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Author Topic: Help with a possibly impossible build  (Read 4778 times)

Help with a possibly impossible build
« on: October 25, 2011, 02:11:22 pm »

Hello, everyone. I'm fairly new to this game (as you'll realize more and more as you read my post) and I was looking for some help.

My goal is to make a decent PvP EW (or SG, wich one is better) Sniper, but I would also like to keep some charisma so I can talk with most NPC's!
Well, from what I've heard that seems quite impossible, as every PvP ready build has 1 CH and I want at least 3! But I'm here asking if there is the tinyiest possibility of that happening?

I've got an example of a build I've put together and I would like your opinion on it:

I haven't scrolled it to 21 or chose any perks yet cuz I would like your opinion if its a viable build or if I'm just wasting my time.

Well, now I would like to ask for constructive criticism (as the other kind serves me no good) and the following if possible:

1) It doesn't work.
     - Why?

2) You should change this.
     - What and how?

3) Maybe, if you used X drugs.
     - Are they easy to find? Are they costy?

4,5,6..) *Something you might remember to post
     - *Obvious reply question on my behalf

So, if you guys could help me with this I would be grateful as I'm looking to be an active member of this harsh harsh community (at least ingame) that you have here  :)

Feel free to call me a dumbass if you think the build is shit! Just help me make it better.

Thank you all who decides to help me in advance

« Last Edit: October 25, 2011, 02:23:42 pm by znumb »


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Re: Help with a possibly impossible build
« Reply #1 on: October 25, 2011, 02:21:56 pm »

Take better sg its much easier to find and last weapons its much better than ew (sniper vs laser rifle 50/45 hexes [5/6 str requirements], dmg whatever insane crit tabel with ko is true power of that hits)

In what sniper u aim? Sniper rifle/assault, or pistol sniper like 223 / 14mm pistols?


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Re: Help with a possibly impossible build
« Reply #2 on: October 25, 2011, 02:23:15 pm »

You can make a Charisma 1 character and use Mentats to trade with/talk to NPC's. Yeah sounds expensive but you can do this. If you want to keep you character name, just use the command "deleteself (password)" - Keep in mind tyou will lose your tent, etc.

With those 2 SPECIAL points, you could increase your Endurance for more Hit Points or your Luck for more Critical Chance. I'd personally go for better Luck.

6-more critical
9-better criticals
15-weapon handling
18-more critical
21-more critical

Oh, and also you could use Cigarettes, to increase your field of view... and Jet, for more Action Points, although Jet reduces your Strength, so it might be harder for you to hit the enemy with STR < 6

It all depends on what you think you need more.

And good luck out there. Don't get mad if you die a lot :)
« Last Edit: October 25, 2011, 02:25:28 pm by Eternauta »
Re: Help with a possibly impossible build
« Reply #3 on: October 25, 2011, 02:36:41 pm »

Woah, thanks for the quick reply!
Yeah I've already read your post and I'm using that method to get some caps (thanks a bunch for that, also)  :)

About the mentats. Where would I be able to get them? Should I craft them? are they abundant?

What about the perk Action boy? shouldnt I get it?
Oh, and the perk weapon handling, I dont get it at all  :-\ what does it do exactly?

And I've died quite often. I don't get mad at it anymore  :P (unless I just bought this new cool gun and somebody thinks he's entitled to it...)

P.S: Sorry for all the questions. I'm just eager to learn, i guess.
Re: Help with a possibly impossible build
« Reply #4 on: October 25, 2011, 02:39:51 pm »

Take better sg its much easier to find and last weapons its much better than ew (sniper vs laser rifle 50/45 hexes [5/6 str requirements], dmg whatever insane crit tabel with ko is true power of that hits)

In what sniper u aim? Sniper rifle/assault, or pistol sniper like 223 / 14mm pistols?

I aim with none, really. I haven't gotten one yet to be honest :/
But I was thinking of getting a Sniper Rifle.

But are you saying that I should have 5 or 6 ST? That kinda gimps my other SPECIALS, no? :/
I dunno how I would do that and still have a viable sniper build.

But I would appreciate it if you could give me some pointers :)
« Last Edit: October 25, 2011, 02:44:57 pm by znumb »
Re: Help with a possibly impossible build
« Reply #5 on: October 25, 2011, 02:48:52 pm »

I aim with none, really. I haven't gotten one yet to be honest :/
But I was thinking of getting a Sniper Rifle.

But are you saying that I should have 5 or 6 ST? That kinda gimps my other SPECIALS, no? :/
I dunno how I would do that and still have a viable sniper build.

But I would appreciate it if you could give me some pointers :)

Oh my god,a smart newbie!Please feel free to ask for my help!

BTW,5 strenght is for sniper rifle (SG) requirement,while 6 is for plasma,laser rifles.(EW)

I generally love to save some point from strenght by using pistols in my sniping builds.But that s only a matter of taste.( a better choice for pve char in my opinion)

just remember in pure,brutal pvp,sniper rifle and crazy crits are best.

