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Author Topic: TC system  (Read 34014 times)

Re: TC system
« Reply #210 on: February 03, 2012, 01:09:40 am »

ok, im gonna cut it short and have a long chat with my wall here to spend the time more reasonably.

Yes sure spending hours and hours afking characters in cities , very sensible.

Thats something we would not have to do if you guys werent so obsessed with your precisious itanz and pwning. The point of this system is that if you stay longer in the city, in bigger numbers, eg. do more for the city, you own it. Erradicating every other living thing is not point of this system (now thats what you still keep yourself from understanding). Sarmatians before the wipe owned redding, spent a lot of time there, eliminating threats, helping newbies. We had a great time, we had rp, we socialized (met a few members that still are in our ranks).THIS is what you are supposed to do, knucklehead. Then and only then you will be worth of controling the city.

TC stays where it is , can keep yapping more how it can be something else. Few individuals can yapp about that forever , i don't give a fuck actually because as i said your the minority.

Dear sir, what we are yapping here about is that we actually want it to stand where it is. AND how it is.
Keep calling yourself a majority if it helps you. Call yourself supreme race or team america. Doesnt change the fact that you are trying to hold this game back just because it would make your life easier.

Meanwile the actual majority of this game wonders the wastes or spends hours and hours on their faction bases.
Keep it up, you wanker.

Im sorry about not replying to another of your points. You seem perfectly capable to create yourself an artificial reality where your theories work. Yeah yeah, im pretty sure that if there was a huge fight in your city every 10 minutes you would not desert it. Nah, you would probably keep looking out of the window enjoying the great living condition, avoiding stray bullets.
Sure sure sure. And so on.
Re: TC system
« Reply #211 on: February 03, 2012, 01:26:15 am »

Thats something we would not have to do if you guys werent so obsessed with your precisious itanz and pwning. The point of this system is that if you stay longer in the city, in bigger numbers, eg. do more for the city, you own it. Erradicating every other living thing is not point of this system (now thats what you still keep yourself from understanding). Sarmatians before the wipe owned redding, spent a lot of time there, eliminating threats, helping newbies. We had a great time, we had rp, we socialized (met a few members that still are in our ranks).THIS is what you are supposed to do, knucklehead. Then and only then you will be worth of controling the city.

Nobody is obsessed were just having fun , taking towns , controlling them , just natural for us. The point is that currently if you stay long enough in the city as you say " do something for the city " , you don't understand that it's countless of hours of just standing in one point and much more than few players don't like that. What we do with the system is none of your business we make what point we want out of it this system that is what it makes it so good , you are nobody to tell me how we should play this game or this feature. Who do you think you are ? I'm certainly not telling you what you should do or what to make out of this system , but what you need to understand to deal with it and not try to change it in a direction not needed.

Dear sir, what we are yapping here about is that we actually want it to stand where it is. AND how it is.
Keep calling yourself a majority if it helps you. Call yourself supreme race or team america. Doesnt change the fact that you are trying to hold this game back just because it would make your life easier.

Nobody is holding this game back , it's just in your head.

More insults

EDIT: Actually why should i insult you , i'm not like you.
« Last Edit: February 03, 2012, 01:36:17 am by T-888 »
Re: TC system
« Reply #212 on: February 03, 2012, 01:28:21 am »

Devs, please make some adjustments, many of adjustments have been reasonable, maybe someone can sum them up? ;)

I remember those that been repeated mostly i think:
1. Make Who and How much influence holds in current town visible, like a list, so when you type Influence, you will see 3 top factions or something.
2. Give militia an option to kill sneakers on sight (Friends dont sneak in ones garden, right?)
3. Make the current option acually work
4. There are a lot of bugs with militia currently, like not shooting sneakers when they shot first time (when they shot while in sneak)
5. I would also propose to make gaining influence an option not something that happends automaticly (like a command, ~Startinfluence or something could be usefull, or Cato's idea he posted in suggestions about friends and alliances)
Re: TC system
« Reply #213 on: February 03, 2012, 01:33:25 am »

Devs, please make some adjustments, many of adjustments have been reasonable, maybe someone can sum them up? ;)
I think old windows giving loot out every hour, mixed with an influence system which played out over a longer period (say a day), where you would get the option to control various things would work.

