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Author Topic: TC system  (Read 34011 times)


  • High-Tech Troll
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Re: TC system
« Reply #225 on: February 03, 2012, 01:12:53 pm »

Looks like another topic that became a total trollfest instead of giving devteam some ideas how to fix Town Control, just because of a bunch of dedicated trolls who "never tried TC", "don't give a fuck about it" but appear with same pointless yadda-yadda as soon as a topic about TC is started, like it was some sort of a trolling magnet for them. Rofl.
And yet you don't bring any of ideas to fix TC, but keep the trolling up. High five, Mr Troll :>

Yep you and few trees are the majority in fonline, that's right. Dunno where your info comes from, but I can't stop laughing  ;D It's like somebody busy with collecting junk told himself: "north doesn't exist and pvp gangs are a myth".
Yep you and few apes are the majority in fonline, that's right. Dunno where your info comes from, but I can't stop laughing  ;D It's like somebody busy with hiding in a toilet told himself: "south doesn't exist and pve gangs are a myth".

See how easy it is? But how about we both stop spreading this bullshit already?

Anyway, I remember two large and famous projects, that "apes" were running - Broken Hills Hunters in BH and Sarmatians in Redding. I liked that a lot, because it was what in my humble opinion "town control" means - we shoot on sight people we don't want here, because we are tough guys controlling shit all over the place, but we also allow others to come, stay, talk, trade, whatever. Too bad both projects have been abandoned, due to banana box issues ("zey get itanz!!11 zey exploiterz!111 abuze1!111"). Current TC system, from what I can read here, supports staying in town, not lurking from worldmap preview. Details are to adjust, but main idea seems reasonable.

I hope no matter what shape new TC get, above "projects" will come back some day.
Nie biegaj za stadem.

Re: TC system
« Reply #226 on: February 03, 2012, 01:27:18 pm »

From the begining of the game North was about death frags rape and gang wars, if anyone want more peacefull life that's why South got guarded cities... but still someone is expecting peace everywhere on world map. Simple - lumberjacks are afraid of going north into nonguarded cities, and pk's can't kill n00bz in safe places, but when someone kill everything on sight and then wonder why noone is inside so ye thats stupid.
Re: TC system
« Reply #227 on: February 03, 2012, 01:33:44 pm »

If you're talking about WWP, you should take a cold shower, that will wake you up.

WWP had nothing to do with RP. WWP's sole aim was to provide TTTLA (and various other factions) with a guarded HQ mine.

It only 'helped newbies' in that they could use it too, unless any WWP member decided s/he wanted their stuff, in the case of which s/he would just kill them, loot them, and call them an enemy scout... heh, I guess that was the "RP" part, so you were right about that after all.
As I see, you have no idea what you are talking about. Guarded HQ mine? Ridiculous. That could only come up from the mind of a crafter, because at that time literally everyone had plenty of caps and stuff. I spent there a lot more time than you did, you have no proofs, no pictures, no witnesses, simply nothing. You say we were killing people for their stuff? Come on, try harder people who used to come in the town were mostly bluesuits, miners or low levels, do you really think we were interested in their shotguns, mausers and leather jackets?

WWP wasn't perfect, its history proved that "the outlaw" politics turned out to be wrong. Lately WWP dropped this politics, but it was too late, under heavy siege WWP project was destroyed.

Another thing, few months after this, TSAR started running their own town, Den. After that they moved to Redding and made it alive, again. It was the best era of Redding I have to say. You wanted to mine? Fine, all you had to do was to go to Redding. You wanted to fight? Sure, all you had to do was to bring some friends and start shooting miners at mine area and you had always equipped enemies against you (TSAR+allies). Many successful player-driven events took place there, as well. When you came in peace, nobody was allowed to shoot you, even if you were from an enemy gang.

