If you dont want to use/fight vs waves of alts just ask devs for no lvl cap, and Alt related with forum account.
"hurr durr, we have 8 more alts then the opponent team, we have more chances to win, hurr."
Or say goodbye to players who just simply don't have many alts or don't have time for that.FR is no-go in general, because you think it's fun doesn't make it good, it simply just doesn't work that way. Nobody is going to stop play if you mostly would use 1 character in combat, on the other hand players are discouraged to play if they have to have multiple to be effective.I have no problems with FR myself, i have dozen of alts and whatever, but i rather would like to rely less on who have more alts on WM. If the enemy has more alts it's usually a downhill battle, where is the fun in that?
Explain me the difference between that and "we have 8 more players then the oppenent team, we have more chances to win, hurr"
you are too blind to see it.
whats the problem here, FR? i dont think so, coz it brings more action then ever b4.
you already saw mass player (like North Bandits) don't have FR for each member, only faction like BBS have many Fr for each players
Actually it brings less action. Players without fastrelog will simply stay out of action because they know they won't stand a chance.
Why dont you share/give some of Your uber powa build to this who didnt have time or dont want to make them?The same question to others.