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Author Topic: new anti-fast relog, sleepy characters after login  (Read 23780 times)


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Re: new anti-fast relog, sleepy characters after login
« Reply #90 on: March 01, 2012, 06:48:57 pm »

Dude, there are lots of people who aren't at all interested in pvp or looting your beyond repair leather jacket, they probably have more than one char and such timer would make nothing except piss them off.

heh okay, assume much? i was box hunting/nade gathering and i popped romanbellic whom i had a fair grenade fight with, less than 2 minutes later a nicobellic shows up in full pvp gear with cmbt armor and laser crits me, the obvious implication is that he rage fast relogged to get me cause his other guy couldnt in a fair fight. FAIR being the keyword here, in the wasteland you dont have a clone army at your disposal so its assinine to assume this is the way things should work. please dont assume that im some noob, ive been playing this game as long as you kilgore but im sure your ego doesnt let you see past your own nose.
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Re: new anti-fast relog, sleepy characters after login
« Reply #91 on: March 01, 2012, 06:58:01 pm »

He could as well have second char logged in on some proxy and kill you the same way. "Sleepy-timer" wouldn't help at all, so why bother? And leave personal insults for yourself, thanks.


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Re: new anti-fast relog, sleepy characters after login
« Reply #92 on: March 01, 2012, 07:57:23 pm »

And leave personal insults for yourself, thanks.

same goes for you, not everyone is a n00b and I'm not sure if you realize your being rude when you insinuate that "not everyone wants your beyond repair jacket". As if that was even the case, you assume something that wasnt true and made a baseless comment on it. However I have been around long enough to see what kind of player/person you are, so I feel comfortable stating such.
The bottom line is what your saying is they are going to cheat anyways so why make it harder? thats extremely pessimistic and extremely disheartining, of course we should make being a cheater harder, of course we should go after people who cheat in game and take away from the overall experience. There is no reason to condone fast relog, waiting 10 mintes doesnt ruin or break the game, it just balances it out for players that dont cheat, and if you want to cite proxy abusers as why it doesnt matter heres this, just because one person is such a loser that they cant play fonline with one character but need to proxy multiple doesnt mean everyone should. thats like saying because some guy murdered someone its ok for everyone else to murder someone, society doesnt let things like this stand and neither should you. take some goddamn pride in your fonline experience.
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Re: new anti-fast relog, sleepy characters after login
« Reply #93 on: March 01, 2012, 07:58:17 pm »

He could as well have second char logged in on some proxy and kill you the same way. "Sleepy-timer" wouldn't help at all, so why bother? And leave personal insults for yourself, thanks.

He would have to camp on proxy all the time for this to be effective.
It's inconvenient and much easier to detect (dual logs are not allowed in PvP).
Even if it's proxy, when he is reported once his chars are in danger of being checked.

Also with fast relogs you can gather much bigger number of alts for combat.
In theory infinite, you need only one window.

It's not relog timeout, inconvenience would be barely noticeable but much, much
more effective for dealing with people abusing fast / dual logs than what was before.

BTW, I would also disable looting dead players first 120 seconds.

non-issue taken up by a non-PvP'er to make people she dislikes "suffer"

False + Ad hominem. It's not TV studio and you are not politician.
Please use rational arguments relevant to the suggestion.
« Last Edit: March 01, 2012, 08:18:31 pm by JovankaB »


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Re: new anti-fast relog, sleepy characters after login
« Reply #94 on: March 01, 2012, 08:18:22 pm »

I don't see how anyone would benefit from this system at all. The people who want to cheat around this limitation WILL do so and the people playing the game "legally" will once again be screwed by being forced to play under arbitrary cooldowns, lessening the fun for everyone involved.


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Re: new anti-fast relog, sleepy characters after login
« Reply #95 on: March 01, 2012, 08:25:10 pm »

False + Ad hominem. It's not TV studio and you are not politician.
Please use rational arguments relevant to the suggestion.
So you're a PvP player? Forgive me, I didn't know. Anyway, rational arguments were already presented, I'm curious why you did pick this little bit to reply to :>


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Re: new anti-fast relog, sleepy characters after login
« Reply #96 on: March 01, 2012, 08:25:26 pm »

The people who want to cheat around this limitation WILL do so

The only way to cheat around this is to have all the combat alts logged in all the time.
You don't know when fight will start, you don't know when it will end.

