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"Wasteland is harsh"
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Author Topic: New player: Great potential, but frustrating game  (Read 9091 times)

Re: New player: Great potential, but frustrating game
« Reply #30 on: March 16, 2010, 12:58:30 am »

ok i see this game is only for geeks with no life.... sorry for my rage earlier its just damn annoying when you collect 8 cow skins only to get killed by a random dude joining your encounter half way through.

also to get kill when you enter town by some dude with a rocket launcher. "admittedly this must be rare"

anyway i may come back to this game when the new development goes live but in the mean time im gonna spend my time doing something else.

i gave this game 4 days... you may say thats not enough but in 4 days i did not achieve shit...

I am sorry if i have offended anyone but i see this game has a small community that likes to keep to its self...

Re: New player: Great potential, but frustrating game
« Reply #31 on: March 16, 2010, 04:14:32 am »

Welcome to hardcore MMORPGS. These guys think their game is the greatest, the most awesome, the most everything.

From what I saw, there's nothing but stupid senseless killing going on. This isn't the Wasteland, where you have to be untrustingly trustful of your fellow man or be ripped to shreds by many of the various critters around trying to eat people. This is, from what I saw of it, Unreal Tournament with a Fallout Skin on it.

Played, with a friend, for about an hour. We got lucky and someone (in exchange for my soul, I might add) gave me an Assault rifle, which made us be able to somewhat survive a few encounters with some nasty critters out in the wastes. However. we arrive, split up (I was going to shovel shit while she restocked on ammo for the Assault rifle given that I was CQC built) and not two minutes later I hear "FUCK THIS!"

Someone PK'd her. For no reason at all but for loot.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but at some point, shouldn't such people be brought to justice BY THE GAME ITSELF?

After killing a certain number of people, shouldn't a person become infamous in a town and be opened up on by EVERYTHING in that town on sight? Shouldn't that person have to run to another town and never return?

Wait....that's LOGICAL. Instead we've got people who will sit in the areas where new players spawn, then kill them the SECOND they look like they've accomplished something with themselves.

This game is horrible for new players, for one reason and one reason only, there's more of the "KILL THE NEW GUY! AHAHAHAHAHAHA!" players than there are the, "Well.... let's see if we can't help this guy out :)" variety. That's a problem that could be solved by removing loss of items after being PvPed, removing full drop of items and reducing it to what the person was wearing (or nothing at all), or by the community of this game not acting like a bunch of seven year old kids off their prescriptions.

Re: New player: Great potential, but frustrating game
« Reply #32 on: March 16, 2010, 06:28:27 am »

At first, let say I am one of the damn casuals, Pluto.
And you will be a "good boy" to keep this kids argue in your pocket. Thx by advance  :)

As it was said before, the 2238 is not so "difficult" even at begin.
But it is the major feel mostly because people try to do all by themself.
Hunting the 10 hides without the minimum skill to do that safe is not the good way, for sure.
But you can buy it easly from other player at NRC. Other players are not here only to be killed or to kill you.
There are other type of interaction... Here is the major potential of FO, for me at least.

For sure, there are a lot of BlueSuit hunters. But they dont kill Blue to loot their poor stuff, you can be sure about that.

That said, people seems forget that they have the Right to be constructive when they participate to a Beta.
Re: New player: Great potential, but frustrating game
« Reply #33 on: March 16, 2010, 11:09:48 am »

...Played, with a friend, for about an hour...
Just don't go to unguarded city with assault rifle and bluesuit, also shouting "Hello! I'm alone with items, and also I'm noob blue suiter! Please, kill me and get all my loot!".
Unguarded cities here it's... not a cities, it's just an arena with buildings, there're only two things you can do: PvP and Quests (if any).
Also not everyone killing bluesuiters, when I've started to play this game first time I spawned at Den. I was so happy to see a player!!! Because I played fallout1/2 last time like 5-6 years ago, and I've never though that there will be online version. So, he gave me deagle with some .45 mag, and then I saw second player! And no, he didn't kill me! But I died at first encounter... met pack of raiders... and on thier first turn they blow my head. Anyway, not everyone are bluesuitniacs. I never attack anyone with no reason (reason is I know he is a PK, or he attacked me first, or he has name like "KILL_ALL", "DEATH" + wielding a weapon and has like 150-200 HP etc.). Also if someone has died in NCR by my suicidal explosion, it was an accident, my aim was a PK. And also, if I have any looted NPCs items, I happily drop it all at Hub/NCR, so bluesuiters (and not only they) can pick it up to sell for any caps or, even, use.

