Ok jinxed causes me to lose a turn and stand there for about 5 seconds straight, instant death sentence. If you shoot while a high ac char is running thats your fault.
There are no options you fail to realize, he has free scouting, virtually untouchable character and is more effective than what a sneaker was supposed to do. So you die and what's the consequence for that? None, you come back and keep trolling people, retard feature that doesn't bring anything good to game play other than annoy players. Their sole purpose is to annoy, why the frack do we want this feature to stay? AC troll characters require skill you say, bullshit T-888 says.
I'm also super vulnerable to sneakers with 1 pe.
Very popular and convenient, are you shitting me?
If you think jinxed is op take 10 luck and minimize the consequences, but seriously a high ac jinxed char wants you to attack him because he has no real dmg dealing capacity.
I see no difference between high and low luck against jinxed, you can go test it out, i'm quite sure there's no difference, there's always the possibility i'm wrong, but that's for you to prove.
The amount of lost sniper rifles are the same with lost avengers.
Just face it, this feature is absurd and dumb, no matter what you say this feature will go away.