That's basically the model of a prosperous town which, as I believe, the new TC system tries to encourage. So the main question is, how to make everyone happy? I'd like to see an opportunity for both groups in TC. One group let's call them roleplayers should be able to use its strength, which is obviously ability to stay in a town for a long period of time. On the other hand, PvP apes aka Pwnz0rz should get what they want as well (blood, money and burning houses).

Well, the first possible option is to assign different rules to each town, but that's not good because as we all know, pwnz0rs want some variety. Nobody would be happy if there was only one town where to fight. I guess that's not a problem, since apes can raid roleplayers town whenever they want, the only obstacle and problem for them is that they won't be able to take town and have any profit from it.


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Re: TC system
« Reply #228 on: February 03, 2012, 01:44:34 pm »

I actually like the idea of the windows being *for* something.

Say you went to talk to the town leader, he then had a small pool of things the town wanted which were chosen from randomly.

He'd pick "Clear out the Mine", "Fix the reactor", "Defeat incoming Raiders" for you.
-> Message goes out telling everyone who is trying to do what and timer begins
-> Other gangs could come in and stop it
-> Influnece +/- based on who succeeds in what (-ve for gang stopping you, +for doing the mission)
-> If you have succeeded you get the loot which depends on your overall influence level.
Quote from: Woodrow Wilson
If you want to make enemies, try to change something.


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Re: TC system
« Reply #229 on: February 03, 2012, 01:53:42 pm »

He'd pick "Clear out the Mine", "Fix the reactor", "Defeat incoming Raiders" for you.
-> Message goes out telling everyone who is trying to do what and timer begins
-> Other gangs could come in and stop it
-> Influnece +/- based on who succeeds in what (-ve for gang stopping you, +for doing the mission)
-> If you have succeeded you get the loot which depends on your overall influence level.

Quests are ok but if there is a window telling that gang is fighting raiders in bh, it is extremely big advantage to attack them while they are doing so. If the raiders are weak, it's too easy. If they are hard it's ok but not if the enemy gang strikes at the same time.
Those quests would be okay to do when it's unlikely an enemy faction will come.

Window could be used, but it could be like this:

"Gang is controlling BH"

This means that the gang is there and it means two things: 1. nuubs can come and do stuff, giving influence to the controllers and bringing life to town. 2. Enemy faction can come and start a racket. The controlling gang can take any positions it wants to counter the possible incoming enemy strike. During that controlling period the actual controlling gang can choose to just chill around, stand in strong positions, do those quests or participate in the same actions the nuubs are there for.
Based on evidence collected from various sources by trustworthy attendees it is undisputed veritability that the land ravaged by atomic warfare which caused extreme change of the ecosystem and environmental hazards can be considered unpleasant, rugged and unforgiving.
Re: TC system
« Reply #230 on: February 03, 2012, 02:06:25 pm »

Enough , i suggest wichura and people with similar state of minds to just not participate here , all you do is just mess up the air. No offense.

I have to agree with ernest that current tc is somehow better than previous. The key point is that you get rewarded from presence. What controlling is it if you stand there for a while and leave? If you stand in town for 15 minutes, you controlled it for 15 minutes and then left. So you should get rewarded from the 15 mins, not more.

It's " somehow " better on paper at least was , but this system doesn't work in practice. I think the key point could be as well how long the city has been under your control. This Hybrid system solar is talking about is , you can take the city in 15 minutes okay , you have it it's yours , but if you will not gather enough influence then you will not be able to do much with the city. Furthermore gaining the influence not by afk'ing but through some other ways , i'm not sure what solar has in mind for that , but fuck it makes a lot of sense. Now influence is just a growing timer , nothing more.

T-888 is saying there ain't no action in towns. He's also disliking allowing nubs to come in and do stuff. They steamroll everyone, so everyone stays out. Then they wonder where everyone is.

I see. Don't talk about SOT in that case , you don't know how we deal with outsiders. There are some people that actually came to us in cities or IRC and asked for us to not shoot them , let them hang around , some peaceful traders or slavers in den for example and we let them. That's not the problem.