Indeed, perhaps one day we shall meet
Out in the country, or maybe on the street
Until that day here shall I wait
For death or for life, whichever my fate
Re: Help with a possibly impossible build
« Reply #6 on: October 25, 2011, 02:55:57 pm »

Oh my god,a smart newbie!Please feel free to ask for my help!

Well, thanks  :P
And since you're offering I will!

So, you're saying if I want to carry a SG Sniper Rifle I would need 5 ST. Should I recur to drugs?
Or should I put the SPECIAL points in ST and use other drugs to help with my other SPECIALS?


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Re: Help with a possibly impossible build
« Reply #7 on: October 25, 2011, 03:07:21 pm »

Yeah I've already read your post and I'm using that method to get some caps (thanks a bunch for that, also)  :)

Glad it's helpful ;)

About the mentats. Where would I be able to get them? Should I craft them? are they abundant?

Well, in the wiki there is a list of traders, you can buy Mentats from merchants who trade "Drugs". Also notice that this list tells you which ones need 3 charisma and which ones need only 1 charisma. It's very useful.

What about the perk Action boy? shouldnt I get it?

In FOnline, you gotta behave like a filthy capitalist with your builds ;) Action boy is kind of a "waste" if you want an efficient PvP build, because there is Jet for that. So no, don't take Action Boy, because perks like More Critical will be better for your sniper.

Oh, and the perk weapon handling, I dont get it at all  :-\ what does it do exactly?

All weapons got a Strength requirement and if your STR is lower than that you get a penalty, right? well Weapon Handling gives you a +3 STR bonus which only works for wielding weapons. The laser rifle needs 6 STR, so you make a build with 3 STR + Weapon Handling = "6 STR"

I aim with none, really. I haven't gotten one yet to be honest :/
But I was thinking of getting a Sniper Rifle.

So, you're saying if I want to carry a SG Sniper Rifle I would need 5 ST. Should I recur to drugs?
Or should I put the SPECIAL points in ST and use other drugs to help with my other SPECIALS?

If it's a PvP build, you shoudl think about your "signature weapon" :P if you want to use the Sniper Rifle, I recommend 2 STR, or 1 STR (especially if you're using Jet). Of course, Weapon Handling is a must.

If you go for 1 STR, you might consider not taking Small Frame, because otherwise you won't be able to carry many items.

Oh, and in case you didn't know, you can use Opera's Character Planner to save some time.
Re: Help with a possibly impossible build
« Reply #8 on: October 25, 2011, 04:07:56 pm »

Well, in the wiki there is a list of traders, you can buy Mentats from merchants who trade "Drugs". Also notice that this list tells you which ones need 3 charisma and which ones need only 1 charisma. It's very useful.

I didn't know about that! Very useful indeed.

In FOnline, you gotta behave like a filthy capitalist with your builds Action boy is kind of a "waste" if you want an efficient PvP build, because there is Jet for that. So no, don't take Action Boy, because perks like More Critical will be better for your sniper.

Hmm, I see your point.

All weapons got a Strength requirement and if your STR is lower than that you get a penalty, right? well Weapon Handling gives you a +3 STR bonus which only works for wielding weapons. The laser rifle needs 6 STR, so you make a build with 3 STR + Weapon Handling = "6 STR"

Ahh! Now I get it! forgive my noobiness  ;D

If it's a PvP build, you shoudl think about your "signature weapon" if you want to use the Sniper Rifle, I recommend 2 STR, or 1 STR (especially if you're using Jet). Of course, Weapon Handling is a must.

I get it. But, wouldn't that severely hinder my carry weight? And wouldn't that be substantially bad for a new come player? (You see my doubts here? I don't have a main wastelander that can supply me with caps and drugs, hehe.)

Oh, and in case you didn't know, you can use Opera's Character Planner to save some time.

Yeah, that's what I used  :)



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Re: Help with a possibly impossible build
« Reply #9 on: October 25, 2011, 04:36:45 pm »

If you go for 1 STR (or 2 STR and Jet), you might want to work on a build without Small Frame, otherwise you won't be able to carry anything. But 1 STR and Jet is way better for sniper.

Oh and about buying the mentats, you will get them faster if you craft an insane amount of weak healing powders and sell them directly to The drug dealer. From drug dealer, you will be able to buy Buffout as well, and it might be useful to carry stuff around, but of course the AGI penalty would suck if you get into battle, and I don't know if the possible addiction gives you -1 action point, which would suck as well.

Once again, good luck man ;)
Re: Help with a possibly impossible build
« Reply #10 on: October 25, 2011, 05:26:43 pm »

If you go for 1 STR (or 2 STR and Jet...

But how can I handle my Sniper Rifle with just 1 ST? 1ST + Wep Handling = 4ST, right? I need at least 5 for SG Sniper Rifle  :-\

Oh and about buying the mentats, you will get them faster if you craft an insane amount of weak healing powders and sell them directly to The drug dealer.

Once again, good luck man ;)

Thanks and thanks  ;)
Re: Help with a possibly impossible build
« Reply #11 on: October 25, 2011, 05:42:42 pm »

But how can I handle my Sniper Rifle with just 1 ST? 1ST + Wep Handling = 4ST, right? I need at least 5 for SG Sniper Rifle  :-\

Thanks and thanks  ;)

Eternauta's advices are excellent,i just feel myself into suggesting this:
Exreme build like jet users or 1str build are a pain to use in pve.Sometimes a pain even to level up.And jet is perma-addictive,wich means you will need shitloads of it.

