So the game should cater precisely for you and your playstyle? Do you realize that the way you play is quite far cry how many others play it?
Oh the irony.
Let's forget about initial suggestion.
I think it would be perfect if returning from respawn, healing, restocking would be more less
the same as relogging on another charater. The question is how can it be done, and
preferably in a way that doesn't hurt PvE too much. It could be SPECIAL penalty in following
way: You get -10 SPECIAL penalty points.
First, PE is penalized down to 1.
If there are still some penalty points, the remain points are used to penalize ST
If there are still some penalty points, the remain points are used to penalize LK
And so on, I'm not sure about the order, but the point is it should be SPECIALs
that matter the most in PvP and PvE the least. I think PE should be first.
If you are turn based PvE 120 seconds of such penalty wouldn't be a big deal.
I mean, seriously, you can use the time to increase range from enemies
or whatever even if you get immediately encounter. RT PvE first 120 seconds
would be a bit worse but you could still one hex enemies. We are talking about
2 minutes (or similar time) after login here while your character is "sleepy".
Mercenerias should get the same penalty.