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Author Topic: Questions and Answers #5  (Read 323532 times)

Re: Questions and Answers #5
« Reply #60 on: August 27, 2011, 06:35:13 pm »

BRD says that...
Your training in firearms and other ranged weapons has made you more deadly in ranged combat. For each level of this Perk, you do +2 points of damage with ranged weapons.

Does this mean that a burst of 15 would do a bonus 30 dmg (if all 15 were to hit) or a burst of 15 to would do <blank> +2?

Thx in forward  ;D ;D
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Re: Questions and Answers #5
« Reply #61 on: August 27, 2011, 08:35:34 pm »

Weapon handling is better choice imo.
It also improves range?
i mean i have 4ST, wich means that Plasma Grenades have a range of 12hex , if i use Heave Ho it will be like 6ST=15Hex (max range)....if i use Weapon Handling: 4ST+3ST=7ST wich means 15hex, and no 20% penalty?

BRD says that...
Your training in firearms and other ranged weapons has made you more deadly in ranged combat. For each level of this Perk, you do +2 points of damage with ranged weapons.
Does this mean that a burst of 15 would do a bonus 30 dmg (if all 15 were to hit) or a burst of 15 to would do <blank> +2?
Thx in forward  ;D ;D
Yes... +30dmg if all shot are hited, you can also take 2BRD wich means +60.
All bursters must have at least one BRD...And 2Toughness
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Sorry for my bad english
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Re: Questions and Answers #5
« Reply #62 on: August 27, 2011, 09:32:42 pm »

It also improves range?
i mean i have 4ST, wich means that Plasma Grenades have a range of 12hex , if i use Heave Ho it will be like 6ST=15Hex (max range)....if i use Weapon Handling: 4ST+3ST=7ST wich means 15hex, and no 20% penalty?
Yes.  Exactly.  Heave ho! ONLY, gives range that is lacking, but doesn't help with accuracy.  Weapon handling will give that range + negate the lack of strength when determining chance to-hit.

But it only needs 4 Strength, so although you dont have full range, there is no to-hit penalty.  So either perk will work for grenades.  Weapon handling just works for all weapons so if you run out of nades i figure pull a smg out.

But for the love of god dont take my word for it.
« Last Edit: August 27, 2011, 09:37:13 pm by Michaelh139 »
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Re: Questions and Answers #5
« Reply #63 on: August 27, 2011, 11:40:09 pm »

Ok now some Repair questions.

1. How many times can you repair an item befor you can no longer repair it anymore?
2. Does luck have anything to do with repair?
3. What is the formula for repair? (I don't see the point of adding billions of points to repair if nothing ever changes.)
4. How many time can you repair an item befor the tool you have breaks? (Or is it just a critical faliure that breaks them?)

Thx in forward.  ;D ;D
« Last Edit: August 27, 2011, 11:56:58 pm by Caffeine »
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Re: Questions and Answers #5
« Reply #64 on: August 28, 2011, 03:08:39 am »

1. Depends on your skill
2. Don't think so, I have 1 luck yet repair like a pro ;D
When you hear people talking about the great leader of the Armeggedon Arms Co., there talking about me. On the flip side when you hear them laughing about the Plague who stood next to guard and died or something else like that, that would be my brother Ben.
Re: Questions and Answers #5
« Reply #65 on: August 28, 2011, 03:36:39 am »

Some base questions:

How many people do I need to have with me when I buy a base? The wiki seems to suggest 2 is this accurate?
How do I know where the base is going to be? Does it depend where I buy it from? For example if I buy a cave from junktown will it be near there?


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Re: Questions and Answers #5
« Reply #66 on: August 28, 2011, 06:01:29 am »

2 are minimum but it helps to have more in case 1 wanders off or is killed.
Yes its accurate.
You don't know exactly where its going to be, there was a thread that explained a lot on bases, search best base, or something like that.
Yes it does but buying a base from Redding might not place it near Redding, instead it could be by Broken Hills or Vault City, once again that thread.
On your example no.
Also if you are going to buy a base from unprotected area be sure to have someone scout it first for pks and have a list of possible Generic Name ###'s ready, make sure you do not let the talk timer run out.
When you hear people talking about the great leader of the Armeggedon Arms Co., there talking about me. On the flip side when you hear them laughing about the Plague who stood next to guard and died or something else like that, that would be my brother Ben.


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Re: Questions and Answers #5
« Reply #67 on: August 28, 2011, 08:36:42 am »

Ok now some Repair questions.

