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Author Topic: Updater won't work  (Read 5657 times)

Updater won't work
« on: January 03, 2010, 10:22:05 pm »


Found out about FOnline not long ago, and as a great Fallout fan I'm very excited.
I've reinstalled my precious Fallout2 and downloaded client/updater.
When trying to update it seems to connect to the server and notifies:
Code: [Select]
   Begin checking...
   Receive FOnline.exe 1065534 bytes.
and just stucks there, it won't download a thing.
Also, when trying to run the client:
Code: [Select]
Starting FOnline...

FEngine Initialization...
DInput init...
DInput init success.
Sprite manager initialization...
Sprite manager initialization complete.
Sound manager initialization...
Sound manager initialization success.
Loaded<102> critter types.
Resource manager initialization...
Resource manager initialization complete.
Init iface...
Load data.
Load sprites.
Load sounds.
Init iface success
Object manager init...
Object manager init success.
Hex field initialization...
Hex field initialization success.
FEngine Initialization complete.
Network init...
Connecting to server <>.
Connecting Ok.
Network init successful.
CFEngine::NetInput - Socket is closed.
Traffic transfered statistics, in bytes:
Send<167> Receive<0> Sum<167>.
Disconnect success.
FEngine finish...
Traffic transfered statistics, in bytes:
Send<167> Receive<0> Sum<167>.
Disconnect success.
Resource manager finish...
Resource manager finish complete.
Hex field finish...
Hex field finish complete.
Sprite manager finish...
Sprite manager finish complete.
Sound manager finish.
Sound manager finish complete.
FEngine finish complete.
FOnline finished.

I thought this is a router/port issue, and opened the ports (2238 and 4040) specifically, but with no results.
Can anyone help?

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