Let me guess this will provide more influence than just standing in town or defending building x right ? If so then that's just ridiculous , you again force players to do things they completely do not want to do.
No, you would have one of these randomly assigned - then you would have to achieve what you were asked to do in the time you were given. Each option would be approximately the same.
Over x influence , once per 26 hours , " compete " for town control. What ? I can't imagine how is that gonna work at all as work in practice ? If it is like you can try to seize the control of town only once per 26 hours , then that's shit , rapid exchange of cities between factions encourages PvP ( that was the main thing why last season there was much PvP even more PvP when community thought that 2238 was dead than now ).Gang X takes town , gang X goes AFK for 30 minutes , gang Y takes town , GANG X waits 26 hours
..... more dots for you. It should be like that , you aren't around to defend the city , then the city is just takeable like it was last season. Those who will want to take the city will take it in night no matter what cooldown on it.
I think you've misunderstood.
There is the rapid exchange element, which are the randomly assigned tasks.
Then there is the 26 hourly major fight, in which only those who had collected enough influence could participate. This would be for extra loot and to unlock all the rule setting options that current influence would allow.
Lets take for Modoc for an example. Lets also presume that tasks take 20 minutes, with a 40 minute lock out (mostly for the reason that it makes it easier to explain

Hour 1, Gang A takes on an event, they succeed and the rest of the hour is locked out for other gangs - they get loot and 10 influence.
Hour 2, Gang B takes on an event, they succeed and the rest of the hour is locked out for other gangs - they get loot and 10 influence.
Hour 3, Gang C takes on an event, they succeed and the rest of the hour is locked out for other gangs - they get loot and 10 influence.
Hour 4, Gang D takes on an event, they succeed and the rest of the hour is locked out for other gangs - they get loot and 10 influence.
Hour 5, Gang A takes on an event, they succeed and the rest of the hour is locked out for other gangs - they get loot and 10 influence.
Hour 6, Gang B takes on an event, they succeed and the rest of the hour is locked out for other gangs - they get loot and 10 influence.
Hour 7, Gang C takes on an event, they succeed and the rest of the hour is locked out for other gangs - they get loot and 10 influence.
Hour 8 - 25, Gang A takes on an event, they succeed and the rest of the hour is locked out for other gangs - they get loot and 190 influence.
Now, of course gangs will be stopping each other succeeding in these events all the time, but its easier to explain if they always succeed.
Gang A has 200 influence
Gang B has 20 influence
Gang C has 20 influence
Gang D has 10 influence
Hour 26 rolls around, lets say that 20 influence is the minimum required - so Gangs A, B and C can qualify to "take" the city. I imagine this would be similar to last seasons king of the hill window.
If Gang A wins they would get lots more than Gangs B and C because they have the most influence, but Gang B and C can still take it, but get lower rewards.
Whichever one of those gangs win then also get to set the rules, deploy militia as town guards if they want (which defend players, not act as gang bodyguards) and other things (that are yet to be thought up).
Influence is then all reset and the day starts again from zero, with another 26 hours to undertake events (which all involve PvP action) and at the end of that the qualifying gangs get to compete again.
EDIT: It would actually be like last season, but minus the militia defending player gangs, but instead of always king of the hill battles you would have different objectives to keep it fresher.
Then on top of that you promote one hour to give you various options over 26 hours - deploying guards/not deploying guards being the main one - sort of like a TC Champions league.