Btw. it's funny that author of this huge whine is a member of faction that use high ac all the time. But when we used it against them(we delivered 2 active bombs to their position and blew up) he started to cry.
We hardly use AC trolls, most of those idiot AC trolls are random people. I don't know what faction matrix is, I think the other one that shows up is sydious smack or something... I don't who these guys are what faction they are they randomly show up when TC timer starts. I could careless about getting bombed if it weren't for the fact it was on an AC troll. Its just stupid that I didn't bother to shoot lucky rat and let him run up because I knew this character was just going to jinx me and waste my ammo. Its a horrible feature of the game.
Lets just face it manero lucky rat wouldn't have made it past ascortis door if there wasn't this stupid AC feature. Nobody bother to shoot lucky rat because we know its a waste of time and it has AC and jinxed.
Just remember we still kicked your ass at klamath when you fast relogged 3 times and we never relogged once, but you don't see anybody bragging about it and nobody really gives a shit anyways. You win because you keep fast relogging and level 20 characters per person that is it. Just keep that in mind it take you guys on average 3-4 waves of fast relogs to kill any faction. You probably would win a few fights but would lose alot more if all you had was 1 wave and the old 10 minute timer.
What I like about the faction I pvp with they don't need to brag or make a bunch of troll posts to prove anything they play for fun, and they don't call anybody anything when they defeat them. But go ahead keep calling me a whiner and laugh, it is horrible game features that make me mad not losing to your obnoxious faction. I can accept lost and dying its part of the game, its horrible game features that is making me angry with this game more so than losing at PvP. I am still here playing you didn't make me rage quit and I won't leave any time soon thank you.
But go ahead say what you want I don't really care its done and over done with. Have fun playing in empty server nobody wants to PvP with AC trolls and fast relog abusers. Good nice job you win fights with fast relog big fucking deal.
Also I well say it agian I speak for myself. I do not speak or represent anything with the faction I PvP with nor do they feel the same way I do. Nor do they have the bitterness I do towards other factions. I may be frustrated with the game but I don't represent the faction views and I am not speaking for anybody except myself.