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Author Topic: FOnline as a social game.  (Read 4808 times)


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FOnline as a social game.
« on: March 28, 2012, 08:08:59 pm »

 Why there are 200 players online, but you cannot meet them? Whats wrong? Is this the purpose or not? If not, are there any ways how to change it? Do developers want to change it? Look at JovankaB's event (funny one). There were a lot of players, interacting (mostly PK). Why this is not a rule? Falout had a quests and background story, Fonline has a players.. really? Where?

 At this moment, interaction among players is : A) faction interaction among teamates, B) PVP/PK among enemies, C) thiefs D) suicide bombers ......X) trade Y) chat in city. Am i wrong? Did i miss anything?

  Crafting in cities was one idea. Are there others?

 What about temporary "closure" of some cities? It will cause that more players will be often in open ones, if players would have any purpose to visit any city :/  Fonline is based on factions. Fallout 1 was about need of water. Why not ad faction resource (water) that playeres have to get in cities (caravans,...). Of course => we want to fight, we dont want to collect water. But it is not against, it would only create another opportunity. Fight for water, or trade it, sell it to other factions.

 Developers, i think that you should rethink whole Fonline social concept from the ground. "The Fallout origins" element of Fonline seems to be exhausted..
« Last Edit: March 31, 2012, 10:55:05 pm by Lordus »
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Re: Should be a Fonline social game?
« Reply #1 on: March 28, 2012, 08:26:34 pm »

There is some kind of interaction through X/fire and Steam mod,IRC,teamspeak,mumble...and so on.But you are right,a unique communication channel,a social utility for fallout will be doing wouldn t be easy to implement,i m afraid.
« Last Edit: March 29, 2012, 05:58:09 pm by Graf »
Indeed, perhaps one day we shall meet
Out in the country, or maybe on the street
Until that day here shall I wait
For death or for life, whichever my fate
Re: Should be a Fonline social game?
« Reply #2 on: March 28, 2012, 08:36:24 pm »

There is no interaction because there is no trust, there are language barriers and out of 150 players 90 are trolls.


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Re: Should be a Fonline social game?
« Reply #3 on: March 28, 2012, 09:54:35 pm »

There is no interaction because there is no trust, there are language barriers and out of 150 players 90 are trolls.

I mean, I personally find it very easy to find trustworthy people but that is from a couple years experience...  in different games even, but the way the game is built I do not even trust most of my friends with anything valuable ever unless I've known them for at least, approximately 6 months.

Even then, I am hesitant.

Then you got polish/russian/chinese/niggerian/english etcetc...  More translator required.

As you say, game needs rebuild on that area. :(
« Last Edit: March 28, 2012, 09:56:08 pm by Michaelh139 »
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Re: Should be a Fonline social game?
« Reply #4 on: March 28, 2012, 10:11:25 pm »

If you ever tested the FO Desert Europe server you would have seen their global chat screen in the pip boy. I could open a chat window and say hello to the entire server. All messages were broadcast everywhere and eveyone could see them without the need to be tuned in to a certain radio channel. I couldnt tell you the technical aspect of such a feature but if they could do it why couldnt the 2238 team? Maybe something like this here could make it easier for people to connect to the game world a bit easier.

Re: Should be a Fonline social game?
« Reply #5 on: March 28, 2012, 10:40:55 pm »

Causes spam. On tla mk2 server everybody talks on the 0 radio channel. It looks like that:
- Hello

although I agree to everything in the op. we are adding more features while fonline is turning into an rpg with muktiplayer. sometimes it is easier to make an alt then find a man who can do the needed job. this is what brought tla to hell (Make a combat, a crafting, an outsoors, a medic alt and play)
Re: Should be a Fonline social game?
« Reply #6 on: March 29, 2012, 03:00:13 am »

I am with you 100% about the fact that there should be more interaction on a positive level in game.  Sadly a few things are in the way,

1 there will never be a safe place for people to gather, and when people gather the trolls/lulz noobs will spawn.

2, a social structure needs certain well structure, the appeal to most people in FOnline is the lack of structure and rules, without them you just have chaos, as demonstrated by the last several sessions in game.

3, it also relies on the need for a certain level a maturity, like someone above posted there is no trust, and for good reason, I have met maybe 2 people in the wastes that didn't instantly go pknoob on me, and one was just bait waiting for his buddy.  That doesn't breed a whole lot of desire to interact with anyone, and since you're not safe in a town either, there's really no point to go to one.

