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Nerf AC

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Author Topic: For the thousand time...  (Read 21616 times)

Re: For the thousand time...
« Reply #75 on: August 16, 2012, 01:58:01 pm »

Or cut the crap with HH and AC and nerf it. And to this genious who said bg shouldnt be able to shoot from must be really weak pvp player to post idea of removing onehex feature.

It was to illustrate the stupidity of t-888's similar suggestion, although minimum range should exist for bg and scoped weapons because they are medium and long range respectively and should be less effective in close quarters.


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Re: For the thousand time...
« Reply #76 on: August 16, 2012, 02:35:20 pm »

Make another window of fonline to multitask this 300% EW character who otherwise is unpractical?

It's practical as any other alt in game. I bet your apes dont craft, farm, lead group etc.

Since we have a Troll Hunter(300%ew, 12 pe build) in team i don't care about AC trolls. Let retards have fun  ;)

Btw. it's funny that author of this huge whine is a member of faction that use high ac all the time. But when we used it against them(we delivered 2 active bombs to their position and blew up) he started to cry.
« Last Edit: August 16, 2012, 02:43:11 pm by manero »
Re: For the thousand time...
« Reply #77 on: August 16, 2012, 03:06:16 pm »

Whats purpose of AC feature ? We cant get PA or similiar amor for better protection so we have unhitable 220 ac trolls jinxed and of course 1 hex perk in your face. I think it can be 220 max limit but raise ammo AC mod for all weapons or some like flamer shotguns rifles etc or lower max AC.
Idea about 300 skill is nice but if troll hunter dies its same song as before.
And last thing if you have 300 skill and 12 and laser rifle you have about 70% hit chance (torso shot) to full AC troll on range so thats not that much.
« Last Edit: August 16, 2012, 03:09:49 pm by Paladin »


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Re: For the thousand time...
« Reply #78 on: August 16, 2012, 04:03:57 pm »

even in Matrix neo shooted AC troll agent smith with minigun. How could you doge 30bullets?
« Last Edit: August 16, 2012, 04:48:37 pm by Graf »


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Re: For the thousand time...
« Reply #79 on: August 16, 2012, 06:25:25 pm »

It's practical as any other alt in game. I bet your apes dont craft, farm, lead group etc.

Since we have a Troll Hunter(300%ew, 12 pe build) in team i don't care about AC trolls. Let retards have fun  ;)

It's not about what can be done to counter these trollbuilds, but what the trollchars can do. Being effective without gear is against the idea of pvp and basically the "wasteland is harsh" rule. Wasteland must be equally harsh to everyone, even for trolls.
Based on evidence collected from various sources by trustworthy attendees it is undisputed veritability that the land ravaged by atomic warfare which caused extreme change of the ecosystem and environmental hazards can be considered unpleasant, rugged and unforgiving.
Re: For the thousand time...
« Reply #80 on: August 16, 2012, 09:01:33 pm »

even in Matrix neo shooted AC troll agent smith with minigun. How could you doge 30bullets?

That assumes you are strafing, so like max 3 bullets would hit.
Re: For the thousand time...
« Reply #81 on: August 17, 2012, 12:43:23 am »

It's not about what can be done to counter these trollbuilds, but what the trollchars can do. Being effective without gear is against the idea of pvp and basically the "wasteland is harsh" rule. Wasteland must be equally harsh to everyone, even for trolls.

Add AC to respawn time?

Only a small help, I admit.
I wish there were bags, backpacks, etc. in Fonline.


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Re: For the thousand time...
« Reply #82 on: August 17, 2012, 12:49:19 am »

Btw. it's funny that author of this huge whine is a member of faction that use high ac all the time. But when we used it against them(we delivered 2 active bombs to their position and blew up) he started to cry.

We hardly use AC trolls, most of those idiot AC trolls are random people. I don't know what faction matrix is, I think the other one that shows up is sydious smack or something... I don't who these guys are what faction they are they randomly show up when TC timer starts. I could careless about getting bombed if it weren't for the fact it was on an AC troll. Its just stupid that I didn't bother to shoot lucky rat and let him run up because I knew this character was just going to jinx me and waste my ammo. Its a horrible feature of the game.

Lets just face it manero lucky rat wouldn't have made it past ascortis door if there wasn't this stupid AC feature. Nobody bother to shoot lucky rat because we know its a waste of time and it has AC and jinxed.

Just remember we still kicked your ass at klamath when you fast relogged 3 times and we never relogged once, but you don't see anybody bragging about it and nobody really gives a shit anyways. You win because you keep fast relogging and level 20 characters per person that is it. Just keep that in mind it take you guys on average 3-4 waves of fast relogs to kill any faction. You probably would win a few fights but would lose alot more if all you had was 1 wave and the old 10 minute timer.

What I like about the faction I pvp with they don't need to brag or make a bunch of troll posts to prove anything they play for fun, and they don't call anybody anything when they defeat them. But go ahead keep calling me a whiner and laugh, it is horrible game features that make me mad not losing to your obnoxious faction. I can accept lost and dying its part of the game, its horrible game features that is making me angry with this game more so than losing at PvP. I am still here playing you didn't make me rage quit and I won't leave any time soon thank you.

But go ahead say what you want I don't really care its done and over done with. Have fun playing in empty server nobody wants to PvP with AC trolls and fast relog abusers. Good nice job you win fights with fast relog big fucking deal.

