainly found another nice exploit for him and his mates, so that he will mock you all again when wipe will be done and when he'll be our new Vedaras. Look at his insistence, his arguments. He is so excited, a true virgin, he must have found a hen laying golden eggs. Never saw him arguing for anything else than his personal advantage. <3

Personal advantage, exploit ... better take some pills, Wipe is just fun. Anyway, anyway for what? Came here to talk trash, do you feel better now? If not then your missing the point either way.

Truly bad exploits, well you can ask my team mates, at one point or another I'd try to persuade them to report it and it would be rather sooner than later. You don't know shit about me, if something spoils the game for me, it would be an advantage, personal gain for me to get it fixed? If you truly believe what you said, you'll shut up.

Time doesn't matter, if it will be needed to wipe after very short time - it will be done. If only part of world need to be removed (aka "item wipe") - it will be done too.

Sure, at the point when nobody could play anymore - "it would be done", right? :)

There's plenty of item damage from Town Control box, nobody gives a fuck.

Only argument i see here is "it's been over the year!" - and so what?

I won't argue about the technical necessity, I can't argue and your automatically right about that.

I presented enough, "arguments" which you don't recognize as one's for the sake of game play. I don't want to re-write anything.

We could just add "something more" later and then wipe the server. The only difference
would be that we wouldn't have tested idling timer, tents etc. before the wipe.

If you purely narrow it down to only to the changes done at that moment, yes your statement applies, but the difference is in game play, which in that case doesn't apply as it won't be the only difference.

Imagine a player that has everything he needs, he doesn't need to visit Glow, Ares, dungeons in other words, no motivation to do Town Control for resources, it is just fight purely for the fight, mines in the resources more or less are irrelevant etc. etc. I could go on and on about this, because I'm that kind of player and I would love to see a Wipe. Face it, I have not been the first and I won't be the last player that will tell you that there is really nothing more to do in the game. Wipe changes that, at least for a time and as better the quality the server is when Wipe happens, the better chances for it to last longer provided with additional changes what is what I call " something more."

That's how I see it.

Meh wipes are good for many reasons, but they in no way make or break the game play.  It takes maybe 2 weeks of the hard core people playing before there are bases full of stuff and people with multiple capped characters.

This session it was 3-4 months(next wipe it could be longer) for my faction when we really felt that there is nothing to do, mainly due to broken features.

Wipe doesn't make or break the game play? Flawed statement, it is simply not true in any way, it is completely different time to how the late end of session is.
« Last Edit: February 15, 2013, 02:27:52 pm by T-888 »


  • Dictatorial Tyrant
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Re: Changelog 14/02/13
« Reply #143 on: February 15, 2013, 02:55:04 pm »

Shangaylar, why u stupidly come here trolling by giving stupid nick, some guys are discussing here, go troll your phenix away...

What about you dear DSK? Still wanna beat me IRL?

Truly bad exploits, well you can ask my team mates, at one point or another I'd try to persuade them to report it and it would be rather sooner than later. You don't know shit about me, if something spoils the game for me, it would be an advantage, personal gain for me to get it fixed? If you truly believe what you said, you'll shut up.

The day you'll act as an adult instead of a know-it-all jackass, a lot of us will consider you seriously.

Mind you, I share most of your arguments. It's just your tone which is really annoying : most of the time, you sound like a arrogant prepubescent kid who yells at his parents to get some shit. Stop acting like you're teaching lessons to everyone.
Re: Changelog 14/02/13
« Reply #144 on: February 15, 2013, 03:00:21 pm »

Rambling summed up to 'My opinion should be law, and things should be based on my experience in the game.'

Just because your faction took a few months to be flush in your opinion doesn't mean that others weren't done in less time.  I saw people happily tromping about in combat armors and mercs within the first 2 weeks.  Everyone has a different style of play and no one point of view can be considered more correct or relevant than another.  You spend a lot of time (and text) throwing your opinion about and belittling others based on what you want from the game and how you think it should be done with little regard for the effort and the thoughts of the people actually working on the game. 

The honeymoon after a wipe is a fleeting thing, yes it's fun and nice but for most people it is just a few weeks of hard work than it's back to status quo.  Truthfully if they wiped tomorrow without any added changes other than what came out last change log the honeymoon would go by even faster because everyone knows all the little ins and outs of the current features.  The great thing about wipes and the reason why they typically take some time for people to get on their feet is because of New game altering Features, without that a wipe would be like what others have said, just a ~deleteself password, nothing new.