Three wipes ago I had barely started playing this game, at that time there was social interaction, I met people who would help you, or run places with you and level, even craft stuff for a price since there was a major CD involved.  But over time the uber builds and lulz seeking noobs have driven most of the 'good' people away and some would say that the carebears should be gone, but some of the people I'm talking about in the past were notorious uber build pkr's, they just had standards so I mean actual 'good' people.  When you play this game long enough and the only response to your attempts to bring any form of civility to this game are "The Wasteland is Harsh,"  and "Go play Hello Kitty Online nub" people give up.  I would love to be able to be social in this game again, to actually MEET people and try and build up something, but right now the game isn't made for new players, it's only for returning players, and most of those are the above mentioned issues, and since the devs have stated on many occasions that a safe meeting place is COMPLETELY out of the question, I think you're right to ask "Is this game going as intended?"

P.S. Having played many different MMO's I have to note, any type of global chat will almost always dissolve rapidly into (Ass, you suck, Noob, Carebear, your momma, Anal, lol ect ect.)  So I feel IMHO we should look beyond just a way to chat across realm.
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Urban Monkey

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Re: Should be a Fonline social game?
« Reply #7 on: March 29, 2012, 03:24:25 am »

Radio 0 is a common chat radio.

Also NCR is the hang around and chat town and if you are a bored you can throw a few plasma grenades and spray somebody with an SMG from your carpets of greaser smgs.

There was once a thing called "roleplay projects" Which factions held towns and made it safe for hang out spots in unguarded towns but the town control system doesn't raelly make these sort of things happen these days. Sarmations used to hold redding for a fun place to hang out while you go mine, same with broken hills hunters in broken hills but that was last wipe.

Once agian blame the TC system for making "roleplay projects" ruined.

For most part majority of factions are on teamspeak, raidcall and mumble. And people socialize with their own groups and factions for the most part.
« Last Edit: March 29, 2012, 03:26:26 am by Urban Monkey »
Re: Should be a Fonline social game?
« Reply #8 on: March 29, 2012, 04:28:17 am »

It would be hard to redesign everything to make the game social. I don't have any good idea on how to do it and I'm not gonna be thinking of one just to post it and be ignored by devs. The devs aren't asking me or any of you for opinions or ideas so it's up to the devs to think of a solution
I think they're really unorganized and don't really have plans for development, they just test out random brainstormed ideas without analyzing effects.

It's not that hard to sit down with a paper and pen and chart things out.
Also it's really easy to balance classes and weapons out, all you have to do is make a comparison chart of weapons and skills. Make the best BG equal in effectiveness to the best SG and best EW, but with a "rock, paper, scissors" effect where each has a different advantage over the other.

Urban Monkey

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Re: Should be a Fonline social game?
« Reply #9 on: March 29, 2012, 04:55:20 am »

It would be hard to redesign everything to make the game social. I don't have any good idea on how to do it and I'm not gonna be thinking of one just to post it and be ignored by devs. The devs aren't asking me or any of you for opinions or ideas so it's up to the devs to think of a solution
I think they're really unorganized and don't really have plans for development, they just test out random brainstormed ideas without analyzing effects.

It's not that hard to sit down with a paper and pen and chart things out.
Also it's really easy to balance classes and weapons out, all you have to do is make a comparison chart of weapons and skills. Make the best BG equal in effectiveness to the best SG and best EW, but with a "rock, paper, scissors" effect where each has a different advantage over the other.

It was good last wipe depending what faction held a town, the build balance is a whole different subject than just the town control system. Can't do a succesful roleplay projects when 2 factions have 499/500 influence in town because one well just steal the militia in 1 minute.

You want to be social and chat just go to ncr blue suit and have a few laughs of people getting sprayed and melted in the process. About as good as it gets for social in-game if you are not in faction with a mumble.
Re: Should be a Fonline social game?
« Reply #10 on: March 29, 2012, 05:06:33 am »

You missed my point. I'm saying that devs lack in: organization, communication, work ethics, leadership, dependability, responsibility, adaptability, and more.

I know developing fonline is their hobby, but you have to have passion for your hobby.

Whatever great ideas you would come up with in this thread will ultimately be ignored by the developers.
« Last Edit: March 29, 2012, 05:11:54 am by chocolate_chip_cookies »


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Re: Should be a Fonline social game?
« Reply #11 on: March 29, 2012, 05:26:52 am »

This game is what you make of it, really.  I've had plenty of positive interaction with other players (plenty of negative also, but we already knew that).