I find unconvincing that the amount of fast relogs would simply be replaced by dual logs.

Also please provide examples how getting nerfed perception and strength and not being
able to loot player corpses for 120 seconds after login would be "being screwed".
« Last Edit: March 01, 2012, 08:28:58 pm by JovankaB »


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Re: new anti-fast relog, sleepy characters after login
« Reply #97 on: March 01, 2012, 08:28:47 pm »

So having to wait 120 seconds to do certain actions when I just want to play after login is not a major stinky finger in a players face? What is the actual gameplay reason to get these nerfed stats, what have I, as the player done to get enforced with such shitty restrictions when I just want to play?

And you should know better from your experience that no matter what restriction you lay upon players, there will always be people trying to sneak around these restrictions. There will be people abusing it with dual logs, or they will just leave the game because of such restrictions - such stuff should always raise the fun, not making it even more a pain in the ass for everyone. Your intention for the suggestion is noble, but adding just another cooldown is just not good, in my humble opinion.
Re: new anti-fast relog, sleepy characters after login
« Reply #98 on: March 01, 2012, 08:29:55 pm »

Many waves of characters are and have always been the reality of this game whether I like them or not, that's besides the point.

No your missing the point , as well kilgore. One of the reasons why jovanka suggested this is to limit the fast relog for PvP purposes. Previous session there was a 3 minute cooldown on reloging and there were no second waves or something like that , your walls of text are quite obsolete.

He could as well have second char logged in on some proxy and kill you the same way. "Sleepy-timer" wouldn't help at all, so why bother? And leave personal insults for yourself, thanks.

Could , but will he ? Look at the previous season , did we see logged in characters on proxies ? No we didn't.

This attitude that if someone wants to cheat will do it is no viable argument to not implement a feature , just ridiculous.
« Last Edit: March 01, 2012, 08:33:49 pm by T-888 »


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Re: new anti-fast relog, sleepy characters after login
« Reply #99 on: March 01, 2012, 08:30:38 pm »

I don't see how anyone would benefit from this system at all. The people who want to cheat around this limitation WILL do so and the people playing the game "legally" will once again be screwed by being forced to play under arbitrary cooldowns, lessening the fun for everyone involved.

Not true, what you need are more active gm's with a willingness to catch the people in the act. If you keep on enforcing it the number of people doing so will dwindle and eventually people may even start to not accept it as normal behavior because honestly it isnt. Cool downs are a concept, while you may not like that concept it does not change the fact that something is still wrong. There needs to be a remedy to this situation, all im asking is that some form of action be taken, sometimes i feel that you dont take your players very seriously although it would be hard to when everyone is abusing a game you enjoy and moderate around you.
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Re: new anti-fast relog, sleepy characters after login
« Reply #100 on: March 01, 2012, 08:35:40 pm »

Not true, what you need are more active gm's with a willingness to catch the people in the act.

Fighting against windmills it is rather. There will always be people slipping through, even if you find some people who are willing to overwatch the game to catch cheaters. This suggestion here would bring even more need for GMs who then have to watch the game all the time for cheaters, in unpaid, boring work, while they could actually do something interesting instead in this time.

"Catching" dual loggers is also not always that easy (except the player is really dumb and names his characters "Asd1" "Asd2" and they are caught in the act.

If you keep on enforcing it the number of people doing so will dwindle and eventually people may even start to not accept it as normal behavior because honestly it isnt.

That's what you think, the reality (and experience) is that the only number which will dwindle is the actual number of active players.

Cool downs are a concept, while you may not like that concept it does not change the fact that something is still wrong. There needs to be a remedy to this situation, all im asking is that some form of action be taken, sometimes i feel that you dont take your players very seriously although it would be hard to when everyone is abusing a game you enjoy and moderate around you.

There is no denying that something is wrong, I agree. But enforcing just another restriction is not the way to go.