Anyhow these are facts that everyone knows, sorry for the off topic, and the resulting multi-line response I'm sure will be forthcoming.  This update was very interesting and has some nice flare, personally it's a little annoying to have to log off every time I need to step afk for a min while out in the wastes, but a small price to pay for what you guys needed to do.
« Last Edit: February 15, 2013, 03:04:26 pm by Trokanis »
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  • The Evil Butchers
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Re: Changelog 14/02/13
« Reply #145 on: February 15, 2013, 03:18:57 pm »

as Mayck said: You wanted it harsh, so stop whining!
I think its great update, and hard work. Its free project, we dont pay to anyone so, be happy for what they do.


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Re: Changelog 14/02/13
« Reply #146 on: February 15, 2013, 03:36:47 pm »

no challenge in this game. i want wipe. and klein cs didnt quit becasue of others gangs, but we just get bored of this game.


  • The Amboy Dukes
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Re: Changelog 14/02/13
« Reply #147 on: February 15, 2013, 03:45:00 pm »

Still wanna beat me IRL?

Will be a real pleasure for me to kick ur 18 years old *godwin* ass, but we are totaly off topic so please come back to the debate who was interesting before u start opening your mounth.


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Re: Changelog 14/02/13
« Reply #148 on: February 15, 2013, 04:03:47 pm »

no challenge in this game. i want wipe. and klein cs didnt quit becasue of others gangs, but we just get bored of this game.

I think wipe isnt needed now, only if developers want to totally change game system.
Re: Changelog 14/02/13
« Reply #149 on: February 15, 2013, 04:04:35 pm »

Mind you, I share most of your arguments. It's just your tone which is really annoying : most of the time, you sound like a arrogant prepubescent kid who yells at his parents to get some shit. Stop acting like you're teaching lessons to everyone.

How do you "hear" me or my tone? Please, amuse me, do you even know how I sound?

I lay down information, facts, feedback not lessons, it is just in your head that it sounds the way it does for you, I call that being biased, well partially.

Everyone has a different style of play and no one point of view can be considered more correct or relevant than another.

Yes it can be more relevant or correct, opinion is based on facts, observations you consider true and they might be incorrect. Were not talking about your or my beliefs here, I try to do without opinion as much as I can, that is why I might sound like all-knowing jerk that lays down the law and tears your opinion in pieces trying to search for flaws, false facts you are basing on, but I don't give a damn how perceive it as long as you can reason.

I honestly don't care.

Just because your faction took a few months to be flush in your opinion doesn't mean that others weren't done in less time.  I saw people happily tromping about in combat armors and mercs within the first 2 weeks.

I saw a pie in the sky, I really did, do you believe me? Were not talking here about your beliefs, aren't we? So, you should try talking with something less in the sky, but more solid on the ground. Oh yeah, lesson of the day, isn't it?

You spend a lot of time (and text) throwing your opinion about and belittling others based on what you want from the game and how you think it should be done with little regard for the effort and the thoughts of the people actually working on the game.

I actually sink in your thoughts much more than you can comprehend, or at least I try. When my brain doesn't add up shit, because shit doesn't add up, it starts to ask questions and this is happening on a forum.

The honeymoon after a wipe is a fleeting thing, yes it's fun and nice but for most people it is just a few weeks of hard work than it's back to status quo.  Truthfully if they wiped tomorrow without any added changes other than what came out last change log the honeymoon would go by even faster because everyone knows all the little ins and outs of the current features.  The great thing about wipes and the reason why they typically take some time for people to get on their feet is because of New game altering Features, without that a wipe would be like what others have said, just a ~deleteself password, nothing new.

Didn't know you work in the game. Interesting.

Go ahead, if it is true then just delete your character and experience it all over, then by that logic players would do nothing but that, because the game doesn't offer a better time than Wipe. So, ask yourself why players don't do that? I hope you can see what doesn't up. Otherwise there is going to be another wall of text, but you could try to read my previous barriers and try to understand.

Even so, let us presume your imaginary number of weeks is some perfect average for the common player out there to be interested to do something and the game is more interesting, then maybe we could experience it more often. Why not? There doesn't have to be enormous change-logs to have some fun. When you have nothing to your name, on your character you perceive "the little ins and outs" you know as something completely different than usual when you have certain resources indefinitely to use because, for example, of broken features or simply that the session has been going on a long time.

Anyhow these are facts that everyone knows, sorry for the off topic, and the resulting multi-line response I'm sure will be forthcoming.

Damn right.
« Last Edit: February 15, 2013, 04:10:02 pm by T-888 »
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