If you want interaction, go looking for it.  You'll likely find it.  The good people are still here, but you won't find them if you're avoiding contact with everyone else on the server but the people you already know.

If you run into a PK, well, you just lose a little gear.  It happens.  You got what you lost from somewhere once, you can replace it.  All the friends I've made are worth much more than what I was carrying when I met them.


Urban Monkey

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Re: Should be a Fonline social game?
« Reply #12 on: March 29, 2012, 05:31:16 am »

You missed my point. I'm saying that devs lack in: organization, communication, work ethics, leadership, dependability, responsibility, adaptability, and more.

I know developing fonline is their hobby, but you have to have passion for your hobby.

Whatever great ideas you would come up with in this thread will ultimately be ignored by the developers.

This is not anything new and most players would agree, and the most feedback is just trolls saying stop complaining and cry babying when you suggest a change or don't like something. We know this nothing new doesn't need to be discussed. The topic is about making game social and part of the social experience was factions holding towns for places to be social and it was ruined, and one particular faction basically ruined this with their sick obsession with winning at all costs. Factions who are about making towns social and roleplaying are generally not that great at pvp, and generally don't care if they are good or bad pvp players.

If you complain whine about certian features of the game and then respond back to trolls you just get the ban hammer so yes there is no point really.

We already know this game is for trolls by trolls, the developers aren't professional neither are the moderators it is what we have to deal with. Like I say its not new information that the developers are high on crack when they develope their game and most don't report bugs and things that are OP in the CBT so they can abuse it themselves. This issue has nothing to do with the social aspect of this game other than the town control system because differnt factions have differnt missions. Some want to dominate in PvP and others want to make the towns fun and social. But the current town control system is complete donkey shit and does not allow for factions to rotate in towns.

The 499/500 influence system makes a huge difference in the social aspect of this game. I get your point, I agree with everything you say, but its off topic, and even if another thread was made to discuss this they would delete it, lock it, and ban your forum account if you argue with some stupid troll who says stop cry babying.


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Re: Should be a Fonline social game?
« Reply #13 on: March 29, 2012, 11:57:20 am »

Pretty much it's all been said before, but to reiterate...  Socializing is a process that you need to get involved in, go out and meet people, don't be a recluse.  You will die horribly, you will get cheated, stabbed in the back and lied to.  After you have figured out who those people are (a good 2/3 of the population) you may find a few decent souls worth socializing with, value them more than caps!  Don't ever go around or invite people to more than your willing to risk losing.  Don't immediately take the first person you befriended in NCR to your tent/base.  Use a little common sense.  Don't put all your eggs in one basket, diversify your holdings, keep caps off base in tent.  Don't take hardly anybody to your tent (even better, nobody).  I don't mind doing random RP things in game, and they're certainly is the opportunity if you just make an effort to do so.  Instead of trying to convince everybody to RP the right way by not suicide bursting you in ncr, just take it as a fact of life, NCR is dangerous...  In all honestly 9 times out of 10, if I see a lone wanderer in low tier gear hunting random shit, I would prefer to ask if you would like company rather than put a bullet in your head and take your 7 gecko pelts a knife 3 broken leather jackets and a mauser.  On the other hand, if I'm with my crew and we are farming and you drop in with 2 or 3 buddies, it's on.  If I'm leveling in Molerats and encounter anybody and I think i have at least a 50/50 shot at killing you, I will.  The people leveling in Molerats are 99% of the time faction pussies leveling there new pvp characters, they expect to fight and give no quarter, he who shoots first has a distinct advantage of surviving the encounter.  So if you think oh neato, I am newbie won kenobi and I have just found out how to level on molerats, this is your heads up, everyone their will kill you.  If you hang around NCR, I will most likely at some point kill you, not for your gear or your caps or because I dislike you.  No, I have no other motivation than it merely makes me gleefully giggle evertime I kill someone, I know it's not right, shouldn't be allowed, blah blah blah, but hey I just <3 it.  Others share this proclivity.  Social interaction is possible but just understand whats what and whos who and you might get some great socializing adventures.
It's all really about suppression of dissension, consensus through censorship.  Whether through extermination of those who have different or conflicting viewpoints or subtle spin of available media.  If there is only one opinion left, it must be right, right?
Re: Should be a Fonline social game?
« Reply #14 on: March 29, 2012, 12:17:11 pm »

u say 200 players online ? how many of them are double and more logs, proxies etc.. how many people are looking for bp using 3 and more acc at the same time ? There is no more than 100 players playing this game, quite an achievement - great changes, great updates, great devs, great gms, congratulation
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