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Author Topic: TC system  (Read 33233 times)


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TC System
« Reply #60 on: January 22, 2012, 11:12:55 am »

Well before I get trolled and before somebody says they're ruining my game, I well say this thread is to voice your opinion and constructive criticism of the TC system.

I personally do not find this new town control system fun, what made it fun last season was having your faction name on top of the screen for the whole server to see in hopes another faction would show up to fight you, or vice versa. I am a PvP player I enjoy pvp the most in this game and have found this new system is not fun for pvp.

Right now its basically a race to get the most influence points, and to get these influence points it takes HOURS if not DAYS to get any with a small number of people. Before a 5 person faction could attempt to take the town and capture get a few rewards before it was lost. Now you need a swarm and to stand in a town for an hour or over 9,000 hours to get anywhere.

My experience so far with the TC system was standing in town and boring my faction members to tears and most just went afk with the computer on while sleeping in a place to hide. And that is what you basically have to do now to hold a town now, all people have to do is hide characters with half decent gear to take the town. Its completely boring there is no PvP involved, and not like it was last wipe 15 minutes of not getting killed by another faction.

So here is my suggestions:
Make influence points go up faster so casual players stand a chance.
When another faction stands in town the current faction holding town influences points go down in equal number.

For example for this suggestion is to make 50 influence points the max to obtain, if a faction has 50 influence points it well take 26 points minimum to capture the town and then the faction can decides to leave it at 26 make it easy to take the town get back or spend more time in town.

I think gaining influence points faster, and a more balanced system would make the game more fun and give a chance for multiple factions to hold a town and get rewards.

I mean right now the current system is so boring and so slow its not even worth the hours spent trying to capture the town. Its basically a competition who can bore the other factions to tears holding the town by getting massive influence points and making it take hours to take a town.


  • Soldiers of Thunderstorm
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Re: TC System
« Reply #61 on: January 22, 2012, 11:29:13 am »

honestly, the biggest problem with new system is a human factor. there is no big waiting for action, really. try take one of sot towns - you will have fight in few minutes. ofcourse tc system needs somerework but seems there is no one to work on it (ghosthack is missing?) so only solution is - be patient and stop blaming, whining about new tc - start actually playing.


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Re: TC System
« Reply #62 on: January 22, 2012, 12:09:42 pm »

If you're just standing there and get bored, that's the problem. Influence should be received from doing something meaningful in the town or allowing players to come there and do something and protecting them.
Based on evidence collected from various sources by trustworthy attendees it is undisputed veritability that the land ravaged by atomic warfare which caused extreme change of the ecosystem and environmental hazards can be considered unpleasant, rugged and unforgiving.


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Re: TC System
« Reply #63 on: January 22, 2012, 12:10:57 pm »

honestly, the biggest problem with new system is a human factor. there is no big waiting for action, really. try take one of sot towns - you will have fight in few minutes. ofcourse tc system needs somerework but seems there is no one to work on it (ghosthack is missing?) so only solution is - be patient and stop blaming, whining about new tc - start actually playing.

I wasn't whining I was writing my opinion, experience and a few suggestions. Maybe because the only people who like and defend the town control system is the faction who controls all the towns? Which is your faction, if you would have done TC from my experience its boring as hell and its easily exploitable.

I wasn't blaming anybody I already know there is a lot of bugs and a lot of work around, and I give a suggestions as I think the TC system takes forever to get anywhere.

But of course SoT doesn't want any changes I mean after all soldiers of thunderstorm written under your name makes me wonder as to why you defend it.

And yes we get it you own all the towns you love it you're getting tons of loot from it and getting rich, but not everybody has it super easy and exploited the game to get everything in 1 day.

I do not take anything a SoT person has to say seriously about the TC system and defending it because you guys would be whining if something went against your favor.

The time well come when you guys lose your towns and start losing fights when people work their way up playing the game normal without exploiting it with 15 people in the first 2 days of the wipe :)

If you're just standing there and get bored, that's the problem. Influence should be received from doing something meaningful in the town or allowing players to come there and do something and protecting them.

Nah the problem is the influence points is way too slow, and if you're not standing in the town you don't lose or gain anything. I think the way its suppose to work is the owning faction loses points while others take it but they don't lose the points when they are not in town. And attacking factions are suppose to PK people gathering to make the other team lose points in mining towns is the inpression I got.