Read few posts behind , before this badger and wichura trolling.
Re: TC system
« Reply #214 on: February 03, 2012, 01:36:13 am »

Nobody is obsessed were just having fun , taking towns , controlling them , just natural for us. The point is that currently if you stay long enough in the city as you say " do something for the city " , you don't understand that it's countless of hours of just standing in one point and much more than few players don't like that. What we do with the system is none of your business we make what point we want out of it this system that is what it makes it so good , you are nobody to tell me how we should play this game or this feature. Who do you think you are ? I'm certainly not telling you what you should do or what to make out of this system , but what you need to understand to deal with it and not try to change it in a direction not needed.

If thats what you call fun, then you just have to be eradicated. Simple as that. And you will. If your players dont want to stand around the town, this TC system is not for you. Let people that do want to do it. Being there is hinkley to satisfy almost all of your pvp need, given i never heard of you "controling" gordons or another lockerless location i cant help but wondering - are you sure you are not obsessed with them itanz?

And oh yeah. I know who i am. I am a beta tester. What are you?

Nobody is holding this game back , it's just in your head.

You constant bitching (that comes from the fact that youre unable to keep something up, not from the fact that something would be wrong) threatens terminating the best and only sensible TC system there ever was. Now thats what i call holding the game back.
The only weird thing is that this mostly works in complete oposite - when players whine, Devs are sure they did the right thing. I cant figure out why it works this time - and with such an important thing.

What you are capable of is providing so much useless information in such a short period of time , that it is like close to useless to listen to as reading a brick wall.

If you consider my points invalid or even useless, there is a simple solution. Do not reply.
Re: TC system
« Reply #215 on: February 03, 2012, 01:43:51 am »

this badger

Calling me names wont help you. I am presenting valid points here, if you cant argue with these, please dont sink to cheap insults.
Devs, please make some adjustments, many of adjustments have been reasonable, maybe someone can sum them up? ;)

I remember those that been repeated mostly i think:
1. ...

If i may suggest, i would take another route in making this system actually work. Decrease the TC rewards and make players work for it. Percentage of the towns traffic, given by the influence points, spread over the usual tc rewards. Make quests that would increase towns reputation increase influence too, if done by a member of player faction. Make controling factions actually loose influence when killing a non-invader (meaning someone who isnt draining influence) and gain when they die serving the city (being the controling faction...
So on and so on.

This system is the most sensible one there was. Please, dont give up on it.
Re: TC system
« Reply #216 on: February 03, 2012, 01:45:43 am »

If thats what you call fun, then you just have to be eradicated. Simple as that. And you will. If your players dont want to stand around the town, this TC system is not for you. Let people that do want to do it. Being there is hinkley to satisfy almost all of your pvp need, given i never heard of you "controling" gordons or another lockerless location i cant help but wondering - are you sure you are not obsessed with them itanz?

Want to eradicate us , me ? Ye sure make much sense.

That we don't want to stand many many hours in cities in a game , is completely sensible and understandable as it is not fun nor entertaining. We already have made consensus with many players that this current system doesn't work , doesn't satisfy many players , it's a reason that this topic has 15 pages , maybe you should try to read some other parts of it and digest the information you read both the information i gave you ? Nobody is obsessed with anything again.

Don't talk about hinkley your obviously not visiting it much or haven't at all.

And oh yeah. I know who i am. I am a beta tester. What are you?
How nice of you.

You constant bitching ....

Actually your the one who is bitching now. :)

Calling me names wont help you. I am presenting valid points here, if you cant argue with these, please dont sink to cheap insults.

Yes sure , " valid points " in your dreams.

Decrease the TC rewards and make players work for it.

No sense at all.
« Last Edit: February 03, 2012, 01:48:47 am by T-888 »
Re: TC system
« Reply #217 on: February 03, 2012, 01:51:00 am »

Please, stop this.

The very least i could get is a little say, my two cents if you will. You flooding it flaming, trying to insult me and scraping my points is childish.
Re: TC system
« Reply #218 on: February 03, 2012, 01:57:27 am »

Your the one who is insulting me , being childish. Scraping your points ? I'm the one who is shutting your yapping up , because you make little to no sense i'm sorry.

