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Author Topic: PvP and others  (Read 7182 times)

PvP and others
« on: August 28, 2012, 10:26:25 am »

Yes as name of topic says I suggest to dissable some functions and set some as it was before wipe.


First of all  - this feature ruined this game
fastrelog was cheat and now its ok wtf

no cooldown players with more alts wins - so players who want some fun and have for example real life cant enjoy that game ale quit.

Ideas like adding extra anti combat cooldown and lowering stats is stupid because:

1. How cooldown affect trolls ?
2. Do you realy need empty server ?

Simply set it as it was before wipe 3 minutes is enough.

Many players dont accept exuses like people will always cheat this so we will allow fastrelog ! Then ban these people.

Armor class

this is second feature is here why ? To annoy people to ruin player base as fastrelog or why ?
Its totaly nonsense to have 60-70 hit chance with 300 skill 12 PE with laser rifle to torso on troll. Of course troll has jinxed.

Weapons like shotguns flamers miniguns should have highest chance to hit. But in sum this is out of mind

220 AC jinxed is better than full geared combat character because its immortal.

Make AC as it was max cap. 90 or remove it.
Because its not needed

Heavy Handed

This is another nonsense. Every hit KD -3 AP ?? why ??
Just make it working only vs NPCs


Its totaly uselles to play sniper this type of char is good only for crippling sometimes or killing trolls but why ?

You made super crit boost for bursts before.
every BG has higher dmg
every BG was improved

But what about snipers ?
Last session was sniper vs biggun balanced you had chance to do some KD or KO and now its mirracle if it occurs.
This session force people to use BGs and AC trolls because other chars are uselles

I suggest to improve right betwen the eyes perk with some extra crit bonus.
Because with sniper you dont have chance to kill biggun.
Hitting head is realy funny with Boneheads man of steels and almost no chance to make good critical hit but of cource BGs always do good crits. Also why all combat helmets have crit chance mod -20 ?? and amor has -10 ...

Improving sniper dmg will also help maybe 2x it will still not kill BG because now you need about 4-5 critical shots and thats more than 25 AP and BG needs 12+ ap to kill sniper ... non balanced


as I wrote not many weapons were improved only BGs
But what about others ? Gausses Plasma rifles ? or every Hi tech SG

Gauss pistol has same problem as sniper rifle without.

Plasma rifle has nice range boost to 30 hex but dmg is not good because it has lower range than every BG
so Plasma should have higher dmg lets say +30% because of diffrence between range of laser rifle.

So I suggest to make plasma 40 - 85 Dmg

some Hi tech sg like p90 and pancors

P90 was good weapon now its total uselles its very weak and you have to 1 hex but you will be lucky if you kill someone by one hex

Higher dmg should help P90 16 - 23 .

Shotguns Caws Pancors
its dissaster these weapon are total uselles maybe against scorpions or molerats

add KD perk as for heavy handed for these hi tech shotguns also some dmg buff would be nice

Also it should be nice to see P90 and Pancor in some encounters.

« Last Edit: August 28, 2012, 10:30:26 am by Paladin »

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Re: PvP and others
« Reply #1 on: August 28, 2012, 10:40:08 am »

No AC is not immortal make one and then post about it
Re: PvP and others
« Reply #2 on: August 28, 2012, 10:44:03 am »

Kill one and post it again .
Re: PvP and others
« Reply #3 on: August 28, 2012, 10:58:14 am »

No AC is not immortal make one and then post about it

Well, this feature is a total crap. Who as bluesuit, without armor in real life survives 20 or more shots.
- The Hawks -
Re: PvP and others
« Reply #4 on: August 28, 2012, 11:52:41 am »

Adding 3min cooldown will be a pain for most of the players, others will just bypass it with fast relog anyway, causing a wall of butthurt. With no GMs actually enforcing game rules right now you could fast relog or dual log and get away with it. So, I'm not sure that adding this cooldown will help and I'm pretty sure that people will still whine about it.

I agree about trollbuilds (AC, heavy handed), but I doubt they will do anything with that. Fixing it is like few minutes of work but nobody cares about doing it.

I play sniper and it isn't so bad. Of course you're dead if you get caught in burster's range, but it should stay this way. Drop weapon/overall critical rate seems rather ok.

About the rest I don't have an idea, I personally think that prewipe perks/pvp/weapon balance was much better and could be improved easily.
Re: PvP and others
« Reply #5 on: August 28, 2012, 12:17:07 pm »

Adding 3min cooldown will be a pain for most of the players, others will just bypass it with fast relog anyway, causing a wall of butthurt. With no GMs actually enforcing game rules right now you could fast relog or dual log and get away with it. So, I'm not sure that adding this cooldown will help and I'm pretty sure that people will still whine about it.

So you say that everyone is interested in 4+ alts on WM or more ? You can byppas fastrelog by cheat so it should be punnished ... ok why there are no GM ? Make some new GMs then.
All this is bad because this force people to cheat and fastrelog is kind of cheat.  3 mins are ok because it was OK.
Re: PvP and others
« Reply #6 on: August 28, 2012, 01:11:52 pm »

I support those 3mins of cooldown as before the wipe or as someone said:
- Change of SPECIAL character that would not able to fight after fast relog for 3-10 minutes.