Well also sure if you take an SoT town there is pvp, but this system is easily exploitable you could just hide characters and go afk anywhere in town for an entire day and get an ungodly amount of influence points and never enter the town again and make it impossible to take the town for others by boring them to tears having to stand in town for a long extensive periods of time. The issue is not PvP its the slow game mechanic which doesn't make it fun.

I mean this new system isn't small casual faction friendly, which was nice about the TC last wipe it only took 15 minutes to take a town if you could defend, and small factions could stand a chance and at least take the town for a small time period, get a few rewards, if a faction in bigger number didn't show up to kill them in the process.
« Last Edit: January 22, 2012, 12:22:35 pm by gr1m099 »


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Re: TC System
« Reply #64 on: January 22, 2012, 12:17:57 pm »

nice butthurt xD

if u would understand "the written words" from topics about TC then u gonna know that SoT doesnt like current system and we pointed out I think every possible bug/possible improvement to be done in order to make it playable and good.

So my tip for u -> read that topic before posting any more nonsense like u did above.


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Re: TC System
« Reply #65 on: January 22, 2012, 12:31:59 pm »

I didn't know there was that topic? If that is the case then maybe we all agree it sucks and should suggest improvements?

Seriously though, can I say 1 fucking thing I don't like about the game and give a suggestion which I think would make the game more fun for other people without some troll telling me I'm burthurt or crying and whining for fuck sakes.
« Last Edit: January 23, 2012, 04:28:00 pm by Graf »


  • Soldiers of Thunderstorm
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Re: TC System
« Reply #66 on: January 22, 2012, 12:36:32 pm »

But of course SoT doesn't want any changes I mean after all soldiers of thunderstorm written under your name makes me wonder as to why you defend it.

who said we dont want to change anything? we really want - check other topic about towncontrol/influence. im defending new concept of tc becuse on paper - is way more intresting then previous one, hah actually last system was the worst this far. im playing pvp 2,5 year and its my option - yes tc system form last season was worst then ever for pvp.

And yes we get it you own all the towns you love it you're getting tons of loot from it and getting rich, but not everybody has it super easy and exploited the game to get everything in 1 day.

like in real life - make your life easier, simpler. you wont - its not my problem. why you calling this exploit?

The time well come when you guys lose your towns and start losing fights when people work their way up playing the game normal without exploiting it with 15 people in the first 2 days of the wipe :)

fuck yeah.. its our dream! we really want to be kicked - that will motivate us for playing and be stronger and better then before. if we gonna loss battles - thats mean we are not good enough. again, why you calling it exploiting? i rather call is this - playing tc.

Well also sure if you take an SoT town there is pvp, but this system is easily exploitable you could just hide characters and go afk anywhere in town for an entire day and get an ungodly amount of influence points and never enter the town again and make it impossible to take the town for others by boring them to tears having to stand in town for a long extensive periods of time. The issue is not PvP its the slow game mechanic which doesn't make it fun.
what a bullshit. if you really want to capture city you need to come with more then 6 players with metalarmors and smg's. come with more people with better equipment - im pretty sure you be able to capture city really fast. once you spend this hour by staying in some strategical place, you will be able to take city everyday. like hawks in den and cs in bh.. btw - 4 gangs was controling klamath yesterday, you dont need to have a lot influence there..

I mean this new system isn't small casual faction friendly, which was nice about the TC last wipe it only took 15 minutes to take a town if you could defend, and small factions could stand a chance and at least take the town for a small time period, get a few rewards, if a faction in bigger number didn't show up to kill them in the process.
« Last Edit: January 22, 2012, 12:40:52 pm by maszrum »
Re: TC System
« Reply #67 on: January 22, 2012, 12:58:35 pm »

Before we can have all full levels on fight characters with good stuff and try to finally a normal TC with a good chance to winning, at the time you will have an unlimited source of money that you use to buy mercenaries (this thing has become), infinite PVE fights against supermutants.

Instead of Devs offer all players the same chance to start (freezing profit items from TC), instead of using exploits, they restrict money from each quest, to be game much more harder, meanwhile money from TC increasing. Money means control, big step foward in and saving time to another things and I dont talking about your swarm, which is impossible defeat.