If i may suggest, i would take another route in making this system actually work. Percentage of the towns traffic, given by the influence points, spread over the usual tc rewards. Make quests that would increase towns reputation increase influence too, if done by a member of player faction. Make controling factions actually loose influence when killing a non-invader (meaning someone who isnt draining influence) and gain when they die serving the city (being the controling faction...
So on and so on.

The problem with quests that increase influence , killing non invaders , getting influence for dying it's all ridiculous and abusable like hell. Guy with a " non invader character " kills your faction members all time so you gain more influence , factions making alts to grind up influence and reputation on quests, or " non invader character " trolls that specially provoke them to be killed without much choice therefore making a disadvantage to faction controlling the town.
« Last Edit: February 03, 2012, 02:04:13 am by T-888 »


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Re: TC system
« Reply #219 on: February 03, 2012, 07:40:46 am »

SOT , BBS , CS , Crazy 88 , VSB , RDA , TTTLA , BHH , TSAR , Amboy dukes factions who have something to do with TC , not to mention all these new groups smaller ones that try to participate TC in some sort of way The Void , Toxic Avengers , Outcasts etc. etc. there are more
Like I said - just a few swarms. BBS is busy gathering themselves together (3 or 4 are active from what I know), CS ragequitted (few of them hides on Hinkley), RDA is inactive for a longer while, TTTLA still can't stand they no longer can spam preview button to "blacklist" more bluesuits. What remains? Right, SoT and VSB hiding in a city's toilet. Rest of acronyms doesn't sound familiar from game, just e-penises measurements on forum.
Majority my ass, mister.

people who actually don't participate in TC much or not at all will tell those who does how TC should be , just what the fuck ?
Why should I decide about features I don't give a crap? Who am I to do this?
Play as you want, hide where you want, pwn and smash whole cities, I don't mind. But please, don't expect privileges just for "being a majority", which is not true.
Nie biegaj za stadem.

Re: TC system
« Reply #220 on: February 03, 2012, 08:26:34 am »

Looks like another topic that became a total trollfest instead of giving devteam some ideas how to fix Town Control, just because of a bunch of dedicated trolls who "never tried TC", "don't give a fuck about it" but appear with same pointless yadda-yadda as soon as a topic about TC is started, like it was some sort of a trolling magnet for them. Rofl.

Like I said - just a few swarms. BBS is busy gathering themselves together (3 or 4 are active from what I know), CS ragequitted (few of them hides on Hinkley), RDA is inactive for a longer while, TTTLA still can't stand they no longer can spam preview button to "blacklist" more bluesuits. What remains? Right, SoT and VSB hiding in a city's toilet. Rest of acronyms doesn't sound familiar from game, just e-penises measurements on forum.
Majority my ass, mister.
Yep you and few trees are the majority in fonline, that's right. Dunno where your info comes from, but I can't stop laughing  ;D It's like somebody busy with collecting junk told himself: "north doesn't exist and pvp gangs are a myth".


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Re: TC system
« Reply #221 on: February 03, 2012, 10:02:09 am »

I have to agree with ernest that current tc is somehow better than previous. The key point is that you get rewarded from presence. What controlling is it if you stand there for a while and leave? If you stand in town for 15 minutes, you controlled it for 15 minutes and then left. So you should get rewarded from the 15 mins, not more.

It doesn't actually matter what you do in the town as long as you're there. Kill everyone on sight? It's your rules, and you're applying them on others. That's controlling. So if you leave and people can just come in freely, you aren't applying your rules on them anymore and town is out of control.
Based on evidence collected from various sources by trustworthy attendees it is undisputed veritability that the land ravaged by atomic warfare which caused extreme change of the ecosystem and environmental hazards can be considered unpleasant, rugged and unforgiving.


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Re: TC system
« Reply #222 on: February 03, 2012, 11:05:02 am »

Sarmatians before the wipe owned redding, spent a lot of time there, eliminating threats, helping newbies. We had a great time, we had rp, we socialized (met a few members that still are in our ranks).

If you're talking about WWP, you should take a cold shower, that will wake you up.