1. How many times can you repair an item befor you can no longer repair it anymore?
2. Does luck have anything to do with repair?
3. What is the formula for repair? (I don't see the point of adding billions of points to repair if nothing ever changes.)
4. How many time can you repair an item befor the tool you have breaks? (Or is it just a critical faliure that breaks them?)

Thx in forward.  ;D ;D
1 I heard that a fracture after 10 can not be repaired
2 No
3 200 Repair skill its enough
4 count itself (the destruction of a number of tools affects failures)
Re: Questions and Answers #5
« Reply #68 on: August 28, 2011, 09:42:24 pm »

1 I heard that a fracture after 10 can not be repaired
2 No
3 200 Repair skill its enough
4 count itself (the destruction of a number of tools affects failures)

200? well mine is currently at 151 and i fail at a 3/4 rate (3 times out of 4 i fail).
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Re: Questions and Answers #5
« Reply #69 on: August 29, 2011, 01:46:59 am »

If you found your weapon in an encounter, it already has multiple break counts, which makes it a lot harder... even with 275 + tool I fail at "barely hanging together" some of the time. But for armors or weapons that you crafted yourself, it's fine.
1. How many times can you repair an item befor you can no longer repair it anymore?
Depends on your skill.
10 is the number of break counts a weapon has. If you crafted the weapon, you'll always be able to "try" to repair it 10 times before it is beyond repair. Even successful repair gives break count.

If your weapon has a high Deter, it's sometimes better to shoot it to 100% rather than repair it back to 0%, if the ammo isn't expensive.
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Shit! Damn admins! Always ruining my fun! I guess I'll talk to them. WITH MY FISTS!!!! No seriously, I will write them a nice email or make a thread on the forums or something. Thanks!
Re: Questions and Answers #5
« Reply #70 on: August 29, 2011, 04:53:54 am »

As i understand it, if you deteriorate a weapon to 100% this is where a break count is added to the weapon. If you freshly crafted an item and deteriorated it to say 40% but decide to repair but fail and add 20% deterioration you add to a sort of local break count which makes the deterioration faster. So when that weapon finally hits 100% deterioration is where it will add to that /10 break count.
Re: Questions and Answers #5
« Reply #71 on: September 02, 2011, 11:39:07 am »

I got one question: if i left my car near city, in random place (but not in green city square), can i find it later, or my car will be lost? Im asking because its danger to left cars in city, too many thieves there. Btw have you any advice, how to travel from city to city with car and avoid thieves?
« Last Edit: September 02, 2011, 11:41:00 am by Benjamin »


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Re: Questions and Answers #5
« Reply #72 on: September 02, 2011, 12:18:48 pm »

I got one question: if i left my car near city, in random place (but not in green city square), can i find it later, or my car will be lost? Im asking because its danger to left cars in city, too many thieves there. Btw have you any advice, how to travel from city to city with car and avoid thieves?
My advice.  Take car, drop within city limits (Like corners of the square but not in green) and you should be perfectly fine.  and after 10 minutes, as long as no one has entered it, no one can enter after that, so it's basically a free tent and you are scott-free.
Whenever I say something, imagine \"In my opinion"/ being in the front of every sentence.
Re: Questions and Answers #5
« Reply #73 on: September 02, 2011, 01:02:18 pm »

2. Does luck have anything to do with repair?

Yes, in 2 ways:
1. You will fail more often, but not that much it's something you should worry about.
2. You're more likely to break your tool or toolbox, which as a results happens more often. In my experience that's most likely to happen on weapons or armors. I have repaired cars dozens of times with a low luck character and can't remember to ever have broken a tool(box) on them.

My alt has between 180-190 repair.

My advice.  Take car, drop within city limits (Like corners of the square but not in green) and you should be perfectly fine.  and after 10 minutes, as long as no one has entered it, no one can enter after that, so it's basically a free tent and you are scott-free.

The closer to a town and the more crowded the server is, the bigger the chance you're car gets found within those 10 minutes. Which off course also depends on how popular that specific town is. For instance you'll be more likely to safely park a car in the Klamath square than the NCR square.


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Re: Questions and Answers #5
« Reply #74 on: September 02, 2011, 11:03:38 pm »

The closer to a town and the more crowded the server is, the bigger the chance you're car gets found within those 10 minutes. Which off course also depends on how popular that specific town is. For instance you'll be more likely to safely park a car in the Klamath square than the NCR square.
True, but the chance is still very very low if you park right with the square of town.  Only for that split second of leaving or entering the town to enter the ncr itself can they encounter you, they cannot encounter outside, so the chance is still like.... 1-5%.
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