Total Members Voted: 97
Leave my lovely AC alone
I said it already and I'll say it again. AC problem is aknowledged and shall be solved and making thousand threads about how stupid this AC troll shit is won't make it any faster.
Mayck allready said a fix is one the way.Just give it time and think of all the people that will cry when their ac chars are nerfed, and cant use them for anything.
If you want to make enemies, try to change something.
falloutdude, I was only joking ... how mean.
AC values were just pure guesses, so its not surprising that it wasn't perfect. From the initial readings on the whine-o-meter it seems the problem is more c4 and jinxed than the AC itself ?
NO! There is nothing wrong with C4. Both jinxed in conjunction with armor class is devastating, due to large amounts of shots required to even hit them with common builds, that leads to a lot of destroyed weapons, lost ammunition, lost turns etc. etc. it's easier to deal with sneakers despite their stealth advantage and currently any armor class character is more durable than any tank possible.
As someone who has this build and actually has experience with it I can tell you this is pure bullshit. AC isn't as effective as you think and since the update ive seen exactly 0 guns explode while shooting at me and maybe a handful of drop weapons. Stop propagating myths and actually play the game once in a while.
you must only have 1 pe and not be able to see all the weapons blowing up and all the crit fails. also triple does 10000 times more pvp then you and fights more ac trolls then you ( you dont fight then sense you are one) so i think triple knows a hell of alot more then you.