Lets take example from BH, where you have a full militia from muties or that you can buy all from other players like blueprints, armors, weapons, because it saves time.

So dont be surprised why people are angry and flustrated, because currently TC is bad.
« Last Edit: January 22, 2012, 01:31:10 pm by McBorn »


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Re: TC System
« Reply #68 on: January 22, 2012, 12:59:44 pm »

We used combat armors sniper rifles, and only 1 guy with tier2 a laser rifle. Everything had high deterioration, was at least 75% deterioration maxed armor and weapons. I know how town control works and what builds work best for PvP. We didn't go to TC with Metal armors and SMGs and suggesting everybody to do so in my faction would be ludicrous.

Sure tc is easily done with a small number of people. This new system is easily done with 4-5 people all you have to do is scatter and hide and sit in the town afk for like 6-12 hours to take a town, no big faction needed. And once you have the town you can do the same thing to get an ugodly amount of TC points to make it take forever for other factions to take the town. That is If you are lucky some random guy doesn't go explore every inch of the town and kills the afks.

Oh I also forgot you SoT guys didn't show up until 6 hours later to slaughter 2 guys and 4 afks :) During those 6 hours all we did was shoot blue suits and random people and killed NPCs which is not fun. 6 hours for another major faction to show up is not exactly fun and exciting because there is no message only to the faction holding the town which I think its bugged as well.

I mean of course a big faction is going to thrive over the smaller ones take the towns, hold them majority of the times, I was just stating last session a small faction could take a town get rewards by only staying in it for 15 minutes (OLD TC SYSTEM) not 15 hours (NEW TC SYSTEM).

I guess if SoT hates the new system then great we agree nothing to argue about, but its kind of frustrating to say we are whiners and complainers when you sit on a pile of gold while while most are trying to work their way up slowly.
« Last Edit: January 22, 2012, 01:09:01 pm by gr1m099 »


  • Soldiers of Thunderstorm
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Re: TC System
« Reply #69 on: January 22, 2012, 01:18:37 pm »

trust me - you can capture city in one hour, ok maybe a little bit longer, but once you spend one hour with full armed group - you will be able to take city over almost everyday.. do some math and check by yourself.

thats the reason why i dont understand this complaints.

btw. you are pvp player? ..


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Re: TC System
« Reply #70 on: January 22, 2012, 01:23:21 pm »

Too nice that this theme now is clear but some people starting cry about "hard life" again...heh, not important :)

Real system of TC are pretty better BUT:

If seriously there is 3 big points in TC that need to be be FIXed (and I think most of normal players will agreed with that points):

(1) "TC message" don't work now so there are no information about TC situation in wasteland. And of course PvP players have no idea what is going on exactly.
(2) About influence:
That rise fast more it can rise some slowly BUT there must be some limit of influence (100 for example...) and if another fraction are taking city influence of previous fractions must decrease in some proportion.
(3) Militia disappearing after each restart of server.

It's 3 the most actual suggestions from many players in different places of forum...

And some another small bugs and suggestions:

1) Directions for militia not working now... So (for example) militia don't killing sneakers and 3 sneakers can kill all militia in few minutes.
2) That would be very usefull if will be possiple to see for example Top-5 fractions(in current city) and their influence in city if point (5) will be realized.

(For stop spamming and crying frome some persons: All (including "terrible cheaters SoT") waiting for some fixes in TC system)
« Last Edit: January 22, 2012, 01:30:48 pm by pti4ka »


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Re: TC System
« Reply #71 on: January 22, 2012, 01:35:01 pm »

trust me - you can capture city in one hour, ok maybe a little bit longer, but once you spend one hour with full armed group - you will be able to take city over almost everyday.. do some math and check by yourself.

thats the reason why i dont understand this complaints.

btw. you are pvp player? ..

You guys took the towns like in the first few days of the game when there was maybe very few influence points have you tried to take a town starting from a faction with 50+ influence points?

Yes I am PvP player.