The problem is that nobody is willing to take those cities due to time spent on it , okay maybe are but simply put can't. If you want to take BH you will have to deal with at least 4 hours with very much people , you think you can fight SOT for 4 hours successfully and keep a foothold there ? If someone could would already do that. Timer is just simply too long.

« Last Edit: February 03, 2012, 02:10:26 pm by T-888 »


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Re: TC system
« Reply #231 on: February 03, 2012, 03:16:05 pm »

This Hybrid system solar is talking about is , you can take the city in 15 minutes okay , you have it it's yours , but if you will not gather enough influence then you will not be able to do much with the city. Furthermore gaining the influence not by afk'ing but through some other ways , i'm not sure what solar has in mind for that , but fuck it makes a lot of sense. Now influence is just a growing timer , nothing more.

Depends on how the city can "grow" after it's captured. For example last session obt you got more rewards over time you held the city and got stronger militia. That was bad because some group of trolls could take the town at midnight and ruin the massive ratio of rewards. It could also raise the militia and fight off everyone until they got more people. This must not happen again.
The rewards from the town need to be obtained here and now, when the members are inside. Not hours and days afterwards. If you aren't in town, you don't deserve shit.

I see. Don't talk about SOT in that case , you don't know how we deal with outsiders. There are some people that actually came to us in cities or IRC and asked for us to not shoot them , let them hang around , some peaceful traders or slavers in den for example and we let them. That's not the problem

Okay but I can talk about present situation. Somehow the towns just aint like Redding in last obt. Somehow there isn't as much action in towns as in last obt.

The problem is that nobody is willing to take those cities due to time spent on it , okay maybe are but simply put can't. If you want to take BH you will have to deal with at least 4 hours with very much people , you think you can fight SOT for 4 hours successfully and keep a foothold there ? someone could would already do that. Timer is just simply too long.

When you're dominating the server, it don't matter what the timer is. Rogues dominated in the beginning of last session, then the swarm. Timer might be too long but it has nothing to do with what's going on in towns. The controllers decide that. If they shoot most people or spend their life on worldmap or elsewhere, towns will be empty. It was like that in previous sessions.
Based on evidence collected from various sources by trustworthy attendees it is undisputed veritability that the land ravaged by atomic warfare which caused extreme change of the ecosystem and environmental hazards can be considered unpleasant, rugged and unforgiving.
Re: TC system
« Reply #232 on: February 03, 2012, 03:23:38 pm »

I actually like the idea of the windows being *for* something.

Say you went to talk to the town leader, he then had a small pool of things the town wanted which were chosen from randomly.

He'd pick "Clear out the Mine", "Fix the reactor", "Defeat incoming Raiders" for you.
-> Message goes out telling everyone who is trying to do what and timer begins
-> Other gangs could come in and stop it
-> Influnece +/- based on who succeeds in what (-ve for gang stopping you, +for doing the mission)
-> If you have succeeded you get the loot which depends on your overall influence level.

+ Good idea

- Very hard and long taking to script.
- Complex system = Full of bugs
- It hard to set balanced and fun system if so many variables.

I think we need fix right now. We dont want whole new system right away. Right away we need fixes.

6 Things:
1, Cap influence on 100.
2, Max militia count = 10 (for a start)
3, Mercenaries CANNOT be added to militia.
4, Command for showing enemy gang influence.
5, Speed of gaining influence = Speed of influence drop for enemy factions. (influence drop from gang which has the most influence at the time)
6, WORKING server message, when someone is capturing the city.
7. Not possible to get militia with alive militia.
8. Not possible to getting influence inside buildings or don't use point (3).
9. Fix bugs with militia-directions
10. Not possible to buy militia when enemies in town or when enemies gaining influence.