Hunting the 10 hides without the minimum skill to do that safe is not the good way, for sure.
Yeah... hunting brahmins near NCR sometimes looks like suicide. When I doing that (with high outdoorsman) I only see messages "do I want to encouner" like this: "You encountered: Brahmins, <ANY> caravan, RAPE_YOUR_***" or something like this, also when I hunting on lonely encountered brahmins, in bluesuit and plasma pistol, I very often can see other players appearing on encounter, but most of them in bluesuits too, or with low tier weapon. But sometimes you can see gang in metal armors and bazookas/miniguns, so hunting there isn't good idea.

also to get kill when you enter town by some dude with a rocket launcher. "admittedly this must be rare"
The silly thing in this game is... you can craft rocketlaunchers on 1st level BG profession... and then you're able to kill people in wrong time in wrong place.
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Re: New player: Great potential, but frustrating game
« Reply #34 on: March 16, 2010, 12:46:21 pm »

People just give up too easily.
Here is what you need to do to have a basic thing like a tent:

- have 40% science, OR
- have 30% (? I don't remember exact value but sth like 30 or 40) repair, OR
- have 40% outdoorsman

If you picked science, then find a player in NCR who will be interested in buying ore/minerals/metal parts from you. Then make yourself a sledge and mine it. Then sell it for caps, deposit them in a bank (new account - only $100 wtf). You have enough to buy some hides, buy them and go make a tent.

If you have enough repair skill, just stand next to fuckin junk barrel. Gather it. And sell it. Also there is no option for someone to steal it from you because you can keep it in your hands. You can die only from a bombing (which can be avoided if you use common sense) or if someone kills you (but seriously, who would care, and still you can deposit caps in the bank and sell junk every now and again).

If you have enough outdoorsman, make a knife to gather fibers or just gather fruits. Got enough? sell-> deposit money -> when you got enough, go buy hides.

If you think you don't have any of science/repair/outdoorsman skill high enough, just shovel shit x100 to get 2nd level and there you go.

But no, people keep killing cows to get their hides, they're getting killed by bored PKs looking for them near NCR, then they try again and again and then ragequit. It's insane.

From what I saw, there's nothing but stupid senseless killing going on. This isn't the Wasteland, where you have to be untrustingly trustful of your fellow man or be ripped to shreds by many of the various critters around trying to eat people. This is, from what I saw of it, Unreal Tournament with a Fallout Skin on it.

Well, I hate to say this, but it's mostly true.
« Last Edit: March 16, 2010, 12:49:30 pm by Kilgore »
Re: New player: Great potential, but frustrating game
« Reply #35 on: March 16, 2010, 01:44:29 pm »

This game is like hitting a brick wall with a sickā€¦ just when you think your starting to make a dint your sick breaks.
Re: New player: Great potential, but frustrating game
« Reply #36 on: March 16, 2010, 03:34:50 pm »

Kilgore I see what you're saying. But there seems to be only 2 ways out to get started: shovel shit or go craft. Both which are extremely boring and time consuming. We need more newbie quests (or just many more quests in general). It seems like everyone is put on the same racetrack going around in circles. You can't go off that "mainstream" path that is so prominent in this game. Ah well, the game needs much more content and if there's not enough developers for it, then maybe they should have never started the project. Get more devs or work more hours. I'd be happy to donate 20 bucks a month for this if it gets better. But it needs much work.