Also I well say it agian I speak for myself. I do not speak or represent anything with the faction I PvP with nor do they feel the same way I do. Nor do they have the bitterness I do towards other factions. I may be frustrated with the game but I don't represent the faction views and I am not speaking for anybody except myself.
« Last Edit: August 17, 2012, 01:08:37 am by Ville »
I am the guy who likes to make rage topics so I can bring out the trolling idiot in all of us.
Re: For the thousand time...
« Reply #83 on: August 17, 2012, 01:29:00 am »

We hardly use AC trolls, most of those idiot AC trolls are random people. I don't know what faction matrix is, I think the other one that shows up is sydious smack or something... I don't who these guys are what faction they are they randomly show up when TC timer starts. I could careless about getting bombed if it weren't for the fact it was on an AC troll. Its just stupid that I didn't bother to shoot lucky rat and let him run up because I knew this character was just going to jinx me and waste my ammo. Its a horrible feature of the game.

Lets just face it manero lucky rat wouldn't have made it past ascortis door if there wasn't this stupid AC feature. Nobody bother to shoot lucky rat because we know its a waste of time and it has AC and jinxed.
You were stupid enough to camp again inside the building and we were bored enough to bring AC char (the only one we have, probably) filled with explosives. Nothing to whine about, really, poor grim.

Just remember we still kicked your ass at klamath when you fast relogged 3 times and we never relogged once, but you don't see anybody bragging about it and nobody really gives a shit anyways. You win because you keep fast relogging and level 20 characters per person that is it. Just keep that in mind it take you guys on average 3-4 waves of fast relogs to kill any faction. You probably would win a few fights but would lose alot more if all you had was 1 wave and the old 10 minute timer.
Good that there is at least 2238 forum where you can win using your countless forum alts, poor grim.

Have fun playing in empty server nobody wants to PvP with AC trolls

It's so funny when _you_ talk about it. For some reason, most of these "random AC trolls" are known to be hawks. Should we start calling them "random hawks AC trolls"?

Btw grim, why are you still here? I thought you are dead.


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Re: For the thousand time...
« Reply #84 on: August 17, 2012, 02:13:51 am »

Yes, lets go with the thousand time theme as this is the thousand time I explain this, I raped a tent and I got trolled that the kid died and it gave me the idea to fuck with the amboys dukes head for a few days  becuase they raped my base. It was the only way to get revenge on them to fuck with their heads and twist their emotions, there was no possible way I could have base raped them back. How do you infiltrate and base rape a french faction if you don't speak french? How many times do I need to explain this or you going to keep trolling me with the same stupid fucking line? Yes so funny haha hes dead, the joke is old man come up with something new please nobody finds this funny any more.

Also its called strategy not hiding, to defend agaisnt 20 wave fast relog at a bottle neck.

Also I well not be shut up or get out I can stay here if I please and I well write what I want to write regardless. I have actually tried to not write shit posts and snipe lately but you are just trying to push my buttons aren't you kilgore? I do not see how this is productive or intellegant discussion of the game in anyway for every post you write lately is to troll me. But keep trolling with the same stupid joke I don't care its old man there is newer and better people to troll and make jokes about try it maybe? Nobody likes the same joke, people like new not old jokes.
« Last Edit: August 17, 2012, 06:43:13 am by Ville »
I am the guy who likes to make rage topics so I can bring out the trolling idiot in all of us.
Re: For the thousand time...
« Reply #85 on: August 17, 2012, 04:00:36 am »

So you can't hit an ac build entering a building because you'd miss? Are all your players blind with low skill? Ac only works at distance. Also hiding is a strategy btw.
Re: For the thousand time...
« Reply #86 on: August 17, 2012, 04:04:42 am »

In my opinion, if fast relog was removed, I would be completely accept AC trolls and make a build to counter them.


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Re: For the thousand time...
« Reply #87 on: August 17, 2012, 07:42:25 am »

Just remember we still kicked your ass at klamath when you fast relogged 3 times and we never relogged once,

Did we whine like you when we lost? Nope. Anyway. You have Klamath only because we decided that this hole suits well The Cowards gang  ;D You - rats - can crawl among the other rats on trapper town hehe... Crawl poor grimmi, crawl.
« Last Edit: August 17, 2012, 07:59:39 am by manero »


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Re: For the thousand time...
« Reply #88 on: August 17, 2012, 08:01:18 am »

My suggestion would be to make burst shots ignore AC - you just can't dodge all bullets.
And add -AC to ammo like rockets and grenades.


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Re: For the thousand time...
« Reply #89 on: August 17, 2012, 08:03:19 am »

Did we whine like you when we lost? Nope. Anyway. You have Klamath only because we decided that this hole suits well The Cowards gang  ;D You - rats - can crawl among the other rats on trapper town hehe... Crawl poor Grimm, crawl.

What would there to be whine about it was a normal battle and none of the annoying features like AC trolls was involved, and its a good town to fight in because fast relog sucks there because the spawns are so far away from the TC zones. It was a good normal fight which the way the game should be. Some how you little trollaks think you are trolling me and making me mad with your post lol, when in all reality its just bad developer decisions like AC trolls and no relog timer which is annoying and frustrating. Keep posting crap and get the topic locked hell if I care.
« Last Edit: August 17, 2012, 08:16:04 am by Ville »
I am the guy who likes to make rage topics so I can bring out the trolling idiot in all of us.
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