AC values were just pure guesses, so its not surprising that it wasn't perfect. From the initial readings on the whine-o-meter it seems the problem is more c4 and jinxed than the AC itself ?
OMFG please play your own game before you start this everybody is just a bunch of whiners shit agian. Solar you are an intellegant developer do you not understand that blue suits with no gear that can't die is a horrible idea, you practically gave the ability to have god mode.
The issue is purely AC 220 blue suit running around can't die being shot by players in full gear isn't the wasteland is harsh game I once played.
The whole AC220 AC jinxed c4 bomber was an issue in PvP I had yesturday. It is not the only annoyance. Everything about the max AC is horrible. It is actually kind of rare but this was just a hypothetical idea I had to ruin the game, make an army of C4 Jinxed AC bombers insipired by a big bull shit death. It could be done but I wouldn't waste my time becuase nothing is settle when it comes to things being over powered.
Did anyone suggest jinxed having an effect on AC? If AC is fine and jinxed is fine, then making them not work together seems like an easy fix
But a fix with AC not working with jinx would be very nice also. I do not care for and make such crap characters anyways nerfing this combo is the greatest idea I've read and I'm not being sarcastic.