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Re: New player: Great potential, but frustrating game
« Reply #37 on: March 16, 2010, 03:49:05 pm »

Get more devs or work more hours.

I will think about it, as soon as you give me 20 bucks a hour.

As alternative for this, we could also simply shut down the server and stop the work. It would be almost the same as if we never started.
« Last Edit: March 16, 2010, 03:51:11 pm by Lexx »
Re: New player: Great potential, but frustrating game
« Reply #38 on: March 16, 2010, 03:52:28 pm »

I will think about it, as soon as you give me 20 bucks a hour.
Corrupted developer.

As alternative for this, we could also simply shut down the server and stop the work. It would be almost the same as if we never started.
You don't want to, because you could do it before.
Changed nickname. This acc not in use anymore. Please, devs/mods/gms/ whoever, you can delete it.


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Re: New player: Great potential, but frustrating game
« Reply #39 on: March 16, 2010, 03:59:57 pm »

Keep in mind, that this is still a hobby project. We are not paid for what we are doing and all the donations we get from the players, are going only to the server and not to us. I find it a bit "pretentious" to say, that we have to spend more work on it or stop the game, as if we are employees and get a regular paycheck.
Re: New player: Great potential, but frustrating game
« Reply #40 on: March 16, 2010, 06:39:05 pm »

I will think about it, as soon as you give me 20 bucks a hour.

As alternative for this, we could also simply shut down the server and stop the work. It would be almost the same as if we never started.

I said 20 bucks a month, not an hour, which is 5 dollars more a month then most very popular mmorpgs. I think it's pretty generous. But I'd do it along with several other people.

Go ahead and shut down the server. You wasted hundreds of hours of programming and I wasted 10 hours of gameplay. I'll happily move to another game. I just like the original fallouts and having it being online is just a bonus.

All I ask is that you listen to your community. So many new people are complaining about things that I think can easily be fixed w/o even touching the hardcore aspect of the game. Then, I can guarantee that more people will play and keep playing and will want to donate. It won't take much to get enough people who will donate. Even just 5 people will get you 100 dollars a month. Think of how much money WoW is making with 10 million+ subscribers at 15 a month. I set up a counter strike server and tweaked it to the way people wanted it and they donated. I made 300+ dollars a month from just a small group of players. This game is good, but it could be awesome.
Re: New player: Great potential, but frustrating game
« Reply #41 on: March 16, 2010, 07:11:15 pm »

It seems you completely missed the point, strelok.


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Re: New player: Great potential, but frustrating game
« Reply #42 on: March 16, 2010, 07:21:15 pm »

You know. The game is a hobby project. We do this because we like what we do and not to earn money. The donations are just for the server, that's all. If we wanted to make money for us, trust me, we would change a lot.
Re: New player: Great potential, but frustrating game
« Reply #43 on: March 16, 2010, 07:53:52 pm »

Kilgore I see what you're saying. But there seems to be only 2 ways out to get started: shovel shit or go craft. Both which are extremely boring and time consuming. We need more newbie quests (or just many more quests in general). It seems like everyone is put on the same racetrack going around in circles. You can't go off that "mainstream" path that is so prominent in this game. Ah well, the game needs much more content and if there's not enough developers for it, then maybe they should have never started the project. Get more devs or work more hours. I'd be happy to donate 20 bucks a month for this if it gets better. But it needs much work.

In fact, you do not have to even touch a shovel to start. You can do some simple quests (yes, there are some that will take you past lvl 2 and you can do them alone - with a bit of luck, of course). Also, you should forget about playing solo this game - or do it and face the consequences. This game is about team play, not playing solo. And last thing: saying "you should make the server better/with more content/sth or give up and stop working" is dumb.
Re: New player: Great potential, but frustrating game
« Reply #44 on: March 16, 2010, 08:02:17 pm »

Fair enough. I'm done posting and trying to help out. Hopefully the annoyances of continued complaints from new people will eventually get to you to change a few things so that the game can grow and be available to the hardcore and casual player. If you dont want to make money, then dont. People dont have to donate if they dont want to.

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