These 10 things are easy to script and it will bring some life to TC PvP. Later we can discuss more complex and funnier system. But now there is no time for that.
And really, dont tell me that these things are hard to script. They are simple and its enough. It can be done in a few hours. And thats the point.
« Last Edit: February 03, 2012, 04:57:17 pm by Hovinko »


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Re: TC system
« Reply #233 on: February 03, 2012, 04:09:45 pm »

+ Good idea

- Very hard and long taking to script.
- Complex system = Full of bugs
- It hard to set balanced and fun system if so many variables.

I think we need fix right now. We dont want whole new system right away. Right away we need fixes.

6 Things:
1, Cap influence on 100.
2, Max militia count = 10 (for a start)
3, Mercenaries CANNOT be added to militia.
4, Command for showing enemy gang influence.
5, Speed of gaining influence = Speed of influence drop for enemy factions. (influence drop from gang which has the most influence at the time)
6, WORKING server message, when someone is capturing the city.

These 6 things are easy to script and it will bring some life to TC PvP. Later we can discuss more complex and funnier system. But now there is no time for that.
And really, dont tell me that these things are hard to script. They are simple and its enough. It can be done in a few hours. And thats the point.

7. Not possible to get influence with alive militia.
8. Not possible to getting influence inside buildings or don't use point (3).
9. Fix bugs with militia-directions
« Last Edit: February 03, 2012, 06:05:43 pm by pti4ka »
Re: TC system
« Reply #234 on: February 03, 2012, 04:55:36 pm »

And i forget one.

10, Not possible to buy militia when enemies in town or when they gaining influence.
Re: TC system
« Reply #235 on: February 03, 2012, 06:01:44 pm »

And yet you don't bring any of ideas to fix TC, but keep the trolling up. High five, Mr Troll :>
I brought many ideas to improve TC in the past, some of them were actually placed in the game in various times. Also, prewipe, I posted a whole concept as an idea for new TC. I believe you know how to use search tool if you are interested in these (I bet you aren't, as all you're doing here is posting cheap troll posts). High five, Mrs Moroniura ;> Out of trees to chop?


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Re: TC system
« Reply #236 on: February 04, 2012, 04:03:54 am »

i was think i big gang small gang fix
heres how it goes.
big gang 1 takes town by tc timer. they get normal rewards and such as is now.
small gang is "hired"(not by there will you see) by the small faction haveing the most influence. throw quest and standing around looking cool. small faction lets people in town , trade do there rp whatever they do. they also get rewards on a small scale but enough so they can run city and buy millita. small faction controls milita and laws. if small faction lets people trade, sell slaves, do quests and things such as that the big faction and small faction both get more rewards.(town is doing good more money comeing in)
Roaming the waste again.


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Re: TC system
« Reply #237 on: February 04, 2012, 06:02:09 am »

What are you talking about small/big gangs ?
If max influence points fill be 100 it will be easy to take city for small gangs too.
What problem ?
Re: TC system
« Reply #238 on: February 04, 2012, 10:11:17 am »

If some one play from time to time, and want to go to TC today, he wont be able to control any city. This days TC system is for "no lifes". We cant just log on, gear up, take team, get town control, than just log off, and let the others do the same. It`s just an opinion, but isn`t it true?


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Re: TC system
« Reply #239 on: February 04, 2012, 10:31:59 am »

Then small factions will come to city at nights, take it fast, loot and leave again...

Just put Influence limit on some real value(70-100) and fix server message about TC. It will be really nice for PvP and guarding cities..

Anyway that sings like some propaganda - because All fractions can come in the city now and get their PvP...but they not coming... Of course they can tell about SoT_Swarm but yesterday when we entered by 10 players in Gecko same number of Hawks(for example) with militia running away immidietly.

And there some screenshots with good swarm of small organisations...Where they all ? o_O

So TC is not a reason why there is no PvP on TC. (But of course now that not work as it want to be)

Good point, everyone is scared in base and yelling on forum there is no pvp :D, but we fighting all the day.
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