Welcome to hardcore MMORPGS. These guys think their game is the greatest, the most awesome, the most everything.
From what I saw, there's nothing but stupid senseless killing going on. This isn't the Wasteland, where you have to be untrustingly trustful of your fellow man or be ripped to shreds by many of the various critters around trying to eat people. This is, from what I saw of it, Unreal Tournament with a Fallout Skin on it.
Played, with a friend, for about an hour. We got lucky and someone (in exchange for my soul, I might add) gave me an Assault rifle, which made us be able to somewhat survive a few encounters with some nasty critters out in the wastes. However. we arrive, split up (I was going to shovel shit while she restocked on ammo for the Assault rifle given that I was CQC built) and not two minutes later I hear "FUCK THIS!"
Someone PK'd her. For no reason at all but for loot.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but at some point, shouldn't such people be brought to justice BY THE GAME ITSELF?
After killing a certain number of people, shouldn't a person become infamous in a town and be opened up on by EVERYTHING in that town on sight? Shouldn't that person have to run to another town and never return?
Wait....that's LOGICAL. Instead we've got people who will sit in the areas where new players spawn, then kill them the SECOND they look like they've accomplished something with themselves.
This game is horrible for new players, for one reason and one reason only, there's more of the "KILL THE NEW GUY! AHAHAHAHAHAHA!" players than there are the, "Well.... let's see if we can't help this guy out

" variety. That's a problem that could be solved by removing loss of items after being PvPed, removing full drop of items and reducing it to what the person was wearing (or nothing at all), or by the community of this game not acting like a bunch of seven year old kids off their prescriptions.