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Are you for or against no relog time?


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Author Topic: Fast relog.  (Read 7834 times)


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Fast relog.
« on: March 06, 2012, 07:44:49 pm »

Only to give Dev's one ideia how mutch the no relog time is apreciated by players please vote. Lets hope a Dev drop by this topic.
« Last Edit: March 06, 2012, 11:13:30 pm by varandas »


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Re: Fast relog.
« Reply #1 on: March 06, 2012, 07:53:48 pm »

That is way too simple. You cannot put in the same bag the logistical FR which is good, with the PVP FR which is bad...


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Re: Fast relog.
« Reply #2 on: March 06, 2012, 07:57:03 pm »

Well there cant be 2 rules.
Is either no fr for all or fr to all.
Even of course this consernes more people that actualy do pvp/tc that are geting bored about waves fight and leaving game.


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Re: Fast relog.
« Reply #3 on: March 06, 2012, 08:15:38 pm »

You cannot put in the same bag the logistical FR which is good, with the PVP FR which is bad...

Exactly. However, pr0 PvP FR'ers will always have proxy, so...


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Re: Fast relog.
« Reply #4 on: March 06, 2012, 08:30:20 pm »

Well Eternauta is not the same ting other wise last session we hould have the same problem.
And as i remember last session that dint hapen, not sayng that people dont had wm chars is just they would wait the relog time or if they use proxy
was for mercs or loters but dont ting that many players find proxys good enofe to rt pvp.
PS maybe im rong proxy aint my especialty....................
Re: Fast relog.
« Reply #5 on: March 06, 2012, 08:44:38 pm »

Add third option:
-I want 'sleepy' timer JovankaB suggested.
<Izual> Let's crash server
Re: Fast relog.
« Reply #6 on: March 06, 2012, 10:17:42 pm »

Fast relog should not be permitted, it totaly screw pvp.

Players should have to make application and register to be able to play on 2238, it would take care of cheaters and unwelcomed players.

Seriously, devs should have full control over there game, not let 10% of the players decide what the rules are.


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Re: Fast relog.
« Reply #7 on: March 06, 2012, 11:38:21 pm »

Add third option:
-I want 'sleepy' timer JovankaB suggested.
I vote for this !
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[19:41:06] <@JovankaB> einstein said we dont need name colorizing
Re: Fast relog.
« Reply #8 on: March 06, 2012, 11:46:06 pm »

Jovankas suggestion is the only reasonable one kinda the only thing we got to hope for now , that would solve problems with fast relog as well somehow support regular , casual players. Those who argue about that , don't have anything solid against it only their opinion and some far-fetched arguments that are hard to comprehend in general.
« Last Edit: March 06, 2012, 11:48:26 pm by T-888 »


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Re: Fast relog.
« Reply #9 on: March 06, 2012, 11:56:12 pm »

I don't understand how you can at the same time support such suggestion and on the other side be member of the main team (maybe the only one) using FR to be stronger in pvp. Could you explain ?
Re: Fast relog.
« Reply #10 on: March 07, 2012, 12:12:13 am »

I can assure you multiple teams are already using fast relog to enhance their success in combat and that is going to become more common if something isn't done , just a habbit witch doesn't require much effort. Why do we use that , if we don't support that ? Quite stupid question actually , of course to succeed and not fall behind , if others will use that and we don't it puts us in a disadvantage , so we use it always to not risk having a disadvantage.


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Re: Fast relog.
« Reply #11 on: March 07, 2012, 12:44:01 am »

"Let's play unfair because others could maybe do it too."

*sigh* Have fun playing that way then.
Re: Fast relog.
« Reply #12 on: March 07, 2012, 01:00:01 am »

"Let's play unfair because others could maybe do it too."

How it is unfair ? Ha ha ;D the tricky part is ...

everything we do is completely allowed , how we can have an advantage if others use it too and they already do. Those who don't use fast relog sooner or later will be forced to do it , if they wish to compete. Don't point fingers that were the bad ones that encourage this , witch might be true but at the same time if it wouldn't be us it would be someone else , fingers would be pointed towards someone else , CS maybe even BBS since they have players who support this , it doesn't matter really.

I would rather see the good old fights , when you die you actually " stay dead " for a moment you can count on it when killing someone , it means something more than " oh i killed a guy must wait for his second or third character " , it somehow spoils the fun for me and others alike. If i would like that kind of play , i think i would be playing requiem , but this is not requiem.

Fucking fast relog , it was good how it was.

forgot to mention if this goes 50/50 on the vote and there is not much hope for change , i will not be the one with the disadvantage. I'm still trying to determine if it's worth providing opinion about this , write anything at all.
« Last Edit: March 07, 2012, 01:20:21 am by T-888 »
Re: Fast relog.
« Reply #13 on: March 07, 2012, 01:51:19 am »

Fucking fast relog , it was good how it was.
No, it wasn't. There were already written hundreds of lines why it shouldn't be brought back.
Re: Fast relog.
« Reply #14 on: March 07, 2012, 02:24:22 am »

everything we do is completely allowed
Nice joke, dude.

I'm for no relog time. If defeated team comes again to the battlefield, there is a quick opportunity to beat them again. If they win, that means that your team should practice more (well unless heavily outnumbered lol as anything can be bypassed with numbers). Some kind of challenge is good.

If your team uses fast relog because players in it die to quickly, then you just hurt yourself. Even if you win after entering on 2nd or 3rd character, your "so-called-skill" simply degrades. If you enter the battle knowing that you have no backup chars, you are likely to pay much more attention to survive. The same thing was observed like 2 sessions ago, when fast relog was in frequent use (FOCD times) despite of rules and relog timer. Some players just entered the battle and died easily then switched to another char. It's nothing good for them even if they don't realise it.

If you need fast relogging pvp chars, then it's your choice. But if you want to improve, it's a dumb way to go.

maybe even BBS since they have players who support this , it doesn't matter really.
Please. So far I've been using a single pvp char at all times in this session, borrowed from someone else. The other person in BBS supporting fast relog is Nice Boat who has currently also a single pvp char. I don't know what you are trying to prove here.
« Last Edit: March 07, 2012, 02:28:26 am by Kilgore »
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