Strong words Jovanka. Since the start of the session I've seen many many players using dual or multi log no matter if they are from my or enemy team, yet till now I'm not aware of anyone of them who has been banned for such violation. PvP alt, merc leader and two sneakers of one player that's basically today's standard in PvP battles. I don't say everybody does that but surely it's not only one guy from each faction.
It's impossible that cheaters have been banned already because I still meet their nick., nick-, nick_ and these are often people who would never ever lend their characters to anybody. So either GMs do their work wrong or they don't care. Which is worse? Honestly I don't know. The only thing I'm afraid of is that you will ban this SANDOKAN and after that leave other cheaters alone.
I banned a couple chars this session for dual log in PvP.
There is no GM who can watch server 24/7 (or even interested in doing it it seems), true, but it doesn't
change the game rules, and it doesn't mean you are allowed to dual log in PvP. If you cheat, don't cry
if one day a couple of your characters will be lost forever because I will be on server and see this. Most
of you aren't kids anymore, this rule never changed, and I'm not going to repeat the warning again.