WWP had nothing to do with RP. WWP's sole aim was to provide TTTLA (and various other factions) with a guarded HQ mine.

It only 'helped newbies' in that they could use it too, unless any WWP member decided s/he wanted their stuff, in the case of which s/he would just kill them, loot them, and call them an enemy scout... heh, I guess that was the "RP" part, so you were right about that after all.

On a more serious note, this is a PvP server. There are no people interested in any *real* RP here, wake up and deal with it.

And these Sarmatians... they are a big joke. Let me remind you of the following thread they started:

In it, they whine that they have to stay in Den and manually click on every incomer to have him killed rather than having their slaves do the job. A truly sad topic, but what would you expect. As you can see, I even posted a reply in it, and got called a troll because they could not come up with any good arguments to substantiate their ridiculous claims.

Now the same thing is happening here, except it's not me, but T-888 making good points and proving that certain people have no clue about the things they're discussing. In return, he gets called a knucklehead, a wanker, a child (sic!), and a twat... all that just by one person, and guess who that person is... well, yes, that's our ErnestGaskin, what a surprise.


Re: TC system
« Reply #223 on: February 03, 2012, 12:11:50 pm »

Solar you said something about idea of hybrid, old world timer window TC with new one influence system.
How about suggestion like this :
Some A gang go to city, start timer, 20mins to end, then there is an award inside locker, then you have to stay with some numbers of equiped players to make influence points if you want to get next bonuses from locker on every next 30mins or as before 1hour. Influence points system is connected in making some things inside city not only afking and standing with militia. If you don't do these jobs - you dont recive points so no price in locker, but you still controllng city if you're inside with armed guys. Let's say for example in Gecko you must do some things connected with reactor, bringing some electronic parts or fixing some machines every 5min then players who would want some roleplay they would be satisfied, there wont be any afk's guys hiding in bars( at least 3 of 5 must do every 5minutes some job to still have city and have bonuses from lockerz, or in Den you must bring some slaves to metzger or any other ideas, whatever..
And if no factions guys are inside town for 1hour then city could be noone. So we got action when some A gang is taking city then others know about this. And if city is noone next gang lets say in next day dont have to stay 10hours to make some 100 influence points only start time as before 20mins and city is in their hands. If you are in faction controlling town you must do some things to get bonuses and help of militia, and militia could about as someone suggested 8 npc's. As you said you think about some fake npc's faction gangs which could attack city and for example in modoc you must defend poor peasants from them.
And fix no mercs allowed to add into milita or when enemy faction is taking city ( no 500hps)
I hope at least 50% of this you understand, sry for my english and i typed it fast.


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Re: TC system
« Reply #224 on: February 03, 2012, 01:03:15 pm »

WWP had nothing to do with RP. WWP's sole aim was to provide TTTLA (and various other factions) with a guarded HQ mine....

Now the same thing is happening here, except it's not me, but T-888 making good points and proving that certain people have no clue about the things they're discussing. In return, he gets called a knucklehead, a wanker, a child (sic!), and a twat... all that just by one person, and guess who that person is... well, yes, that's our ErnestGaskin, what a surprise.

What do you know about wwp? Looks like nothing at all. Yet you're telling people that they don't know stuff here. Let me tell you something about wwp.

T-888 is saying there ain't no action in towns. He's also disliking allowing nubs to come in and do stuff. Well guess what? In wwp we allowed certain people to come in towns and do their stuff, we also had lots of action. I remember days I didn't do anything but fight off robbers. There was occasionally so much action I got fed up with it.
You know why? Because we allowed nubs to come in. That encouraged robbers and murdrers to come in and kill those nubs. We the wwp and our allies (tttla, vsb, hawks, tsar, guardians, randoms) often eventually steamrolled those robbers but they kept coming because when they killed those nubs and us sometimes they got at least some victories and some enjoyment. SoT allows nobody in. They steamroll everyone, so everyone stays out. Then they wonder where everyone is.
Based on evidence collected from various sources by trustworthy attendees it is undisputed veritability that the land ravaged by atomic warfare which caused extreme change of the ecosystem and environmental hazards can be considered unpleasant, rugged and unforgiving.
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