Too nice that this theme now is clear but some people starting cry about "hard life" again...heh, not important :)
When things get tough and too hard its rage that keeps me going and makes me want to try harder :)
« Last Edit: January 22, 2012, 01:36:55 pm by gr1m099 »


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Re: TC System
« Reply #72 on: January 22, 2012, 05:05:48 pm »

 Maszrum, with full respect, nobody wants to be toy of SOT or any other huge gang. If small gangs has cca 5-6 players, their chance to kill gang like SOT (more than 17 active PvP players) are zero. Even you have less active players, your gang wealth (best possible armors, weapons, drugs, muties, muties militia,..) and your experiences gives you a huge advantage.

 Again, with full respect, you achieved a domination over TC cities. Result is, that if one team dominates in current TC system, organized PvP actions among smaller gangs, NOT between you and other gangs, are eliminated. Why? Because PvP battlegrounds = TC cities are controled and protected by your milita, mercs, scouts and sneekers.

 Other fact. Absence of Name Colorizing (again) eliminates chance of creating temporary wars and conglicts among small gangs. One day you are my ally, another day you are my enemy. NC allowed you to colour and distinguish gangs. So yellow color is enemy at one day, friendly another day. Now if you tag someone green and next day wants to fight with him, his coulour is confusing only. Talking about that you can put some names or factions into your computer that does not work is nonsense.  And the work with computer is pain in the ass, so experience of my gang.. rather stay in alliance (if any exist) than make nonsenses with computers. Again, huge Kill Everyone on sight gangs dont need NC, they shoots everyone who is not blue.

 Absence of the Beacon. Before wipe, if someone started beacon, it showed to all wasteland, that he wants to fight. At this moment, there is not chance to do it. Of course, MSZ can told us, that they can alway fight (you are right, with full respect), but what about fights among smaller gangs. 6x6? Before wipe, they were possible even with Beacons. When? Before the (PvP) player peak and after the peak. (afternoon, early evening, and at night) there was fights during TC bewteen smaller gangs.

 As a proof that i am not talking bulls...ts, count numbers of equal (4x4, 5x5) or bigger fights since wipe and compare it with last wipe. Fact that players dont have stuff is lie, because you can loot some staff on encounters.

 Result: if small gang wants to fight against other with gang of similar strenght, it cannot (one gang dominates, no beacon, no inteligent distinguis of players and their factions).

 So what will come next? SOT vs. VSB? No, VSB dont have enough players. SOT vs. TTTLA? No, they are not numerous too. SOT vs. C88? No,.. SOT vs. TTTLA, VSB, C88 alliance? Hmm, only way. So result of implementing this TC system with absence of Name Colourizing is Huge Aliance war again. Again! But with little modification, because of absence of Beacon => less fights.

 I.e. at saturday afternoon, when i talked with you MSZ and rest of SOT, you had 17 players, VSB had cca 5 ready at that moment. =>. I tried to manage temporary alliance, but no chance to get even 10 players. => Result: no pvp at that afternoon (and maybe a day), although only i had counted cca 25 players who wanted PvP (and of course, there could be double of players who wants to fight, but they cant).

 So this is my review of current TC. And again. I miss the time when i came home and i knew that at 8PM will every day! (EVERY DAY!!!!) start battle in Broken Hills or Redding or... . For me, no need to waste my time at this moment, until someone responsible for TC will understand that this game wants to play even "real lifers".
So long and THANKS for all the fish!


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Re: TC System
« Reply #73 on: January 23, 2012, 03:01:08 am »

Nope alliance TC not possible now because if 2 allied factions stand in town it screws up getting influence points unless everybody added to the same base. And trust me I have been in nothing but alliance fights and its not easy to get everybody to agree to be added to the same base.

Look the main thing is I don't really care if SoT is wealthy has the biggest faction at the moment. The main thing is I don't like how the influence point system work and it takes way too long to town control for it to be any fun. It needs to be faster paced. And there needs to be a chance of multiple factions holding towns and always changing instead of 1 faction having a billion influence points making it difficult to take.


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Re: TC System
« Reply #74 on: January 23, 2012, 05:19:57 am »

Vsb and TTTLA have same number of players with SoT but looks like not possible to talk with this PvP-players who strong enough for Hincley but can't do something in real wasteland...and then they going to forum... ::)

ps. Join VSB or TTTLA if you want TC cause 5-players gang newer gathering cities in all FO sessions.
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