Also any date when these modells are going to be ready? And when is wipe coming? Lots of questions and no answers 
There's a fairly long answer to that
here, which roughly speaking, is still correct.
Since then, there's been progress in these bits :
#1-3 (body types, reshaping armours etc) currently making very good progress.
#4 (rigging / animations) is being looked at by a number of people.
#5-12 are at very early stages.
#14 and 15 (shaders / lighting) look to be making very good progress.
Effectively, it's a "look at the data available and calculate your own readyness date". Nobody knows, really. Lots of people are working away quietly, then suddenly appear to say "I've cracked the secret shader code" or "I've resized all the armours to all the body types" etc. Most of the progress is posted and discussed in this board - so if you read through it, you should have a fair idea of what's going on.
Wipe is absolutely nothing to do with the 3D stuff currently. Maybe the wipe after, or the one after that will be.