Player waits at exit to NCR with plasma grenade(Horny Kitty). Suicide grenades then logs off and comes back immediatly as alt(Hello Kitty) to loot? I know hard to stop and everything, just curious. I will take a screenshot next time if it matters.
North town isn't guarded, if only you meant VC, but seems like you meant any unguarded town.
If I catch someone suicide-killing in guarded towns and fast relogging to loot the victim, that person will be banned.Use +requesthelp or let me know on #2238help if you see this.
is suicide killing alowed? lets say with your mate looting?
that kitty char exploits everything in ncr anyway,from thieving to bombing
There is nothing wrong with stealing or bombing people in NCR, as long as you don't help yourself in some clearly abusive way, for example fast relog to looter, using alts to block someone, exploiting guard AI bugs.
I cant even describe how dumb it is :]