So,i advice such builds if you are a bored rich loner craving for pvp,but if you still enjoy travelling,having fun with others and small skirmishes,3 str is best.

Otherwise,yes,in 1vs 1 on the field you are 90 percent the guy who wins,but the rest of the game is total pain.

By the way,what i meant was also level up toghether and hunt.I also run with some friends a gang of gentlemans you might be interested in,still under construction lately,but soon operative full scale.
Indeed, perhaps one day we shall meet
Out in the country, or maybe on the street
Until that day here shall I wait
For death or for life, whichever my fate
Re: Help with a possibly impossible build
« Reply #12 on: October 25, 2011, 05:47:38 pm »

Don't forget that Jet and/or cigs decreases your CH, so even mentats won't help you, if you're under those drugs effect.
Also 1 ST and small frame is enough, if you're not BGer. Small frame is imba 1st level perk what should be taken to maximize build.
You'll need atleast 9 PE for sniper rifle, if you'll use cigs, else 10 PE.
1 ST and 1 CH is a base for all normal builds, as those are useless SPECIALs. Total you have 41 SPECIAL points (with Small frame) -2 on useless stats - 39. You have 5 stats left, IN is needed only for perks, so it's 6.
So you have 33 points on 4 stats: PE, EN, AG, LK.
+1 PE from cigs, +1 AG from nuka, so you total have 35 points on those 4 stats in the end.

The bad thing: you want to talk to Sha Enin or some other traders who require 3 CH.
Well, then forget about Jet and cigs, or make CH 3 and use them with mentats, or have 30 minutes impossible to talk to Sha Enins while you're under Jet/cig effect, and then take mentats to be able to talk to them.
3 CH means you can talk to traders 24/7, even when you're fighting, when you're lying dead, walking on world map or killing innocent. Those 3 CH aren't used constantly, what means you don't need it 24/7, you can raise it with mentats when needed, because you know when you'll use this 3 CH, and you'll take mentats in that time. You can always increase your CH on 2, while you'll never compensate it if you'll take 3 CH from begining.
Also focus more on speed of shooting than critical chance, better to shoot more frequently with lower crit chance than once with higher. Take BRoF over more critical, AG over LK.
You can also scrap EN, and make 9+1 PE 9+1 AG 10 LK character, but you'll die instantly if alone.
So if you're not afraid to be killed with simple smg or minigun then:
1 9 4 1 6 9 10 and damn, you still have 1 SPECIAL left, I hate when you have too much SPECIALs and don't know where them to put to! Really, I don't know where to put it. IN? 7 IN? What for? Well +40 skill points. Oh, also with 7 IN and under mentats and Night person trait (lol) you'll be able to take Doc3 prof at night, because you'll have 9 IN and will be able craft mentats with your own character, but you'll need to get FA to 150% and doc to 110%.
Or get 6 points into EN to make it 10, don't raise IN to 7 and then remove 5 points from.. something else. 2 from AG and 3 from LK, because there's no other choice.

In other words:
If you want to be sniper who can talk to Sha Enin, then you'll need to be non-drug build (still can use nuka cola), with 1 CH who uses mentats, or 3 CH drugged powerbuild ahahaha! 3 CH powerbuild! To compensate CH lost from Jet and cigs.

There's another idea: scrap cigs, have 1 CH, use only Jet (-1 CH), drink beer and eat meantats to get +3 CH total to 3 CH. You really need to talk to those NPCs?
Re: Help with a possibly impossible build
« Reply #13 on: October 25, 2011, 06:10:02 pm »

...You really need to talk to those NPCs?

Well, put that way, I really dont want to now...

Noob question:
Also 1 ST and small frame is enough...

How will i be able to carry my sniper Rifle around and not having penalties for my ST being too low even with weap handling?

Eternauta's advices are excellent,i just feel myself into suggesting this:
Exreme build like jet users or 1str build are a pain to use in pve.Sometimes a pain even to level up.And jet is perma-addictive,wich means you will need shitloads of it.

So,i advice such builds if you are a bored rich loner craving for pvp,but if you still enjoy travelling,having fun with others and small skirmishes,3 str is best.

Otherwise,yes,in 1vs 1 on the field you are 90 percent the guy who wins,but the rest of the game is total pain.

By the way,what i meant was also level up toghether and hunt.I also run with some friends a gang of gentlemans you might be interested in,still under construction lately,but soon operative full scale.

Thats exactly what I want. I want a char thats viable in PvP but can also enjoy the rest of the game.

And I might be interested in joining such group, yes  :)
Online gaming is always better with friends!
Re: Help with a possibly impossible build
« Reply #14 on: October 25, 2011, 06:12:52 pm »

If you lack min ST requirements for a weapon, you'll have a penalty to hit which equals to 20%*ST you lack. So you'll have -20% to hit with sniper rifle, if you'll have 1 ST and weapon handling, as weapon handling perk gives +3 ST to ST requirements check.
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