That place might as well not exist and i couldn't give less rats ass about it in that case than i currently do now. I am acting like an asshole , well tell me something new that i would give a fuck about. Okay ?
Learning curve speeds up and becomes larger depending on how many times a new player dies , those who don't improve and use their head to think , leave. So each time i see another rage topic about how this game is bad and unfriendly reminds me that most of the new players are degraded , they are used to common mindless games out there where the game itself is made to adapt to the player , not the player adapt to the game. This is not the common game out there.
I just spent an hour or so in NCR, and every person with 100HP or less got naded. That's just fracking ridiculousness.
This is very good , they will just learn that the place has to be avoided , because usually telling them to NOT GO TO NCR and NOT HANG AROUND to NOT DIE AND LOOSE ALL STUFF is just not enough , they don't think and experience it themselves and only then they understand.
I think i am very allowed to compare new players to animals , like dogs. Once you beat the crap out of them , they understand , until then you can tell them whatever you want.
Then again i don't sit in NCR and troll anyone.