Actually, who only in this game prevent this fraud and keep crying is only a small group of addict players who can not play without the cheating. And I'll bet that more players begin to play after cancellation fast relog, as well as limitations of heavy handed trait, AC trolls and similar nonsence as they wrote already or stopped playing.
« Last Edit: August 28, 2012, 01:50:18 pm by -Fojtik- »
- The Hawks -
Re: PvP and others
« Reply #7 on: August 28, 2012, 02:25:26 pm »

I support those 3mins of cooldown as before the wipe...
3 minute cooldown before wipe is a myth. It was 10 minutes with possibility to get on 3 minute cooldown if staying ingame for longer time. And it sucked hard. Make 1 or 2 min cooldown that should be enough to not piss regular players who are not involved into pvp shit.


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Re: PvP and others
« Reply #8 on: August 28, 2012, 02:49:47 pm »

Or easier, only trigger the 3 min cooldown on death.
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Re: PvP and others
« Reply #9 on: August 28, 2012, 03:33:26 pm »

I've thought about this enough, there really aren't any cons if you put some 3 min CD on combat or even on death like Crazy is suggesting.
Re: PvP and others
« Reply #10 on: August 28, 2012, 04:20:28 pm »

PVP cheaters will dual.
Non PVP, will have the con, with none of the pros.
Non cheater PVP will get overwhelmed like previous cession.
Re: PvP and others
« Reply #11 on: August 28, 2012, 04:24:21 pm »

I Agree with everything and it is a good suggestion to put the relog timer on death only which will stop the MAJORITY of pvpers dying in 10 seconds and instant relogging to their next character, repeating the process until they win based on how much time they have invested in leveling combat characters and preparing gear for them. It will also still allow crafters to craft and shit shovelers to shovel without being restricted by a relog timer.

Now JovankaB says that it will still be possible to fast relog or multilog as it was last session BUT this is only partially true as it requires additional hardware (not software) requirements in order to bypass the timer which the average pvper doesn't have or has a limited amount of and takes additional effort to do. Also only a few select people in a team would be able to do it which is considerably less than a whole team bringing 3 or more waves of characters and it would disrupt organization and communication between the players in the team.

This was evident last session where there was about a 80% decrease in fast relogs or multilogs and instead players chose to respawn after they died and hurry back to their tent to gear up and join the action again which took around 1 to 5 minutes depending on the respawn location, if you used a car, if you had extra gear prepared and so on, in any case that is a reasonable amount of time for one group of players to win a battle, loot and leave. Usually only one battle would take place and a town would be captured (or not) and the teams would fully regear, regroup and begin another battle which makes more sense.

Finally, unless you fast relog or multilog with proxies (which increase your ping greatly often making you unable to PvP properly as well as statements from gms saying that public proxies are easy to catch and ban/blacklist) there will be a much smaller number of people using this cheat therefore it will be much easier for a GM/Police(wo)man to monitor who is fast relogging or multilogging especially at PvP primetimes when town control timers are starting. It will be quite visible for a GM that is active a few times a day/week(friday-weekends) monitoring the IPs that connect during a town control and permanently ban their characters (not accounts) so that the cheater has to waste even more time leveling up a new pvp alt (It takes 2 hours minimum to level up a new alt while it only takes 5 minutes max to ban a character). After about a month of re-implementing the relog timer and monitoring a little bit every day, fast relogs and multi logging will drop from the 20% or so to about 5% which is an acceptable level.

Now JovankaB complains that no one from the current gm team wants to monitor this sort of behaviour as it is hard, unrewarding and boring for them and that players will not like them (which shouldn't matter). Instead of avoiding the issue completely the simple solution is for the devs to pick a player who will be more than happy to monitor the situation unbiasedly for a month or so until the remaining cheaters have given up with their newly leveled characters getting permanently banned and continually wasting time to level more and more new ones. Once this has been accomplished this policeman can be fired from the team and everyone can slack off again. If cheating rises simply hire the gm again.

Alternatively the 2238 team can stick with their traditions in not hiring new gms and instead contact current or inactive gms and explain to them that the relog timer has been reinstated and they need a few willing people to monitor it. A few months into this session I was having a chat with Gorlak who has always happily invested a lot of time in previous sessions actively patrolling the game and punishing cheaters, he said to me that he was disappointed that fast relog and multilog is allowed in this current session and that everyone was doing it, consequently he disappeared. If this relog timer on death was reintroduced, Gorlak would be an excellent person to get in contact with about monitoring the remaining cheaters.
« Last Edit: August 29, 2012, 04:40:55 am by Simon »
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Re: PvP and others
« Reply #12 on: August 28, 2012, 04:28:40 pm »

I agree with all propositions except for the FR. I taught it was shit at the start of the session but now I have it I enjoy long fight. Is something we never got before (some fight are 25min+). Maybe we can reconsider it next session but for now I see a lot of PVP and is very fun, we should keep testing this way of fighting IMO.


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Re: PvP and others
« Reply #13 on: August 28, 2012, 04:53:46 pm »

Shotguns Caws Pancors
its dissaster these weapon are total uselles maybe against scorpions or molerats
Hell no, the pancor is very good
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Re: PvP and others
« Reply #14 on: August 28, 2012, 04:56:25 pm »

Hell no, the pancor is very good
Try running with non-farmable weapon at avenger guy with psycho used, gg
Fletches and slugs ammo plox.
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