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Author Topic: New player: Great potential, but frustrating game  (Read 9066 times)


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Re: New player: Great potential, but frustrating game
« Reply #45 on: March 16, 2010, 08:06:54 pm »

You try very hard to not understand what I write, eh?

Beside this, Kilgore is right. I never shoveled shit yet, still I manage it to get my character on at least level 3 after ~ 1 hour of playing. It's really not a big deal. Compared to other games, it's totally easy to level up.


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Re: New player: Great potential, but frustrating game
« Reply #46 on: March 16, 2010, 08:19:12 pm »

Fair enough. I'm done posting and trying to help out. Hopefully the annoyances of continued complaints from new people will eventually get to you to change a few things so that the game can grow and be available to the hardcore and casual player. If you dont want to make money, then dont. People dont have to donate if they dont want to.

You are not paying anyone for making this game. Donations are to keep server running. AFAIK no one from dev-team has a single cent from donations for their own. Make a tatoo on your ass with this sentence, if that might help you understand.

Demanding of content like quests "right now" while there is much more important work to do (like balancing, which isn't that easy nor fast) fits more to kindergarten, than mature player. Constant complaining isn't the best way to motivate people working on this project, you know.
Nie biegaj za stadem.

Re: New player: Great potential, but frustrating game
« Reply #47 on: March 17, 2010, 12:55:15 pm »

Fair enough. I'm done posting and trying to help out. Hopefully the annoyances of continued complaints from new people will eventually get to you to change a few things so that the game can grow and be available to the hardcore and casual player. If you dont want to make money, then dont. People dont have to donate if they dont want to.


Surely by "continued complaints" you mean the one single thread that oddly pops up from time to time, made by a complete mo~ron with no time spent on reading the wiki just to bitch about stuff he doesn't like.

Almost everyone here enjoys the game a great deal. And we don't even spend that much time in it, i log in once per 2 days or something like that, spend a few hours crafting stuff in my bros' guild cave. Im already level 10

Jesus christ, by the way, 2400 xp for crafting a single FN FAL...
Re: New player: Great potential, but frustrating game
« Reply #48 on: March 17, 2010, 01:48:45 pm »

when is the next server wipe due?
Re: New player: Great potential, but frustrating game
« Reply #49 on: March 17, 2010, 02:24:36 pm »


The announcement of the coming wipe was made at the 6th of March. They said a maximum of 2 weeks until the wipe, so that's March 20th, not counting the 6th as a day.

Therefore, i'd say the weekend or Friday night, most probably. But let them take their time, we want as much as an unproblematic experience as possible, right?


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Re: New player: Great potential, but frustrating game
« Reply #50 on: March 17, 2010, 04:23:03 pm »

It could probably be sunday or monday. Depends on how fast we can fix the last problems + test it. Let's hope nothing big will hit in between.


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Re: New player: Great potential, but frustrating game
« Reply #51 on: March 17, 2010, 05:52:22 pm »

Well to get right to the point, I just want to say that the death system in this game is extremely frustrating. Not being able to get your belongings back is unheard of in almost all mmorpgs. I have died about 3 times and sucked it up and I realize you need to get a tent asap to horde your belongings. However, people want crazy amounts of money for brahmin hides and you RARELY ever find them yourself in the wild. So I find myself once again looking for flints to make primitive tools, then mining, getting wood, junk whatever which all takes a lot of play time to get back on your feet again if you have no tent. I also honestly think the 5-6 minute cooldowns are a bit high.

Anyways, I think the game is very frustrating and difficult in the beginning stages. This is something you don't want, especially for a community-run mmorpg.  I understand it is a cruel world and open pvp, but when your scavenging for things and 2 guys in power armor with 2 mutants with rocket launchers blow you away talking russian, then it really makes you want to quit. So end rant and flame if you wish.

I made character today and I'm already lvl 12, I don't see whats problem with little grind?
Anti-pk, protector of the law in wasteland.
Re: New player: Great potential, but frustrating game
« Reply #52 on: May 27, 2010, 07:15:20 pm »

The game is great , one of the most fun and addictive mmorpgs ive played. Yeah it does have a few annoying things about it, but the devs work like dogs and the game is constantly changing. Some times the changes arnt overly good, but you have to bare in mind that this game is WIP and overall has become a much better game since i started playing. Ive come bk to playing this game after several wipes and have seen a few changes and can only imagine the amount of time the devs put into it, personaly i think the devs do a great job and deserve alittle praise for their continued efforts and hard work and also should be shown alittle respect, since this is one of the few mmorpgs that i know of that do listen to its community (alot of current game features came from old suggestions posted on forum)

DEVS.. you all rock and truely are the unsung heros of mmo.
Re: New player: Great potential, but frustrating game
« Reply #53 on: May 27, 2010, 08:18:35 pm »

Cheers to that. Go devs! As a game programmer myself I can imagine the amount of work put into the, especially since it is donations only. This game is unique to every other mmo, and they listen to the suggestions. So once again GO DEVS!  Oh, and is there really gonna be a wipe soon? Or was that left over from the march wipe?
"Sorry for the inconvenience."  God


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Re: New player: Great potential, but frustrating game
« Reply #54 on: May 28, 2010, 05:44:03 am »

Somebody give a DVD with Madmax movie for him to understanding what is fallout  :P


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Re: New player: Great potential, but frustrating game
« Reply #55 on: May 28, 2010, 06:11:37 am »

This is a frustration tread and it's dead more than 2 months. Where's the reason to necroposting here?
Re: New player: Great potential, but frustrating game
« Reply #56 on: May 28, 2010, 08:31:39 am »

Iam noobish (2nd day in game) but i managed to set tent on lvl 2. I was wandering around NCR with some guys and killing brahmins by barehands ( i didnt understand craft sistem yet then). collected 10 hides pretty fast.
I guess it is all about teamplay. I was frustrating to read forums or guides before playing so i asked players around, it was more roleplay and fun.
I like it how low-middle-lvl non-faction players do their part in game: slavers, police, robbers, thiefs, hunters and so on.
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