No. The game needs Tactics cover system, not random stuff because something deems unfair.
Making it safe to move in range and field of view would just make fog of war useless and fighting would be about random generators and not people.
Not to mention aiming is silly anyway, since there's little reason for people without >20% crit to attack anything else than eyes. This should be changed - like possibility of crippling/stunning without criticals or doing better damage without effect on criticals.
Now I don't quite follow you.
If you do not take eyeshots while KO, you'd have to take multiple good crits before it to really die.That way people would have much less reasons to worry about moving into line of snipers ultimately favouring fast rushes than any further planning.
We already know that crippling and even aiming eyes will be much bigger deal after update, there's little need to suggest making it even less threat as it is now.
I personaly do not play or ever tried to play any character that can use sniper rifle or gauss pistol, but I always liked the idea of killing fields where you can't just walk somewhere, where it is watched. Though instakills were silly, KOs would make more sense, especialy if for example they could be removed by FA or chems.