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Re: new anti-fast relog, sleepy characters after login
« Reply #101 on: March 01, 2012, 08:37:57 pm »

Then what do you suggest?
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Re: new anti-fast relog, sleepy characters after login
« Reply #102 on: March 01, 2012, 08:38:38 pm »

Previous session there was a 3 minute cooldown on reloging and there were no second waves or something like that , your walls of text are quite obsolete.
It's always been 3 minutes which could be and often was avoided and there were a lot of second, third, fourth and fifth waves in every effin' session (I know because I used to have a network of parking lots to travel from spawn and gear up in about 30s., that'd actually make me faster than charswitching dudes if Jovanka's bad suggestion ever got implemented), the only thing that changed is perhaps the arrival speed which is faster right now by about a minute or two, which is negated by the need to scout anyway.

Not true, what you need are more active gm's with a willingness to catch the people in the act. If you keep on enforcing it the number of people doing so will dwindle and eventually people may even start to not accept it as normal behavior because honestly it isnt. Cool downs are a concept, while you may not like that concept it does not change the fact that something is still wrong. There needs to be a remedy to this situation, all im asking is that some form of action be taken, sometimes i feel that you dont take your players very seriously although it would be hard to when everyone is abusing a game you enjoy and moderate around you.
The thing is you people are proving again and again that you are not to be taken seriously. The game's been on with the new settings for about a month, and you guys are already bitching about this and that being imbalanced or unfair. Why don't you just try to learn the game as it is instead? Knee-jerk reaction based solutions like this one are not going to refine gameplay, they're going to mess it up yet again. I've lost track how many TC overworks and weapon balance overworks this server has seen because the devs followed some random forum bitching without letting the game mature.

To drive my point further home - imagine if other games were treated this way by their devs. What would Street Fighter community look like if every patch/release characters were getting a new special and totally different framedata? Where would StarCraft community be if every patch units had up to ~200% HP and dmg fluctuations and randomly gained and lost special properties like cloak etc? And, more importantly, how many people would be playing these games? How the hell is 2238 PvP ever supposed to get any real depth that isn't based on exploits, when you guys are constantly meddling with the settings, often going from one extreme to another? Removing cooldowns on relogs seemed to be a conscious design decision based on 3 years of experience, let it play out for a moment, thank you.
« Last Edit: March 01, 2012, 08:49:25 pm by Nice_Boat »
Re: new anti-fast relog, sleepy characters after login
« Reply #103 on: March 01, 2012, 08:48:55 pm »

It's always been 3 minutes which could be and often was avoided and there were a lot of second, third, fourth and fifth waves in every effin' session ...

That's different , i'm talking about preparing 3 ready characters on worldmap , not some worthless car network. That upon one death the player just relogs to another character in 15 seconds and is ready to fight again and when a faction with 15 guys does it , do you really think you have any chance or anyone else has a chance to fight something like that , if only you and your team has more characters. That is just degrading , if to do this takes whatsover no effort at all , it will become a habbit for a lot of players it wasn't in previous season , sure sometimes there would be someone who would occasionally bypass that , but nothing game breaking.
« Last Edit: March 01, 2012, 08:52:30 pm by T-888 »


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Re: new anti-fast relog, sleepy characters after login
« Reply #104 on: March 01, 2012, 08:55:09 pm »

That's different , i'm talking about preparing 3 ready characters on worldmap , not some worthless car network. That upon one death the player just relogs to another character in 15 seconds and is ready to fight again and when a faction with 15 guys does it , do you really think you have any chance or anyone else has a chance to fight something like that , if only you and your team has more characters. That is just degrading , if to do this takes whatsover no effort at all , it will become a habbit it wasn't in previous season , sure sometimes there would be someone who would occasionally bypass that , but nothing game breaking.

I'm amazed by your clairvoyance as to defining gamebreaking tactics after a month-long session, especially considering the impending TC overwhaul. I'm also amazed by your lack of understanding of even basic maths (30 is 6 times less than 180, so it's actually far from worthless)... actually I'm so amazed that I'm not going to reply to any more of your BS, because you're not making any sense at all and all your responses are based on emotions and negative ones at that.
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