Support perks are largely useless. cautious nature, ranger and magnetic personality are great but hardly game changing.
Actually that is highly debatable, when it comes to Magnetic Personality. If you get into merc use, at all, Magnetic Personality is one sixth of your possible pp pool with its significance only going up the more you stray away from pumping 300 sp into speech or if you're ditching Good Natured for slaves. I could be wrong on this point, but I think a build that goes heavily into merc use would consider Magnetic Personality as a perk if it wasn't a support one. While on that topic, while usefulness depends on your ability to make caps, Speaker is far from insignificant.
And if you mention Cautious Nature (not sure if that even does anything) and Ranger, why stop there? Throw in Explorer and Pathfinder, too. Point being, any perk related to OD is now sitting comfortably in the support perk category, freeing up more options for level perks
The doc/int related support perks related to health regen and lower min health are useless in combat since the regen timer is paused
The one about lower min health is actually
only useful in combat. Not much, mind you, and I don't think you or me could argue for increased hybridization capablities of medics due to medic support perks. Those are mostly icing, but that's about it.
I have a specialized medic, it's a non combat sneaker/merc build. With all the medic related perks that leaves 3 free perks which isn't enough for any kind of combat char (he's skilled so it's one perk which of course is silent running).
So your
specialized Medic is a sneaker/merc build?
That explains the confusion. Mine is a medic/pseudotaxi/merc build. Thought I had a hybrid there for a moment.
On a sidenote, I'd recommend dropping Living Anatomy, since your "3 free perks" comment suggests you have it. It's really not that good for a medic. If you're unsure what to substitute, Gain Luck helps on both ends of FA crit rolls and would synergize well with the merc part of the build.